AITA for telling people my sister had an a**rtion?
AITA for telling people my sister had an abortion
Everyone Sucks
I’m 99% sure I’m a megga asshole but I came here to just be sure.
my sister 23f is a megga pro life advocate, here is the stupid part, I held her hand a year ago when she got her abortion. she never mentions it and I can guarantee that I’m the only one who knew.
I always feel like she is being super hypocritical because she got an easy access to have an abortion and then wants to take that away from others.
I was getting sick of seeing her abortion kills babys posts and how she hates pro choice people so I decided to comment on one of her posts. I commented, you where definitely pro life when I held your had last year at the abortion clinic.
I’ve now been blocked and she was banned from most of her pro life fb groups.