AITA for asking 2 guys in front of me at the concert to please seat down because they were obstructing the view?

The user attended a K-pop concert with their younger cousin, both of whom are short and had premium seating tickets. Unfortunately, two tall guys in front of them kept standing during the performance, blocking their view.
After unsuccessfully asking the guys to sit down, the user firmly requested that they remain seated for the sake of those behind them. While other audience members supported the user’s request, the tall guys called her a “massive asshole” for ruining their mood. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for asking 2 guys in front of me at the concert to please seat down because they were obstructing the view?’
I(30sf) have been to a kpop concert with my younger cousin (13f) and due to age and both of us being very short (just a bit over 5 foot) we bought premium sitting tickets. Again due to the venue rules she is not allowed to be at the standing area due to her age.
This is a band my cousin wanted to see live for years and was looking forward for the concert since it was announced and even travelled from different country to see the show (they were not performing at our homecountry).
Now to the issue: the seats in front of us were occupied by 2 very tall guys (6 foot +) who kept standing up at each song regardless of the tune, even there wasn’t anyone standing in front of them.
Even with me and my cousin standing up, we wouldn’t be able to see anything due to how tall the guys were and the same applied to the people seating behind us. After a few songs I got very annoyed as my cousin was feeling upset as she couldn’t see the show.
I have tried talking to the guys first asking if they would mind changing seats so we can see the show too, which they declined. After I have lost my cool and basically turned a grumpy adult mode on and asked them to please glu their bottoms to the seats since there are other people in the venue who can’t see the show they also paid for because of them being inconsiderate.
I have also said I will consider calling a steward about this as I don’t think it is fair to obstruct the entire view like that. Quite a few people on our row and row behind us agreed, while the guys in question called me a massive a**hole and mood k**ler.
Some more info: the guys were around 17-20 and the seats were automatically allocated at the time of purchase, so we couldn’t choose our seats, otherwise we would have chosen something closer. The concert in question was yesterday.
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
bathroomstallghost − want to stand up? get pit tickets. sold out? then sit the f**k down. anyone that stands in the seating area is automatically the a**hole. most everyone else wants to stand up too but they dont because its the COURTEOUS thing to do. NTA
[Reddit User] − NTA, you paid to see the show, you have the right to see the show
JimmyRickyBobbyBilly − NTA. My son and I have gone to concerts together. I’m 6’3 and he is currently 6’7 and growing. We are SUPER cognizant about the people behind us even when we’re seated to make sure we aren’t blocking their view. Nobody wants to pay to see our backs or our heads. The two guys you were behind have no manners.
IRUL-UBLOW-7128 − I love all the YTA comments. Just goes to show you how many e**itled assholes are out there, as they should sit the f**k down if you ask them to or f**k off and go dance in an aisle somewhere. This is why I only go to venues with a balcony and I get in the front row.
JD7475 − NTA. This is the biggest reason that I refuse to go to concerts anymore. It’s either spend your time staring at the back of some inconsiderate persons pants or stand the whole time. There needs to be some areas that are “no standing”.
fibrefeather − NTA. Cmon. It y’all were following the rules of the venue and backed by security? Absolutely not the AH.
OK-NO-YEAH − I was just at a concert on Saturday and there were seats right behind the front area where people were standing. I was standing there with my partner. A woman in the seats about 8 feet behind us asked us if we would move- and guess what? We did! Not a huge deal.
I don’t understand why people take such offense at being asked to consider others. Kindness actually makes you feel good. NTA.
KidultingPenguin − NTA. Being short at a concert is hard enough.
phostachio − NTA, those kids sound like pricks and I’m glad you told them you’d call the steward. I’m a tall guy, and I’d never do this. I feel bad enough sitting in front of the people behind me, I always slouch in my chair to make sure I’m not blocking the view. (btw I called them kids because the way they reacted was so immature, not because of their age)
Desolate-Dreamland − NTA OP, buncha e**itled lil shits in the comments here. “Oh, you wanna sit, uhm, well I don’t, so I think you’re ridiculous” or “Well buy better seats” or whatever. Y’all are short, the people in front of you were e**itled shits like all the people in the comments thinking you’re in the wrong.
They thought their desire to stand, thus blocking the view of TWO ROWS behind them, was more important than ALL of you being able to see. There is a lack of courtesy in a lot of people and it’s disheartening to watch people act incapable of understanding empathy.
Did the user handle the situation appropriately, or were they out of line? What do you think? Share your thoughts below!