AITA for telling my friend her parents bought her house, not her?


A 28-year-old woman shared an incident where she told her friend that her parents purchased her house, not her, after the friend corrected her when she mentioned she had inherited a house. The remark came after the friend had disclosed that she had bought the house, but the user had simply said she purchased it in conversation with an employee.

This led to an argument where the friend accused the user of being rude and hurtful, while the user felt the comment was warranted after the friend’s unnecessary disclosure. Read the full story to see how this situation unfolded.


‘ AITA for telling my friend her parents bought her house, not her?’

Backstory: I (F28) have a friend (F28) who purchased a house late last year. It’s an awesome 2 story town house and I’ve been over there plenty of times to help out with moving/decorating and for hanging out. As mentioned in the title, her parents purchased the house for her and her partner.


I truly have no issue with this as the housing market is terrible for buyers so more power to them for being home owners. I recently, unfortunately inherited my parents house, which is 3 bedroom, out in the sticks. The issue: We went appliance shopping because most of the the stuff in the house was 10-15 years old.

We were standing with an employee who I had asked to recommend some smaller items like toasters and kettles when the employee asked if I was moving out as general chit chat. I told him I was moving, and he asked whether I bought or rented.


I told him bought, because it was just easier and less awkward than telling him I inherited the house. He told me that was cool and began talking about the toasters again when my friend cut in that I had inherited my house, not purchased it. The employee went quiet and I gave her a “what was that” face.

I was taken aback, she continued on saying “Yeah, *I* purchased my house”. I asked “does it really matter? I’m here to buy some kitchen appliances not tell this guy my personal issues.” She grinned and said “it’s just for the record” which made me more confused and annoyed.


(You can probably see where this is going) I replied “Oh okay then if it’s just for the record your parents purchased your house for you.” The employee quickly retreated and she walked outside of the shop. I caught up with her and she said I was a massive a**hole for pointing out she couldn’t afford to own without her parents help.

I returned with a very similar “my parents also helped me with getting a house too, just in a really terrible way.” My partner agrees with me, saying that she’s the one that opened that door, but our other friends are split almost 50/50.

These are the responses from Reddit users:

Vox_Popsicle −  NTA. She doesn’t get to be catty and look down on you for how you each got your homes. It seems like an odd disconnect that she feels superior about it at all.

leahs84 −  NTA. Your friend definitely is. The employee probably just wanted to know if you rent your house or own it but the way he worded the question totally merited the “I bought it” answer. You didn’t want to get more personal than that, but your friend decided to start playing games.


Is she normally competitive with you? Because that’s what it sounds like. This whole thing is just weird and uncomfortable. I am sorry about the circumstances for your home ownership.

Embarrassed-Storm-25 −  NTA. Holy crap, what would possess anyone to say this then *grin*?! I would argue that any person that revels in pointing out your deep personal loss to one up you to a total stranger is not your friend.


gumbuoy −  NTA. Your friend started the “let’s tell the truth” game, not your fault if you played along.

4614065 −  NTA what a gross thing to say. Why do people have such an issue with others inheriting? Their parents died FFS. You were so within your rights to snap back like that and I’m glad you did.


lkbird8 −  NTA. How on earth are your friends split 50/50 on this? What is their logic? She was being all smug and gloating about the house you just inherited after a tragic loss!!! Who does that? And then she wants to play the victim?? This woman is not your friend and anyone who can’t see that she’s the AH is just being weird.

No-Jellyfish-1208 −  I am sorry for your loss, OP. I would say NTA because, frankly speaking, it does not matter in that situation how you got a home. An employee just tried to have a polite conversation and you answered in a way that is less awkward. Your friend didn’t have to pull that.


Terran_Jedi −  The way I see it, you were gifted a house that your parents lived in, and she was gifted a house that her parents didn’t live in. There’s not much difference.
NTA, but your ‘friend’ is and personally I’d be reevaluating this ‘friendship’. Friends don’t try to one up each other, score points, or put you down.

You deserve better then this. If anyone spoke to me like that, it would definitely be the last time I ever went shopping with them. What’s so great about this upity b****, that she’s worth the abuse? Like others have said, she was just rude, and it was completely unsolicited.. For the record What record? In her head you are adversaries. Imagine what she must think of you, for her to have to say that.

[Reddit User] −  NTA. She was being needlessly rude.


thmpr22 −  That poor retail employee lol…

Was the user justified in responding the way she did after her friend’s comment, or did she cross a line by publicly calling out her friend’s privilege? How would you handle a situation like this, where personal information is shared in an uncomfortable setting? Share your thoughts below!

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