AITA for asking my boyfriend to shower after flying/ airport?

A Reddit user is struggling with her boyfriend’s reluctance to shower after flying, especially when he’s exhausted. Concerned about the germs he might be bringing into their shared bed after a day of airport travel, she’s wondering if it’s unreasonable to ask him to shower even when he’s tired. Read on for the full story!
‘ AITA for asking my boyfriend to shower after flying/ airport?’
My boyfriend refuses to shower after the airport when he is tired. Which comes at a cost when he transfers germs into our clean bed. I understand the circumstances of long travel days etc. and will save the list of reasons why you should shower but am I the a**hole?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
Stay_W0K3 − I didn’t realize others really expected this. What if your flight lands at 2:00 am? I’ve been so exhausted from travel before that I’ve just crashed, and so has my partner. We’ve never once thought to force each other to shower first. YTA
RedDirtDVD − YTA. He’s not flying n**ed I hope. Wash hands, brush teeth, put on PJs or get n**ed and go to bed. If I’m coming home after a long flight and want to sleep the last thing I want is to wake up with a shower and then have trouble falling asleep.
keesouth − YTA. It sounds like you have germophobia. Showering after a flight isn’t necessary. I doubt he’s sleeping in the clothes he flew in, so he’s fine to wait
Relarcis − NTA for asking. YWBTA for insisting. I live with someone who is very conscious about germs, and I usually oblige when they’re concerned about cleanliness. Ask yourself whether you two are compatible on the matter.
Enar130 − I think reddit hates showers
Smoothyworld − It’s a “nice to have” but expecting it all the time? Unreasonable. Relax, you are not going to catch anything. YTA
GoatHerderFromAzad − I think you arte a little too focussed on “germs”. YTA – if he’s tired let him go to bed and shower in the morning.
Enough-Process9773 − NTA. I have been so tired after a 24-hour day awake and travelling, that I have fallen into bed and slept without even properly undressing – but that was a bed I was not sharing. If your boyfriend is too tired to shower, he can go to sleep in all his filth somewhere *other* than a nice clean shared bed.
aoife_too − NTA. These comments are wild.
TheMightyKoosh − Just wash the sheets in the morning
Do you think it’s reasonable to ask for a quick post-flight shower, or is it too much to expect when someone is worn out from traveling? How do you handle these post-travel routines? Share your thoughts below!