AITA because my brother took candy from my daughter?


A Reddit user (33F) shares her frustration over her brother (25M) taking candy from her 3-year-old daughter’s Halloween stash without asking. After helping him with his costume and driving him around for the evening, she finds out that he took the only full-size candy bar her daughter had received.

Despite offering to replace it, the user is upset that he didn’t ask before taking it. The brother downplays the issue, claiming it’s not a big deal since her daughter wouldn’t remember.


The user feels it was disrespectful, especially since they always ask her daughter before taking anything from her stash. To read the full story, see the original post below…


‘ AITA because my brother took candy from my daughter?’

Last night, I (33F) took my daughter (3) out to trick or treat to a good neighborhood in our area (full size candy bars, and even some of the houses had shots for the grown ups). I got up with a migraine to help my brother (25) get his makeup ready for his costume and even helped him dye his hair for it.

Did all the driving to the places we went to since he doesn’t drive(including back to his place for a different pair of shoes when his broke). When we got back to my house, I was changing outfits to go the the bar’s karaoke costume party. I invited him calling because he asked if anything adult was going on that night.


In the 30 minutes it took me to change my outfit and do the makeup look for it, he apparently helped himself to some of her candy, including the only full size bar she picked out that night. I had no idea he did this until this morning when I was sorting through her candy bag.

I texted both him and my mom who’d been with us and he said “oh yeah. I ate it. I’ll get her a new one.” I was like “really bro? Her only full size one and you just took it?”. “I said I’d get a new one!”. “That’s not really the point..”


“Then what is the point? I couldn’t have the candy cause it’s full size? She’s not even going to remember and I said I’d get a new one for her. Stop making a big deal out of it.”
I told him I wasn’t going to entertain that with a response and that he needed to figure out what he did wrong. He tried to call me but I didn’t pick up. I mean, am I wrong to be upset here?

The point was it wasn’t his candy to just help himself to, he could’ve at least asked. Even her daddy and I ask her first before we grab a piece of her candy. AND it was her only full size one on top of that..


Here’s what Redditors had to say:

ISOCoffeeAndWine −  “She won’t remember…”?  Your brother sounds like he feels he can take advantage of people if he thinks it won’t affect them. But that’s not his decision to make. NTA

WillLoveCoffee4Ever1 −  OMG so NTA! Shame on your grown brother for “taking candy from a baby.” He’s a grown man, who can’t drive himself? Why does he need so much help at 25 years old? He also has control and boundary issues.


He’s also disregarding the feelings of your little girl, and I’m sorry for that. That’s disgusting. She may be only three, but she still has feelings and she understands when something makes her feel bad. She may not fully understand what he did, but we all do.

Briiiiiiyonce −  NTA. What the f**k. He’s a grown man actually stealing candy away from a baby. What a joke.


InValuAbled −  NTA. You’re teaching your daughter about boundaries, responsibility, and ownership by asking her permission about her things. He just trampled all over the idea. I guess that’s also a valuable lesson in theft and trust. Still, not nice of him. D**k move, my dude. D**k move.

Boodle6 −  NTA. Brother sounds like either a 12 year old or total b**. Seriously, why is a 25 year old acting like a middle schooler?


MelodyRaine −  NTA he literally stole candy from a baby, what a s**fish j**k your brother is.

Wooden_Door_1358 −  Everyone’s up in arms about your child. But you are the one who noticed. Not your child. Did your child notice and was upset? Or you told her and then she got upset? Or she’s 3 and doesn’t f**king care bc she has tons of candy?


SufficientBasis5296 −  Girl, you have to stop being his older sister or stand-in mum. He is a grown ass adult who is enabled by the stoopid women in his life to behave like a perennial child.

You and your mother are at fault here. You can only act for yourself, but I’m telling you, if you do not distance yourself from that leech, your daughter will be the one to pay the price.


Past-Minimum-7632 −  NTA. Stop doing things for him!! He has ZERO respect for your daughter and you so why do you treat him like a prince? Stand up for your daughter and don’t allow him back at your house. He’s a t**ef.

Lanky-Jello-1801 −  NTA OP. Your brother on the other hand, is a complete ah because he is allowed to be one. He doesn’t drive because he doesn’t have to. He doesn’t work because he doesn’t have to. Your mother may not be able to set boundaries, but you should.


I would tell mom and brother that he is a grown ass man and it’s time to start acting like it. Set hard boundaries and stick to them. Not allowed to come to your house. Will not drive him anywhere. Get him a bus pass or a used bike for Christmas.

Do you think the user’s reaction was justified, or was her brother’s candy snatch a harmless action? Was he wrong to take something that wasn’t his without asking? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


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