My (27M) in-laws informed my wife (24F) of their separation on our wedding day?

A man (27M) married the love of his life (24F) two weeks ago, but their wedding day was overshadowed by his wife’s parents’ separation. His mother-in-law chose to inform his wife about their separation while she was getting ready for the ceremony, causing an emotional distress that everyone at the wedding noticed.
The couple’s honeymoon wasn’t as joyful as expected, and now his wife wants nothing to do with her parents. The husband is torn between his wife’s wishes and his belief that her parents should be part of their lives. Should he try to repair the relationship with his in-laws, or respect his wife’s wishes?
‘ My (27M) in-laws informed my wife (24F) of their separation on our wedding day?’
2 weeks ago I married the love of my life, but unfortunately her parents (my in laws) ruined the day for us. For some reason her mother thought it would be a great idea to bring it up while my wife was having her hair and makeup done. I found out about all of this from my wife’s maid of honor.
On top of that word got out to all the guests as well. Our wedding was a whole mess, because everyone was trying to act happy for us knowing what had just happened. I noticed my wife’s eyes being swollen instantly when I saw her walking down the aisle. I could tell that she had been crying beforehand.
We ended up skipping the dance. Wedding night ended up at a fast food restaurant with our friends. Honey moon was fun, but I could tell she was not feeling a 100%. Anyways my MIL and FIL are trying to apologize to us for this whole thing. My wife said she never wants to see them again.
I’m more on the opinion of they are her parents. Like we can’t just x them out of our life. Is it worth trying to repair the relationship, or do I just stay out of it? Yeah so it’s been a rough first few weeks in our marriage.
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
ConfusedAt63 − Stay out of it. You don’t want to be blamed if things get worse. They are her parents and what her mother did to her on her wedding day was a most selfish thing a mother could do to her daughter on her wedding day.
Watch out for your MIL, she likes to stir up trouble and apparently she likes upsetting your wife when your wife should be having a good time. Has this kind of behavior by her mother happened before? If so, your wife is right in cutting contact with her self serving mother.
Sorry-Thing7797 − My wife said she never wants to see them again. I’m more on the option of they are her parents. Like we can’t just x them out of our life. You absolutely can just “x” them out of your life. Her mother knew what she was doing. No sane mother would tell their child that BEFORE she is due to walk down the aisle.
If your wife wants to never see them again then that’s what’s going to happen. They are her parents at the end of the day and it is ultimately her choice whether she wants them in your lives or not.
SnooCupcakes780 − Let her be angry, she’s angry for a very good reason. She might feel differently about cutting them off once she’s cooled off a bit but just give her time. And don’t tell her that she will change her mind, she doesn’t need advice like that right now. She will change her mind if she does and I’m sure she will let you know. But her anger is real. And she’s going be very angry about this for a while.
_Aladin − Your in-laws are f-ing assholes, like you could at least wait till the next day and tell her, why ruin her special day? Anyway i understand that u want her to make peace with her parents but stay out of it and support ur wife’s decision
anditurnedaround − Mom made a big mistake. She has to live with that. Your wife needs your support right now, so just do that. “Yes, that sucks she did that”, yes is was very selfish” … just agree to whatever your wife says. Don’t try to play devils advocate with maybe you should just talk to her.
Or maybe she was just so sad herself. It will all be okay, and if your wife forgives them ( guessing she will) support that. Don’t get caught up in the dram of it all. Just support what your wife needs in the here and now and day to day.
Butterfl_Blue0324 − Stay out of it! They knew exactly what they were doing!
squirlysquirel − Support and love your wife. She may change her mind in time, but that is not for you to worry about. She doesn’t need to fix things, she needs to grieve.. Give her love and time.
chez2202 − Your wife is the important one here and if she wants to cut them out of your lives now then that’s what needs to happen, because SHE is the important one in all of this and she deserves to feel how she’s feeling.
Your MIL is a real piece of work. N**cissist level 10. To do this to your wife on your wedding day tells you exactly who she is and that she honestly needs to be the main character in everything, including her own daughter’s wedding. Support your wife and let her do this. If she feels the need to reconnect in the future it’s up to her.
The only victim here other than your wife is your FIL. He DIDN’T decide that he should tell his daughter that he was divorcing on the morning of her wedding but he’s apologising anyway. If you feel that you need to advise her on anything you should only suggest that she might regret blaming him for her mother’s actions.
MrOceanBear − Not up to you to decide for her
NYCStoryteller − Give your wife some time to cool down. Her parents fucked up, big time. That was a totally s**tty, selfish thing to do. This is where you s**k it up for your kids and act like adults for ONE MORE DAY.
How would you handle a situation where your partner’s family creates tension on such an important day? Do you prioritize your spouse’s feelings or try to salvage the family bond? Share your thoughts below!