AITA for asking my friends to pick me up underwear?

A Reddit user shared their experience of asking friends to pick up a pack of underwear while shopping for supplies during a weekend Airbnb trip. While others asked for personal items like deodorant and toothbrushes, the friends refused the user’s request, saying they weren’t their “mom.” Now, the user wonders if their request was unreasonable. Read the full story below to decide if they were in the wrong.
‘ AITA for asking my friends to pick me up underwear?’
I (21m) rented an Airbnb with friends for a weekend trip. On the first day, two of my friends (both guys) announced they were going to target to get supplies. They said they would buy anything anyone needed as long as we venmoed them.
At first I thought they meant supplies we all needed, but then some people started asking for personal stuff (deoderant, toothbrushes, etc). Realizing I packed JUST enough underwear for the trip (never a good place to be), I asked them to pick me up a pack. I told them literally anything is fine (I’m not picky there lol).
When they came back, they brought everyone else’s items but mine. When I asked why, they said they weren’t my mom and I could have handled this myself. They were very cold in the moment and made me feel like an a**hole. Granted they seemed to forget it a bit ago but I have no idea why my request bothered them if no one else’s did. AITA?
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
steinerific − They’re the assholes because they missed a great opportunity to prank you. You told them that “literally anything is fine” and they didn’t come back with something ridiculous? Granny panties? Pink thongs? Kid-sized briefs with cartoon characters? You have some seriously l**e friends.
Friendly_Fall_ − So they’re everyone else’s mom?
volumeoforgottenlore − They’re the assholes. I would have just bought you the damn underwear.
Previous-Charity6155 − NTA. I think your 2 friends expected to go to Target to get things for the group that would be impractical to pack (ex: snacks) and offered to shop for other things, expecting they would get requests for things like toiletries, that people can easily forget to pack.
They may have gotten o**rwhelmed by the amount of requests and frustrated that you requested clothing, which adults should not forget to pack for a trip. They shouldn’t have been passive-aggressive, and you should have been more careful packing.
Magoo69X − ESH. I think they meant they’d get beer and chips. Suddenly people are asking for tons of things they should have packed. Underwear might have been the last straw. They could have just said no instead of being jerks but how do you forget underwear?
TelephoneDiligent671 − NTA. These friends sound like the sort who wouldn’t pick up tampons for their partners.
alphabetacheetah − NTA it’s underwear like who cares
DealMinute8211 − NTA. It’s underwear for gods sake, that’s so childish of them.
Pale_Height_1251 − NTA, I think this is a young man “everything is embarrassing” thing.
Kennaham − NTA. If I’m in their shoes and my friend is asking me to pay for underwear, I’m going to assume they forgot to pack it or lost a pair in transit or maybe s**t themselves. Either way, I’d be an adult, not ask questions, pick up some underwear, and send a venmo request. It seems so weird to just not take care of your friend when he’s asking for your help and it literally costs you nothing
Do you think the user’s request for underwear was an overstep, or were the friends being unnecessarily harsh? How would you have handled this situation in a shared trip setting? Share your thoughts in the comments below!