AITA for telling people my sister had an a**rtion?


A Reddit user asked if they were the asshole for exposing their sister’s abortion after she became a vocal pro-life advocate. The sister, who had an abortion a year ago with the user’s support, posts regularly against pro-choice views.

Frustrated by her hypocrisy, the user commented on one of her posts, revealing that they had been with her at the clinic. The sister subsequently blocked the user and faced backlash in her pro-life groups. Read the full story below.


‘ AITA for telling people my sister had an a**rtion?’

I’m 99% sure I’m a megga a**hole but I came here to just be sure. My sister 23f is a megga pro life advocate, here is the stupid part, I held her hand a year ago when she got her a**rtion. she never mentions it and I can guarantee that I’m the only one who knew.


I always feel like she is being super hypocritical because she got an easy access to have an a**rtion and then wants to take that away from others. I was getting sick of seeing her a**rtion kills babys posts and how she hates pro choice people so I decided to comment on one of her posts.

I commented, you where definitely pro life when I held your had last year at the a**rtion clinic. I’ve now been blocked and she was banned from most of her pro life fb groups.. AITA?


Here’s the comments of Reddit users:

crimebiscuit −  ESH but this is a good reminder that statistically women who are anti-choice are just as likely to have had an a**rtion than women who are pro-choice. Weirdly.

Ugly_Quenelle −  ESH but your sister sucks more. These “every a**rtion is immoral except my own” type people are the worst.
Edit: To the people replying to me saying she might have changed her stance after her own a**rtion. Regretting a personal choice doesn’t give you the right to try strip others of the right to make their own personal choices. She STILL sucks.


FoolishWhim −  ESH. But I’m not even mad at you for it though.

orangemetal −  NTA – this is becoming a problem in society. Back-alley actions that don’t align with your true views. If you are truly a proponent of something, it should not only be when it benefits you.


She is not pro-life if she had an a**rtion that’s plain and simple. She was pro-choice for her own sake, she can’t pick and choose when she is pro-choice that the basic cause of being pro-choice is it is up to the women/father to choose.

I don’t understand why people have such a hard time realizing this. Back to telling everyone about it, your doing something of a**hole quality but not necessarily an a**hole. She’s the a**hole for being subjective to her beliefs.


anarcissus −  ESH. she seems like a h**ocrite and there seems to be a lot of shame on her part, but still doesn’t make it your business to tell anyone about it. You’re both adults and could’ve handled it without making a scene.

qh9jcr5p −  ESH, but I applaud you for calling out a h**ocrite. I think it’s worth being an a**hole for.


inevitablegirlie −  As a proud pro-choice advocate, I 100% understand and sympathize with your frustration and motivation. But good heavens this is an awful and unforgivable thing to do to a sibling. You violated her privacy, and you treated her like a social media troll instead of your sister. YTA.

AlexWuzHere −  NTA – Your sister is being a h**ocrite and generally terrible human being for wanting to deny people access to healthcare. This is no different than if she was a temporarily disabled person who received life saving treatment through Medicare who then went on to oppose easier access to healthcare for all.


Calling her out for it, even if you did it in an extremely personal way, does not reflect poorly on you, particularly since you’ve clearly been there to support her at her worst.

Getting kicked out of (moronic) pro-life groups is not the lowest point of her life and honestly sounds like an improvement to me. TL;DR: The truth hurts, but that’s no excuse to hide from it. OP you did the right thing by calling out her hypocrisy.


istara −  NTA.This hypocrisy is ruining the lives of other women.

HollowNightCrown −  YTA for blasting her on social media before having a conversation with her about her views. That was an extremely private and personal thing to have posted about and that’s b**lshit of you, as someone who supposedly supports her, to do.


Do you think the user crossed a line by exposing their sister’s personal choice to make a point about hypocrisy, or was it a justified response to her outspoken views?

How would you handle such a situation where a family member’s beliefs don’t align with their actions? Share your thoughts below!


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