AITA for calling my parents assholes for what they did to my birthday?

A Reddit user (21F) shared their frustration with their parents over how their birthday, which falls on Christmas Day, was handled growing up. Instead of celebrating both their birthday and Christmas, they were forced to choose between the two, with neither being fully celebrated. Now, years later, when the family is planning a Zoom call for Christmas,
the user’s mom suggested they could choose either the Christmas call or a separate one on Boxing Day for their birthday. The user, feeling triggered by past experiences, lashed out and called their parents assholes for ruining their childhood. Now, family members are upset, calling the user selfish and urging them to apologize. To find out more about how the situation unfolded and what others think, read the full story below…
‘ AITA for calling my parents assholes for what they did to my birthday?’
I (21f) was one of those kids who was born on Christmas Day. Which I wouldn’t have minded at all if my parents treated this normally for example my friends boyfriend was also born on Christmas and he said his parents would do his birthday in the morning and Christmas in the afternoon and I wouldn’t have minded that at all.
However my parents said it was greedy to have two celebrations on one day so I had to choose between having Christmas with everyone else ( my family and extended family) or have my birthday on Boxing Day and not take part in Christmas ( I wouldn’t have any presents or the chocolates and stuff everyone else would, I wasn’t even allowed to help with the Christmas tree)
This was pretty s**t, either I had Christmas with everyone and wasn’t even wished happy birthday and because we wouldn’t be at school I never got happy birthdays from my friends or I was completely left out during Christmas and had a birthday where everyone was still focused on Christmas.
And if I chose birthday my parents would tell my extended family I didn’t want Christmas and if I chose Christmas they said I didn’t want my birthday so I didn’t get both from my extended family. It made my childhood absolute hell and ruined holidays for me. My first Christmas/ birthday away from home was probably the best day of my life.
Well cuz of Covid my family were talking about doing a zoom call for Christmas and my mum said “ well I guess op gets to chose to be part of the Christmas call or we call her on Boxing Day for her birthday “ I don’t know why but I just blew up and called her an a**hole and said they ruined my childhood.
It’s not like they couldn’t afford it my family is probably in the top 1% of the country money wise and even so I could’ve still taken part in festivities and only had one present. But my brothers are calling me selfish and my auntie says I need to apologise. And it’s Christmas so I feel like I should.
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
xwordmom − NTA. What were they thinking? What are they thinking? Why would anyone do that to their kid?
Trenvilla − NTA. Your family sucks, they really s**k. Why talk to them still?
HorseWithNoNames − NTA your parents are assholes.. Happy birthday
WallabyInTraining − NTA. Who the hell does that? Almost cartoonishly evil. Do they twirl their moustache and/or pet a big white cat? Do they spend a lot of time in the completely remodeled basement filled with technology and laser sharks where you are not allowed? Oh, in my time zone it just became Christmas: Happy birthday AND merry Christmas!!!
The_Big_Red_Wookie − NTA They want you to apologize. Then apologize. But do it like this. I’m sorry I was born on Christmas. I guess I should have picked a different day to come out. Even though my choices were limited when you fucked in late March.
brunette-38 − NTA Mums birthday is Christmas day, she’s like the Queen and has 2 birthdays, gets gifts and Happy Birthday along with Christmas on 25th Dec and then a day in the year of her choosing where she gets a “yes day” she wants it she gets it. She’s 70 this year.
Grandad made it known she gets 2 gifts 1 birthday and 1 Christmas. They soon realised he was serious when he stopped buying the cousins gifts for 12 months. They wanna play this game? Play the rules. You don’t get birthdays they don’t either
wind-river7 − NTA. As the mother of a Christmas Eve child, your family sucks, your mother in particular. Please don’t ever celebrate her birthday again, because after all she chose to celebrate Christmas.
taykelly28 − What the hell??? NTA at all! It’s not your fault you were born on that day and like you said, it wasn’t even a “I want more presents issue” it’s not hard at all to acknowledge both holidays. Even if they did your birthday on the 26th why wouldn’t they also let you do Christmas?
Everyone else gets both just bc their parents screwed the right time of year to avoid Christmas. You shouldn’t be punished for when your parents decided to hook up.