AITA for taking an Uber to a wedding so I wouldn’t be late?

A wedding guest shares their frustration after choosing to take an Uber to their sister’s wedding to avoid being late, leaving their perpetually tardy parents behind. Their decision led to a shortened ceremony and backlash from the family, who felt the guest should have ensured the parents arrived on time. Was it their responsibility to manage their parents’ schedule, or were they right to prioritize punctuality? Read the story below.
‘Â AITA for taking an Uber to a wedding so I wouldn’t be late?’
My sister got married last weekend. I flew into town and my parents insisted that I stay with them instead of a hotel like I wanted. My parents are consistently late for everything. I think it’s a Latin thing. I hate being late. I think it’s disrespectful. The wedding was at 2:30. My folks live about half an hour from the church. Noon rolls up and my folks aren’t even getting ready yet. They are adults and I am over dealing with them.
I get ready. I send for an Uber and I am at the church for 2:00. I check in with my sister. She asks me if I had any problems getting my parents to church. I told her that I came by myself. Shebw my white and said that I was responsible for getting them there on time. Well nobody asked me to do that. I didn’t even want to stay there. So now everyone starts calling my parents. They are getting ready.. They were about 35 minutes late.
The service was shortened because there was another wedding later that day. Everyone is still mad at me for not getting my parents there on time. My aunt said that I’m an a**hole for messing up the timing of the wedding. My mom says it’s my fault for not reminding them to get ready. Am I the only one who thinks adults should be able to be on time for their own kid’s wedding without help?
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
theanti_girl − NTA; if they need to be reminded to get ready on their daughter’s wedding day, they need a live-in caretaker. Unless you were specifically asked to get them to the church, that’s not your job. If your sister truly thinks *you* messed up the wedding by being on time, I think it’s a good time for some space between you and your family.
SecretJealous4342 − NTA. If they wanted you to do that they should have asked on advance.
Rowanever − blink blink. And your sister couldn’t have asked you beforehand to ride herd on your parents and get them to the church on time? I’m guessing everyone’s blaming you because you’re the comfortable, stress-free option. People know that you’re not going to blow up, start a screaming match outside their house, and then send in the flying monkeys. Am I right?
crockofpot − NTA, this sounds like a classic “missing stair” situation where nobody wants to yell at the problem person directly because that person is never going to change. So they instead yell at everyone else for not managing around the problem person. You now know going forward NEVER to stay with your parents again or be put in a position where you could be seen as “responsible” for them.
This is the kind of thing that’s easy to say on the Internet and less realistic to do in real life, but I kind of wish your sister had just started the wedding on time and locked your parents’ lazy asses out of the church.
Dr007Bond − NTA. No asked you to make sure your parents were on time. It’s not your responsibility to be their time keeper. Sister should have made arrangements or asked!
BoysenberryOk4496 − NTA your parents are adults and are responsible for themselves. it’s not your job to babysit your own parents.
RoyallyOakie − NTA…wow, no wonder you wanted to stay in a hotel. None of this is your fault.
_Drumheller_ − Obviously NTA. And no it’s not your responsibility to get them there on time. Unless they are like 90+ years old or in a bad mental state they are responsible themselves for not being late on their daughters wedding.
Snackinpenguin − NTA. If they knew this was likely to happen with your parents, your sister and aunt should have let you know ahead of time that they expected you to help check in on the parents. You’re an adult, as are they. They’re responsible for keeping their own time and the blame rests solely with the parents.
SpeedBlitzX − How were you supposed to know you were responsible for making sure your parents were supposed to make it to the wedding on time?? It sounds like no one told you until your sister mentioned it way too late. (Apples will come from an apple tree afterall.). NTA. Also seriously though whats with your parents being so irresponsible for not even making time just once for one of their own children’s weddings? That’s just inexcusable.