AITA for possibly making my parents homeless?


A Redditor (17M) and his twin brother, raised in a somewhat cold household, are about to graduate high school. Their parents plan to charge them rent once they turn 18, but neither twin can afford it.

A sister offered them a rent-free place to stay while they attend university, which they accepted. However, their parents revealed they need the twins’ rent to afford their own housing. The twins are now conflicted about their decision. Read the full story below…


‘ AITA for possibly making my parents homeless?’

This isn’t just me, it includes my twin brother. My brother and I (17m) were an accidental pregnancy. For context, our oldest sibling is 37 and has a kid who goes to our high school. Our nearest sibling in age is 28. My parents always made it clear that we weren’t supposed to exist.


They were never abusive or neglectful or anything, but they were kind of cold our whole childhood. My brother and I will graduate high school in about a week, and will be 18 in two weeks. My parents have told us that as soon has we turn 18, we will have to pay rent. Neither of us have jobs, and we probably won’t be able to get jobs right now.

I confided in my sister that I’m really stressed about this, and she offered to let my brother and I stay with her while we’re in University, completely free of charge. I’m really grateful for this, and we’re planning on accepting her offer. I told my parents about this, and they freaked out.


I guess my mom was planning to move to part time work and they needed rent from my brother and I to keep up with rent. They said that they have provided for us our whole lives, and we should pay them back now that we’re almost adults.

I mean, it’s true. They have given us everything we needed for 18 years, and I really don’t want them to be homeless if they can’t afford the rent, but I don’t know how I would even afford to live with them.. AITA?


Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:

[Reddit User] −  NTA. Your parents are completely in the wrong. They have 6 children, four of whom are actual ADULTS, and their life plan is relying on 2 not even 18 years old financially? That makes no sense. You do not owe your parents anything, to be quite honest.

Whether or not you were an accident, you are their child, and in that regard they owe you. You do not owe them by virtue of them having birthed you. If they need financial assistance, they should go to their ADULT children.

Don’t worry about getting a job. Worry about your education and your emotional wellbeing. Go and live with your sister and let your parents figure their own lives out. That’s not your responsibility. Edit: spelling and updated info from OP; thank you for my first gold!

Calm_Initial −  NTA. It is literally their job as parents to provide for you for the first 18 years. You owe them nothing for that


Not_Cleaver −  NTA – They’re truing to take advantage of you. When I turned 18, my parents would have let me stay with them for free, if that was what I needed while going to school. They shouldn’t be using you and your brother for extra income. Live with your sister.

kuntsukuroi −  I also feel guilty moving in with my sister, because she has three little kids and a cat to take care of, and I don’t want to put any extra strain on her. Remember this, and make sure you’re both cleaning up after yourselves and helping around the house when you can. If you contribute and actually help her, you have nothing to feel guilty of.. Go to college and be great. NTA


Illoney −  Since no one else said it: My parents always made it clear that we weren’t supposed to exist. They were never abusive or neglectful or anything, but they were kind of cold our whole childhood. What you are describing here, is abusive! Not physically, but psycologically. If your parents made you feel like you shouldn’t exist, that is psycological abuse, without a doubt.

SunDriedFetuses −  NTA. You aren’t responsible for your parents.


tototeto −  Ok first and least important, NTA. More importantly, we should hang out sometime. I know we will be friends because of how highly you value your sisters cat.

-Cel- −  NTA. Your parents are grown adults and should be able to provide for themselves, not rely on their youngest kids. If they needed money, of all people why would they choose to ask the two who are the youngest if they have much older children with their own lives? You are responsible for yourself and your own wellbeing.


jenjen96 −  absolutely not the a**hole you do not owe your parents for raising you weather they wanted you or not. The point of being 18 and paying rent means you are free to do that wherever you want. They need to get their financial situation in order. Move far, far away from them.

[Reddit User] −  NTA. It doesn’t sound like a healthy environment for y’all to be in. They shouldn’t have made financial decisions that involve you with talking to you first.

Should children feel obligated to financially support parents who made them feel like a burden, even if it risks their own stability? Or are the twins right to prioritize their futures? Share your perspectives!


For those who want to read the sequel:

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