AITA coffee spill at the continental breakfast?

A Reddit user shares their experience at a Disney hotel, where a coffee spill accidentally splattered onto a nearby guest during the continental breakfast.
Despite apologizing and cleaning the mess to prevent others from slipping, the splattered guest demanded compensation for a new shirt and tide pen, claiming the incident ruined her day. The user declined, stating it was an accident, and left with their children to enjoy the day. Read the full story below…
‘ AITA coffee spill at the continental breakfast?’
Aita at the Disney hotel and was making coffee, the cup spilled out of my hand as I was putting the lid on. It splattered all over the floor, myself, and it also lightly splattered on a person behind me. She kept saying I wasn’t taking responsibility for spilling on her.
The first thing I said was I’m sorry and immediately started cleaning up the coffee on the floor so no one slipped. She was complaining of it being a new shirt and her day was ruined. I just kept saying I was sorry as I’m on the ground wiping up coffee.
She demanded I take responsibility and buy her a new shirt and tide pen. Because it wouldn’t come off with a napkin. She continued to loudly say you’re not going to take responsibility for this.
I told her it was an accident and I didn’t intentionally throw coffee on her. I Walked out after I cleaned the floor off and went to Disney with my 9 month old, 5, and 7 year old.
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
EmceeSuzy − I’m having trouble believing that none of the hotel employees intervened to clean the spill. I am not a disney fan but they are known for extraordinary customer service.
BaconEggAndCheeseSPK − She was making a big deal of it in the hopes that Disney staff would notice and give her a gift card to get a free t shirt.. NTA.
Apart-Ad-6518 − NTA. She demanded I take responsibility and buy her a new shirt and tide pen. Because it wouldn’t come off with a napkin. When did *an accident* become “buy me a new one”?
Is she likely to be wearing something that can’t be put in a washer on a vacation? I suppose you could’ve offered to pay for dry cleaning but I’m really eye roll f f s on this one.. Eta missed word
MrTibee − If she was close enough to get some of it on her then she is the a**hole not giving you personal space.
StAlvis − INFO. the cup spilled out of my hand as I was putting the lid on. Were you holding this full cup of coffee *in the air* while trying to put the lid on? Or did you have your hand around the cup to steady it as it was *sitting on a solid surface* and you attempted to put the lid on?
FiftyShadesOfGregg − NTA, it’s absurd to claim you owe her a new shirt when her only attempt to clean it was to wipe it with a napkin. Is this her first day on earth? Coffee comes out easily with water and soap. Maybe you could have been more helpful by suggesting that solution, but it doesn’t sound like she was being reasonable.
dragonetta123 − Coffee washes out. You said sorry. NTA
kharmatika − NTA. You don’t owe someone a shirt because of an accident.
_Counting_Worms_1 − I just can’t get over the fact you took a newborn to Disney….
FairyCompetent − NTA. She’s out in public, not in a bubble. S**t happens. If she spilled coffee on herself would she immediately go purchase a new shirt or would she just change clothes?
Or honestly just wear the coffee stain? I think there was more going on in her life than was immediately obvious, and you happened to brush up against someone already on the brink. Don’t worry about it.
Was the Reddit user right to focus on cleaning the floor and apologize, or should they have gone further to compensate the affected guest? How would you handle a similar situation? Share your thoughts below!