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Get Ready, This Might Be The Grumpiest Baby You’ve Ever Seen

Upon the arrival of Winter Josephine, observers were quick to remark, “She looks so mad,” given her newborn adorned with a perpetual frown. Hollie Wallis, her mother, amusingly speculated that her baby might want to be put back where she belongs. However, despite the challenging journey of pregnancy and delivery that Hollie endured, Winter’s grumpy expression managed to make everyone smile, adding a touch of joy amid the apprehension.

Let us tell you the story of this little grumpy cinnamon roll, and hope that her story will make you smile just as much as her frown.

Being pregnant with Winter was a pleasant surprise

Hollie Wallis didn’t believe her eyes looking at the pregnancy test kit result. The disbelief stemmed from her recent surgeries that removed a sizable mass from her uterus, preventing her from getting pregnant again. Blessed with two boys from a previous relationship, the news brought particular joy as her current husband had yet to experience fatherhood. Overwhelmed with excitement, she invested $50 in multiple pregnancy tests, all of which consistently affirmed the same outcome.

The doctor had some bad news

Initially, everything proceeded smoothly, and the pregnancy seemed to mirror her previous experiences. However, a turning point came during a visit to the doctor for an ultrasound, revealing a concerning absence of amniotic fluid. This protective liquid was essential as a cushion for the developing fetus, and its absence caused Hollie’s heart to sink in worry.

Diagnosed with oligohydramnios, a condition characterized by a low level of amniotic fluid during pregnancy, Hollie experienced a rollercoaster of emotions. The second ultrasound brought relief as fluid pockets were detected, and the baby showed signs of good health on the monitor. Scheduled to go to the hospital the following Monday, Hollie, sensing something was amiss, rushed to the hospital on Sunday morning

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Hollie went into an unexpected emergency situation

Hollie’s maternal instincts proved accurate as the situation escalated into an emergency. With no time to discuss with her husband, she was swiftly wheeled into the operating room once the necessary paperwork was signed. The risks of a C-section were explained, adding an extra layer of fear for Hollie, especially considering it was her first encounter with this method of delivery.

Winter’s birth was a miracle

As her husband waited outside, unaware that she was undergoing surgery, Hollie held onto a hope for her newborn’s well-being. Miraculously, Winter Josephine made a safe entrance into the world. Despite her petite size for a post-term baby, she proved to be healthy. Welcoming her family with a rather expression, Winter sported such unique frowning eyebrows, as if she found their presence rather disturbing.

Infants born with minimal amniotic fluid face the risk of post-birth disabilities, even with physiotherapy included. Some may not survive, while others might contend with incomplete lung maturation. Against these odds, Winter emerged as a survivor, embodying the same toughness as in her facial expression.

Winter survived and continues to make people’s days better

Hollie sought advice on photographing Winter, who consistently wore a grumpy expression, by sharing her pictures on Facebook. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing gratitude for Winter’s photos brightening their days.

Hollie’s attempt to make Winter a bow representative on Instagram proved difficult due to her distinctive facial expressions. Nevertheless, Winter’s photos, accompanied by her mom’s witty captions, continue to bring joy to viewers, creating a source of delight for those who follow their social media journey.

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Have you come across other babies sporting such a disgruntled expression? Spread the joy by sharing baby Winter’s story with those in need of a smile!


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