AITA for changing the package pickup each time someone uses my email for orders?

A Reddit user has been receiving order confirmation emails and package delivery information for a man who keeps ordering items using their email address by mistake. Despite attempts to contact him, the user started redirecting his package deliveries to a distant post office as a response to his repeated typos.
The man has now confronted them, calling the user an asshole for making the pickup inconvenient. The Reddit user is now questioning whether their actions are justified.
‘ AITA for changing the package pickup each time someone uses my email for orders?’
So pretty much, there’s this guy who keeps ordering things with my email. He isn’t using any other personal information of mine so i don’t think it’s a privacy concern.
So back to the point, I will occasionally get emails from random websites about an order confirmation.
I’ve never heard of most of those websites and I know for a fact none of my family members used my email to buy something. With most emails, there’s a number, name and an address (I’m assuming it’s the persons address) attached. I’ve tried texting the number and even calling but I’ve never gotten an answer.
I’d always get emails from ups to confirm the pickup/drop off area. Ever since I’ve gotten the emails, I always change the location for delivery. So instead of it being delivered at his doorstep, it gets shipped to a post office 20 miles away. He can’t change that since like I said, it’s all attached to my email.
I recently got an email from the guy and turns out, the reason he keeps writing my email is because his and mine are both almost identical. (Imagine mine is “abc” his is “acb”) so he always switches one letter therefore I get the emails. In his email, he calls me an a**hole for making the pickup so far.
When I asked him why can’t he just use his own email he said: It’s always a typo I do and I don’t feel like fixing it because it takes too much time. I’m not even joking, that’s exactly what he said. So AITA for sabotaging this guys packages?
See what others had to share with OP:
RoseTyler38 − Tell him it takes less time to change the typo than it does to go to a post office 20 miles away. Nta
Elfich47 − NTA – Just start cancelling the orders instead. While you technically aren’t break the law, you are skirting right up to the edge. Just start cancelling the orders. He’ll get the point.
ambercoveacnh − NTA- he’s obviously made this typo enough times to memorize your email, this is just laziness on his part.
[Reddit User] − NTA if he cared so much about his purchases he would take the time to spell his email correctly.
yankeegirl152 − NTA. He’s admitted to doing this as more than a typo. Instead of messing with his packages I’d start using his email for every spam that you sign up for. If you happened to randomly choose the numbers in his phone number when you need to put in a phone number for the places you know telemarketers will be calling from, that would be a shame too.
DreadGrrl − NTA I have similar problems with at least one person who uses my email address regularly, and for all sorts of things. I don’t know why this person does it, but I’ve changed so many things on said person that one would think it would be obvious that using my email address is more trouble than it is worth.
I changed her (His? Their?) cable TV billing date again today, and I set her cable box to record a couple of new shows.
ollieclark − NTA. If he wants his parcels delivered he just needs to use his own email address. I’d start cancelling the orders if that’s possible.
AuntiKrist − Next time choose a post office even farther away. NTA
textbasedpanda − NTA. Assuming you have his address, mail him a box of glitter.
1qaz0plmgh − NTA once is a typo multiple times is him not paying attention