I M23 sustained an injury that will prevent me from having s** for a while my 22F girlfriend wants to open our relationship until I recover, is it time to end it?

A Reddit user (M/23) shares that after sustaining a severe hamstring injury, his sex life with his girlfriend (F/22) has been put on hold due to the pain and medications. While the Redditor was expecting understanding and patience from his girlfriend, she recently proposed opening their relationship to fulfill her physical needs until he recovers.
He feels devastated and betrayed, as he never expected such a request during a time when he is struggling with both the physical and emotional pain of his injury. Read the original story below for more context.
‘ I M23 sustained an injury that will prevent me from having s** for a while my 22F girlfriend wants to open our relationship until I recover, is it time to end it?’
I (m23) have been with my girlfriend (22f) for 2 years. 2 weeks ago I tore my hamstring while deadlifting, the pain is severe and I have to use crutches to walk and even with the crutches it is still painful, according to the doctor the injury requires at least 4 months to heal, my girlfriend took care of me since I got injured.
Before the injury we had an active s** life, that has to be postponed because the pain and the medications killed my s** drive, and even if I had a s** drive it would still be difficult and painful.
I thought my girlfriend would be patient and understanding but she wasn’t, a few days ago she came up to me and told me how frustrating it is to abstain for that long and it is unfair to keep her waiting, that her libido is high and s** is a “need” for her. She then asked for a one-sided open relationship until I recover, her justification is that it is only physical and she won’t form any. emotional bond with anybody.
I was devastated when I heard that, just when I thought the pain couldn’t get any worse, my partner of 2 years is watching me experience excruciating pain and instead of easing my pain she is adding to it, I rejected her idea and she was visibly frustrated, she tried to convince me again yesterday but I shut her down again. I don’t know what to do I feel betrayed and I don’t know if I should end the relationship
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
Desperate-Song-3875 − As a women in a long term relationship who also has a somewhat high s** drive. This is RIDICULOUS. She skipped like ten steps. There are s** toys and so many other ways to get off that don’t include other men. Even considering this is insane. I love my bf to bits and have a vibrator for a reason. Please please please break up.
Low-Agency2539 − well if you stay with her then you better hope you never get sick, or get depressed, or ever experience anything bad in life or she’ll immediately start looking to get laid elsewhere. So yeah, you break up with someone who’s this selfish
anneofred − High s** drive here. If my partner was in traction 4 months wouldn’t be a big deal at all. Also, eventually we would get creative…but I certainly wouldn’t just say “hey I’m going to f**k other dudes until you heal” that’s real wild.
KookyInteraction1837 − After just two weeks? She had someone in mind already and this is her golden opportunity 🙄
cockman690 − So if your girlfriend gets pregnant and after giving birth is not able to have s** for months will you have an open relation to.
Balerion2924 − Dude why are you still with such a woman to begin with??
Eab11 − Female high s** drive here—we can still control ourselves. I wouldn’t do this to my partner.
davekayaus − She’s already ended the relationship with her repeated requests for permission to cheat. Make it official.
Alert_Bid1531 − So she can’t wait 16 weeks? So if you had a child together and she recovers those weeks she recovering you can go out and about with women for your needs met. Nah she’s selfish if her main concern is s** and not your healing I wouldn’t waste my time with her or even trust her. Why can’t she use s** toys, sit on your face or even do stuff together that won’t disturb your healing.
Seems like she may have someone in mind and found a loophole. Been with my other half 15 years were long distance atm we haven’t seen each other since Nov together now and he’s torn his ligaments in his knee does it s**k we ain’t been intimate of course I miss him but will I be going out to find Tom d**k or Harry. Nope just will wait till Feb and flirt with him till it happens haha.
itsme999444 − You tore your hamstring not your balls. This question shouldn’t even be asked, go find a new girl
Do you think the girlfriend’s request for an open relationship during this difficult time is understandable, or does it cross a boundary of respect and commitment? How would you approach a situation like this in your own relationship? Share your thoughts below!