UPDATE : I (26F) am struggling to come out to my late husband’s parents (50s)

A widow (26F) shares the heartwarming story of coming out as bisexual to her late husband’s parents, a journey filled with anxiety but ultimately met with love and acceptance. After confiding in her sister-in-law, who provided support and prepared the parents for the conversation, the user revealed her relationship with her girlfriend.
Her in-laws reassured her that their only concern was her happiness and expressed excitement to meet her partner.
‘ UPDATE : I (26F) am struggling to come out to my late husband’s parents (50s)’
I received a lot of great advice from the people here. I decided to come out to my sister in law. She took it really well and was very supportive. She suggested that she was going over that week and she reassured me that they would be mostly fine.
she told me about the time when they thought she was queer and they tried to support her in their misguided but still loving way which is hilarious but also endearing. When she visited them she apparently laid down hints that I wanted to introduce my partner but I was scared about how they would react and that they should try to be calm.
They reassured her that they would try to be cool. I visited last week. It was awkward and they were waiting for me to say something but I was feeling incredibly scared. I told them that I had a girlfriend. I was in love with her. we were about to move in together and I wanted them to meet her. They were quiet for a moment.
I panicked and told them that I was attracted to men and women and that dating a woman didn’t mean what I had with my husband was not real. They told me that as long as I am happy and I was with someone nice. it didn’t matter to them who I dated.
They want to meet her. It feels like a huge burden has been lifted from my back. I am out to all the people that matter to me now. It is amazing. we can only visit them next month as my girlfriend is incredibly busy with work. She is really excited to meet my family. I know they are too. I feel really lucky to have all this wonderful people in my life.
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
pacodefan − I am incredibly happy for you!
coffeeandarabbit − Awww, what a lovely update. What you did was so brave! so happy for you.
Pizzaisbae13 − You go girl! Glad that you’re happy and that your mind is at ease now
lydocia − This is so beautiful! Love is one of the few things in life that is endless. You can love your husband to the moon and back, and also love this girlfriend to the moon and back without it taking away from how you loved him. It’s good to hear that his parents are accepting and still want to be in your life! <3
FancyAirport − Without knowing you, I can say that I’m proud of you. Well done.
just-a-gay-chandler − This was so great to read I’m so happy with how things turned out for you!!
[Reddit User] − Congrats, OP. You deserve to be happy and it seems like they agree.
[Reddit User] − SIL said they were misguided but supportive. Your in laws 100% think that no man could ever measure up to their son, and are probably a little flattered 😂
NYCQuilts − I’m tearing up with happiness with you. So glad you found a new love and still have your “old” family. Hope the visit is wonderful.
timmytommy2 − Yay. Was waiting for this update.