AITA for asking my GF to wear less revealing clothes?

A Redditor shared a story about a disagreement with his now ex-girlfriend over clothing choices. He felt uncomfortable with her wearing revealing outfits, like short skirts and thong bikinis, and asked her to opt for something a bit less revealing.
However, after readers pointed out that he might be overstepping, he decided to test his own comfort level by wearing a revealing outfit himself. His girlfriend’s reaction led to an unexpected outcome. Read on to find out how it went!
‘ AITA for asking my GF to wear less revealing clothes?’
My GF often wears short skirts and when we go to the beach/pool she wears a thong/g-string bikini. I’ve told her it makes me feel uncomfortable as I don’t like others guys being able to see more than they should. I’ve asked her to wear slightly longer skirts and full b** bikini bottoms. AITA?.
Brainjacker − Yes, YTA. Your insecurities are yours to manage and if you don’t like what your partner wears it’s your choice to stop dating them or to get over it – not to make them accommodate your feelings about other men.
pluvio_fille − YTA. You’re objectifying your own gf and trying to control what she doesn’t with her own body. Just because you’re sexualising her doesn’t make her choice of clothing or swimsuits inappropriate.
Would you wear glasses and face mask if she said she didn’t want other people to be able to look you in the eye and see your smile because she find those features attractive and doesn’t want to share?
You need to accept her choices and get comfortable with them. Just because someone can see a person’s body doesn’t give them claim over it, allow them to share an intimate connection with it or treat it as an invitation.
Either you need to stop objectifying women yourself and appreciate your gf and allow her her freedom to be comfortable. Or accept that if you’re a modest person who wants a modest gf, you need to find someone who fits that description. Stop trying to change who someone is to make them fit the mould of who you want them to be.
Accomplished_Ad_8013 − YTA. G strings are in right now. Youre treating her like your daughter, not your girlfriend and that is really creepy. That is just how people dress at beaches and pools. Third generation Floridian and I can say this confidently.
If having a hot and confident girlfriend upsets you then break up with her. “I don’t like others guys being able to see more than they should.” is just such a gross statement overall.
[Reddit User] − YTA. Your insecurity is not her problem.
Far_Cauliflower_3637 − Wear a skimpy man thong at the pool so you guys match!
Sea-Tea-4130 − NAH-It really isn’t up to you what your gf wears. She’s obviously comfortable showing her body in the clothes she wears. That’s her comfort level. You either get comfortable with it or find someone more conservative with their attire that sync up with your views on it.
[Reddit User] − I think at the very least you should tell her about your insecurity. It doesn’t make you an a**hole to feel that way. Just listen to what she has to say about it
ConstantAggressive − YTA and retaliating by wearing a “borat mankini” just screams to your girlfriend “HEY D**P ME I WILL EMBARRASS YOU FOREVER BECAUSE I AM ASHAMED MY GIRLFRIEND HAS A BODY” but you do you, boo.
Glittering-Peaks-808 − YTA. Did she own these before you met her? I’m sure she didn’t just change the way she dressed after y’all started dating. If you’re not ready to date an attractive woman that men will look at REGARDLESS OF WHAT SHE IS WEARING then maybe find somebody less traditionally and societally attractive. She could wear a scuba suit and men will still stare bro.
RealMarokoJin − Yes, YTA. Here’s the thing: date girls who match your clothing preferences and don’t go after people who aren’t matching you. There are plenty of women who dress the way you like so… what you’re doing is a (useless) power move and it’s quite despicable.
Do you think he was being hypocritical, or did his experiment prove a point? How would you handle disagreements about clothing with a partner? Share your thoughts!