AITA? My parents took most of my wardrobe away as punishment and I said I didn’t want the clothes back because it’s obvious they’re not actually mine?

A Redditor shares how their parents punished them by taking away most of their wardrobe, makeup, and accessories, leaving them with only a few plain outfits. After reflecting, they decided they no longer wanted the items back, as they felt those belongings were no longer truly theirs. Now their parents are upset about the waste, but the Redditor remains firm in their stance.
‘ AITA? My parents took most of my wardrobe away as punishment and I said I didn’t want the clothes back because it’s obvious they’re not actually mine?’
I got in trouble at school this fall, I’m a junior in high school. As punishment my parents took away a lot of my things; all my clothes except 3 pairs of plain jeans and 3 plain black shirts and my coat. And all my makeup and hair stuff, purses and shoes; saying I had to earn things back with good behavior, I don’t get to engage in my hobby (fashion) till I’ve earned it. Anyway it was a s**tty couple months but I came to a couple realizations.
It was actually kind of nice to not have to think about what to wear and how I look. My friends knew what my parents had done and didn’t judge me. I also told anyone who asked why I looked like I only had one outfit what was up and it was no big deal. I know it was supposed to be a demeaning humiliating punishment to make me look bad at school but honestly it just makes them look bad when people at school know I’m only allowed to wear one thing.
I don’t want to have things that are just something someone else can hold over my head. I don’t want the old clothes and makeup back, if I’m gonna get back into that stuff I’ll do it on my own terms; I’ll buy my own stuff. So I told my parents that I don’t care if they keep the clothes and makeup; they’ve made it clear that stuff doesn’t belong to me. And it’s gross to me to spend every day wearing clothes that aren’t mine, that can be given and taken as punishment. I’d feel gross and I’d rather not wear them again.
So now my parents are mad because they’ve got a lot of clothes boxed up in the attic that the family spent money on and that are going to waste. Nobody else can wear them; my mom isn’t my size and my only sibling is my little brother.
I said I don’t care, I want clothes that are my own and those aren’t it. AITA for not taking the clothes back and letting them go to waste?
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
xanif − NTA and I find it hilarious how spectacularly that punishment backfired.
MonkeyWrench − NTA. They’re more upset about the fact that you took their power and leverage away and less about the money aspect, they just can’t admit that to you! It would be an admission that you won the round and they lost.
supermouse35 − Definitely NTA and I’m actually really impressed by how mature you are about it. Sounds like you’re surrounded by good friends, too. You’ve probably also really gobsmacked your parents because the punishment backfired so spectactularly. I imagine they’re trying to figure out if they will ever be able to successfully punish you again, lol.
MrObsidy − NTA and I seriously doubt your parents parenting skills. Trying to publically humiliate your kid is a big red flag for a parenting strategy imo.
BardicInclination − NTA Parents:”We’re taking your clothes and makeup to exert control over you and punish you!” You: Gains new levels of self confidence and independence. Parents: You weren’t supposed to do that.
arazutas − NTA. Choosing a punishment specifically meant to publicly humiliate your child is unreasonable of them and good on you for being able to take something out of this mess. I’m sorry they did this. They tried to teach you a lesson in a ridiculous and unhelpful way and you let them know exactly what you actually learned from it.
absynthe7 − NTA. Also, be careful. They may try something with anything that you do buy for yourself, just to prove some sort of “point”.
ivankasfascinator − Nta. Keep rocking the black t and jeans like a badass.
dmorrison666 − NTA I hate these types of punishments they’re stupid. My mom cut my long, beautiful hair when I got in trouble in high school and I was traumatized at first but I ended up liking the short hair so much that I kept it. Then she was mad because I kept cutting it shorter and shorter until I shaved it all completely off the day before her second wedding.
She threw a fit and told me I couldn’t be in her wedding anymore. My saint of a stepdad talked her out of it and now they have all their wedding pictures with me next to them bald lol my stepdad loved it and made it into a big picture and hanged it in the living room and my mom still hates it. It was petty but I was 15 lol.
Crolleen − NAH. You’re not TA for not wanting your clothes back but this makes me cringe. I doubt your parents took your clothes away to “humiliate” you at school. If fashion is your hobby then they saw it as something of value to you that would hopefully make you want to work to earn it back. I’m glad that not having those things taught you some things about yourself but learn this as well: if your parents love you then they have your best interests at heart even if they have outdated views or misguided punishments.
Tell them that not having your things made you realize you dont need them and that you would rather work and save to begin building your very own new collection. Say you appreciate that they are trying to look out for you and reassure them you are ok and suggest donating the old things to those less fortunate.
Sometimes parents freak out and worry that you might be being pressured into doing things you dont want to do (s** acts, drugs) so reassuring them will go a long way I think. And your friends wont always be on your side. I got called out in high school by a crush over the way I treated my mom even though I thought how she was acting was obviously THE WORST. It was…eye opening…. That said, have fun. Use condoms. Dont do meth.