Update: I (22M) have a date with Jane (24F) but i have a ‘thing’ for people like Jane and this it makes it weird. How do I navigate this?

A Reddit user shared an update about their evolving relationship with Jane. After a somewhat awkward start to their first date, they are now officially a couple. The user reflects on the change in dynamics as they become closer, including a new level of intimacy and emotional connection.
However, the user feels conflicted about a personal “thing” they have for people like Jane, though no mention of it was made during their time together. Read on for the full story and the user’s thoughts on navigating this new relationship.
‘ Update: I (22M) have a date with Jane (24F) but i have a ‘thing’ for people like Jane and this it makes it weird. How do I navigate this?’
Jane and I had our date. Short version: It was very awkward to begin with, but we are now a couple, and I’ve been smiling all week about it. We went on our date on Sunday and got a coffee from a different coffee shop to the one she works at.
I felt a little nervous because normally when we hung out, we had a planned stopping time (start of shift, end of lunch, etc)so if I got awkward I could dip out, but this time it was opened ended. I made a joke asking her what she does for work (pretending it was a first date with a stranger) and she laughed but then got kind of serious.
We started holding hands and I said it didn’t feel like a first date because we’d spent so much time together already, and she agreed. I asked, if we’d already scoped each other out, does this mean we’re an official couple and she laughed again.
She said she thought a lot of labels felt dumb because they mean different things to different people. She told me that she wants to be in a monogamous relationship with me in which we get more serious as time goes on because she likes me and wants me to be her special person.
I was pretty ecstatic and ended up hugging her and said I wanted the same thing. We started making small talk after we finished out coffee and got up to leave. It started to feel like just another usual hang out so I decided to put my arm around her waist to make it feel more like a couple hanging out and not just friends, she lent into it, it was great.
We ended up walking back to her house to watch a movie. No, we didn’t have s**. When we got there she went to her room and out on some tracksuit pants and an old shirt and it was the prettiest I’d ever see her look, and I told her that.
She got really giggly and put on a movie that she had made me promise to watch (The Decent), then as it started she sat next to me and kissed me, it was a really long Kiss and it was brilliant. We ended up talking and cuddling through the movie, then put on another one.
I felt like I was talking too much but when I asked her she told me that she promised if I ever talked to much she wouldnt be mad, she’d just tell me. She also made me promise to tell her if the kissing and ‘stuff’ ever got too much because she’s also not super familiar with it.
I asked her if she liked it because I was worried she was just doing it for me but she reminded me that she kissed me first. We kissed again and it was just as brilliant. We both fell asleep on the couch. That’s the important stuff. It feels weird because not a lot has changed between us, we still hang out as much as we used to, and still text each other a bunch.
The difference is that we kiss each other now. My housemate told me to include that my manager saw me come into work on Monday and asked why I’d left my car in the parking lot overnight and Jane immediately told her that I had walked her home and slept at her place the night before, and we’re a couple now.
So now everyone knows we’re dating, and everyone at work has made a bunch of jokes about me getting laid. I don’t know where to include this but I didn’t mention anything about a fetish or a preference at all. She apologised about her place smelling once which made me sad cause it just smelt like spices, but otherwise I don’t think race was ever mentioned.
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
PlantyPenPerson − This is fantastic! You’ve done a great job and You have a lot of patience and are very thoughtful. Good luck!
FartMasterChamp − This is adorable dude! You guys sound lovely together!
Resident-Math6410 − Wholesome as hell. Inwas rooting for ya’ll from the first post. Thanks for updating and good luck in your new adventure.
TomppaTom − This is the best possible outcome. I wish you both nothing but happiness.
SabrinaSpellman1 − This is so cute! The happy earlier days of a new relationship and being so excited to see each other again. You sound very considerate and respectful OP, and she sounds like a sweetheart. It’s nice to see such a happy post and update!
reignfurrest − ok mr rizzler you’re just flexing now
lookitsnichole − It feels weird because not a lot has changed between us, we still hang out as much as we used to, and still text each other a bunch. The difference is that we kiss each other now. Honestly good relationships feel like hanging out with a best friend you can kiss.
My husband and I have so much fun together doing the dumbest things, because we really are amazing friends. I think a lot of people miss this part of relationships and it’s so important! This is a great update and I wish you guys the best in the future. ❤️
dhelor − Awww this is too cute. I’m happy for you dude! I hope this works out but it looks like you have a good start. She’s definitely into you. 😉
bloodrose_80 − I’m happy for you.
Sea-Still5427 − Bless you! Really happy for you. It actually cheered me up reading that.