AITA “blocking” a cycleist from passing on bridge that is pedestrian only?

A Reddit user frequently walks their dogs across a pedestrian-only bridge on a college campus. Despite clear signs and physical barriers prohibiting bicycles and other vehicles, a cyclist approached while the user was on the bridge.
When the cyclist expressed frustration for being “blocked,” the user defended their position, reminding him that it’s a pedestrian bridge. The cyclist dismounted and passed, calling the user a “jackass.” The user is questioning whether they were in the wrong for their actions. Read the full story below for more details.
‘ AITA “blocking” a cycleist from passing on bridge that is pedestrian only. ?’
Part of my walk/ with my dogs is on a college campus. We walk over a pedestrian bridge. on both sides of the bridge there are signs that it is pedestrian only as well as poles and things on the ground to deter bikes and other modes of transit from riding on the bridge.
Of Course, people will get off, walk through/over them and get back on. When I walk on the bridge, I give my dogs as Much slack as possible which usually ends with me in the middle of the bridge and my dogs right next to the railing.
Of course, if someone is coming from the other way I pull my dogs close to me and get to the side and also look back constantly in case a runner is coming. However, I don’t feel I need to move out of the way from a biker, skateboarder or scooter rider. I was off today so, was on a walk later than I usually am on week day.
A cyclist was in front of us, swerved to a stop in front of us and angrily said, “you’re blocking the bridge.” I said, ”and you‘re on a bike.”The man said, “so f**king what?“ I replied, ’This is a pedestrian bridge.” Dude got off his bike and walked in passed me but called me a j**kass.. AITA?
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
tatersprout − NTA – I guess he learned something that day. He sounds like an AH.
jrm1102 − NTA – absolutely not and I do the same exact thing. Happened to me this week on a ramp chock full of signs to walk your bike down it. Those signs are there for a reason and I am not getting out of your way.
SailorOfHouseT-bird − ESH at best. YTA for giving your dog extra slack on the bridge.
NandoDeColonoscopy − You’re seeking confrontation, so YTA. You also aren’t in charge of enforcing Bridge Law or whatever. Chill out. You can say something to people, but don’t intentionally not move of their way using your dogs as traffic impediments.
mmavcanuck − ESH – Far more so the cyclist, but please don’t put your dogs at risk just to prove a point.
agawl81 − YTA for not heeling your dogs. You put THEM at risk to FU a bike rider breaking the rules. You also made anyone coming past you ON FOOT have to wait for you or deal with your dogs.
Having-hope3594 − NTA. He needed to get off his bike. He was breaking the rules/law. Pedestrians should be able to walk safely and be relaxed on the bridge.
AngryTrucker − YTA. It’s safer for the cyclist to take the pedestrian bridge than the road.
Inconceivable76 − ESHdon’t be an a**hole dog owner. I cannot stand owners like you that think you’re e**itled to whatever space your illegal flexileash gives you.
[Reddit User] − YTA -You aren’t the bridge police, mind your own business.
Was the user justified in standing their ground on a pedestrian bridge, or should they have moved to accommodate the cyclist? How would you handle a similar situation? Share your opinions below!