AITA I got mad at my wife because she caused me to fail an important interview


A Redditor shared his frustration with his wife after an important job interview went badly due to her distractions. He had been preparing for a high-stakes interview for a well-paying IT position and had warned his wife about the strict rules during the online exam.

Despite his warnings, his wife repeatedly knocked on his door, called out for his help, and played loud music during the test. This led to him failing the exam, which was the fifth interview she had disrupted in a similar way.


He told his wife he was done trying to find better jobs and suggested she return to work after the baby is born. The wife thinks he’s being unreasonable. Invite people to read the original story below.


‘ AITA I got mad at my wife because she caused me to fail an important interview’

I(27M) and my wife(24F) have been married for 3 years. She is 6 months pregnant. I have been looking for a job with a better pay since my wife said that she wanted to be a SAHM after the birth. Today, I had this interview for a position at a very good IT company which would be paying triple my current salary.

There were a lot of measures taken to prevent malpractice. I was not allowed to look anywhere but the screen, etc. The test was conducted on an online platform. I had told her numerous times before the exam about the strict invigilation.


Just 15 minutes after the test started, my wife started knocking on my study door and calling out my name saying she wanted me to open a jar. I ignored her because I would be disqualified from the interview if I looked anywhere else or spoke… I figured she’d get the hint that I couldn’t talk.

But she didn’t she yelled at me calling me an AH and went on to talk to her friends on call. It didn’t stop at the calls, she played loud music for her online dance yoga class. It was extremely distracting and I made a lot of mistakes in the exam


It was a multiple choice questions based test so I got the results immediately and as expected I had miserably failed it. I was livid at my wife. This was the 5th interview that she ruined like this.

I told her that I give up on trying to make her life easier and that I’m not ready to go looking for any more jobs since she doesn’t even want to maintain silence during important interviews. I told her to start working again after the birth and that I am ok paying for a nanny/babysitter. She said that in being unreasonable in expecting perfect silence at home.. AITA?


Take a look at the comments from fellow users:

Laena_V −  NTA, the 5th time? Why is she sabotaging you? Doesn’t she want you to make money?

Liesthroughisteeth −  Do yourself a favour…don’t have anymore kids with this woman. The less child support you have to pay when you split the better off you’ll be.


Ecstatic_Being8277 −  NTA. You said this is the 5th time she has done this? Well her dream of being a SAHM is now gone. Let her know she will be returning to work since she prevented you from getting a job that would have let her do so!

Feisty_Rip_3667 −  NTA but you have got to find out why your wife is doing this to you. 5th f**king interview she’s sabotaged? For a jar?! Don’t you have a f**king dish towel laying around to help her open it on her own? I have so many questions about why she would do that to you and 5 times.


Individual-Sort-7069 −  NTA – interviews don’t last half a day. It is perfectly reasonable to ask someone to be quiet for a short time.

TheIndragaMano −  NTA. She sounds absolutely horrible, imagine asking your spouse to do all the moneymaking, and then doing everything in your power to sabotage their chances. What was she thinking?


Rowanever −  NTA – deliberate or not, this is undermining your chances of success. Find somewhere else to hold interviews and tests – a friend or family member’s place, or even a co working space with a private room you can hire. You would be unreasonable in expecting perfect silence at home, but it doesn’t sound like she was just making normal ‘I’m living here’ kind of noise.

Selena385 −  She ruined 5 interviews? Once is chance, twice is coincidence, third time’s a pattern. NTA


soaringseafoam −  NTA, but you need to have a conversation about why she’s deliberately sabotaging you getting a better job when it’s to support her goal. I am afraid that I suspect it’s an attempt at control. Maybe she wants to be a SAHM to stop you from ever leaving, but also doesn’t want you to be a higher earner, more successful, more independent etc. I once knew someone very like this which is why this is setting off that particular alarm bell. I hope I’m wrong and she’s just not very smart.

Kari-kateora −  I had an interview two weeks ago for a job I really wanted. My partner came home from work, wished me luck, then stayed out of my way and made me dinner so that it would be ready when my interview was over. He also bought me my favourite cake. NTA, OP. Your wife is a terrible partner, and she’s almost certainly sabotaging you on purpose.


Do you think the Redditor’s reaction was justified given the circumstances, or was he overreacting to his wife’s actions? How would you handle a similar situation with a partner during an important moment? Share your thoughts below!

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