AITA For kissing my friends brother without his consent during a truth or dare?
A Reddit user recounts a situation where they kissed their friend’s brother without his consent during a game of truth or dare. The brother didn’t object initially but was visibly disgusted after the kiss, leading him to leave the game. The Redditor was told by their friend that their actions were wrong and asked to leave. Now, they’re questioning if they were in the wrong. Read the original story below…
‘ AITA For kissing my friends brother without his consent during a truth or dare?’
Yesterday I was supposed to spend the night at my friends house with some of my classmates and we were playing truth or dare. There really is no reason for us to choose truth since we already know a lot about each other so we mostly went just with dares. It was pretty fun and we had some weird challenges.
I was staying next to my friends brother and when it was my turn a classmate challenged me to kiss him. His sister immediately told my friend to change the dare and so she did. To be clear, her brother did not say anything when he heard the dare and just laughed so he definitely looked like he was ok with it right?
Well WRONG because after I kissed him he told me wtf I am doing and looked like he was really grossed out by it. I was honestly a bit offended and asked him why he is so grossed by me kissing him, I am actually a pretty ok looking girl and even if I wasn’t, there was no reason for him to act like this.
He ended up leaving the game and my friend told me that what I did was wrong on so many levels and to get out of her house. My other classmates didn’t say anything so I think they were on my side but didn’t want to participate in this argument (I will ask them when they go back home). Anyways I did end up leaving. Do you guys think I was the a**hole here?
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
Mat3479 − So you want us to DM you if we think YTA? Yeah no I think I’ll do it here.. YTA. You kissed him without consent. Doesn’t matter if you’re pretty or not. Doesn’t matter if you know him. Doesn’t matter if he didn’t object. *Saying nothing is not consent. He did not consent.*
bitternerdette − YTA. Firstly if you don’t want public answers, dont post on a public popular forum. Secondly, If it was the other way round you’d be screaming bloody m**der. If he didnt say yes, or move in for the kiss. You should not have kissed him.
He has every right to reject you, doesnt matter how ok you look. If he isnt interested and hasnt consented to the kiss, you broke the basic rule. GET CONSENT. If someone doesnt give consent they are saying no.
It’s more than a little bit obvious that when his sister said change the dare, that we knew damn well he wasn’t gonna like it. The fact you still did it after that is gross. He laughed because he was trying not to insult his sisters friend, whilst his sister was standing up for him.
You are an a**hole for not checking consent after already getting a no from someone who knew him well enough to know. You are an a**hole for putting him on the spot. It doesny matter what you look like, he has every right to be pissed.
You are an a**hole because you think you can get around the subs rules by your little dm plea. And you are an a**hole for taking part in a game you dont have the emotional capabilities to know when to stop. And as a woman, you should know the deal with consent, and that it goes both ways.
And I really hope your friend does see this. Her sticking up for her brother, and throwing you out was brilliant behaviour. Seeing siblings stick up for each other is great. Edit. Thanks for the awards everyone 😍
WebbieVanderquack − YTA. You kissed someone without their consent and you were “honestly a bit offended” that they weren’t thrilled about it?
Ask yourself how you’d feel if a boy touched you without consent and they were annoyed that you didn’t like it.
RealArc − YTA. Don’t post on public forums if you don’t want the responses to be public. Also maybe he felt uncomfortable speaking up. Ever heard laughing nervously?
GrannyRosie − YTA Why are you so offended he was uncomfortable? Especially since your friend said they’d change the dare? Imagine you’re at a party and one of your friends friends just comes up and kisses you. Its thinking like this that makes people pretend men cant be raped
Edit: Holy guacamole my first award
BaconFaceHappyPants − YTA. For asssuming consent. For kissing him anyways after the dare was changed. For being offended because you’re pretty good looking (im assuming physically, because youre personality leaves a lot to be desired). And finally, for posting to a public judgement forum and then asking for all negative judgement to be issued in private.. What a f**king c**ep.
Squid0s − Yeah, asking people not to comment isn’t how this forum works. It’s a place for active discussions regarding judgements. YTA. Unconsensual kissing, touching, or comments are not okay in any situation. You made him uncomfortable in his own house. You need to apologize to your friend’s brother and not do something like this again.
Semirhage527 − YTA – laughter is often a nervous reaction and you should not interpret it as everything is okay. And him being grossed out is his right, even if you are a supermodel – there are plenty of gorgeous people I still don’t want to be kissed by. You should have realized by his sisters reaction that something wasn’t right. And Y T A again for your dumb PM request
MajesticSpaceCat − I’m actually a pretty ok looking girl and even if I wasn’t, there was no reason for him to act like this. YTA. Is it really this hard for you to put yourself in someone else’s shoes?
He could’ve had absolutely ANY reason at all for not wanting to be kissed and it’s completely valid. You don’t get to decide that. Being ok looking doesn’t make what you did okay, and you look even more like an AH for thinking it somehow makes it better.
chzmonstr − “His sister immediately told my friend to change the dare and so she did.” So…she changed the dare and you still kissed him? In addition to being creepy you seem not to understand how the game works.
YTA extra for posting on this sub demanding that anyone with negative judgments DMs you. I’m guessing you were hoping you’d get lots of N T A judgments that you could show your friend and her brother, but that’s not going to happen so if you can’t handle being negatively judged I’d suggest deleting your post.
Was the Redditor in the wrong for kissing their friend’s brother without asking for consent, even though he didn’t initially object? Share your thoughts below!