AITAH for telling my wife what my friend names her baby is none of her business and to mind her own business?


A Reddit user shares a disagreement with his wife over the name chosen by their close friend Kiley for her baby. At a name reveal party, the user was surprised to learn that Kiley picked the same Greek name his father had wanted to give him but was overruled by his mother. While the user found the name choice cool and laughed about it with Kiley, his wife was upset, feeling it was inappropriate. She even wanted to speak to Kiley and ask her to change the name. The user told his wife it wasn’t her place and that what Kiley named her baby was none of her business, leading to tension between them.


‘ AITAH for telling my wife what my friend names her baby is none of her business and to mind her own business?’

My wife and I have been married for 2 years and together for 6. We also have a close knit friend group, one of the friends being my childhood best friend Kiley. My wife and Kiley have always gotten along well. Last week, Kiley hosted a function where they would reveal the name of their first baby. It was a pretty small function, but my wife and I were invited to the function too. The function was going pretty great and we were all looking forward to the name reveal.

When Kylie revealed the name, there was a lot of applause but my wife and I were kind of shocked. For context, when I was born, my mom had one name in mind, and my dad had another name in mind. Ultimately my mom won, because the name my dad was Greek, while my mom’s name choice was more “normal.” I’ve told this story to a few people, my wife and Kylie included.


Well the name Kylie chose was that Greek name. Once my shock wore off, I thought it was a really cool name choice. I spoke to Kiley later and we laughed about it. However, when my wife and I spoke later that night, she it was really inappropriate that Kiley chose that name. My wife asked if Kiley’s husband knows about why Kiley chose that name, and I told my wife I don’t know.

My wife has not really been in the best of moods since then and she wants to speak to Kiley about it and ask her to change the name. I told my wife not to make a big fuss about it, and what Kiley names her baby is none of her business. AITAH?


Here’s what people had to say to OP:

NoZookeepergame9552 −  NTA – but doesn’t sound like this is about the name so much that its possible your wife is now wondering if you are having an emotional of physical affair with Kiley, or that Kiley fancies you. Bc her concern seems to be that Kiley is stealth naming her child after you, and Kiley’s husband may not know that fact.

Cowabungamon −  Your wife is trying to figure out who the actual father is.


dyfish −  NTA she shouldn’t approach Kiley. But if she lowkey named the baby after you and her husband doesn’t know the story that’s kinda sus. If I was your wife I’d definitely be bringing up the story and how funny it is they decided on the same name. Just to see the reaction. Edit to add: Either way don’t expect to be hanging out with Kiley very much anymore.

lagomorphi −  Honestly, if i was your wife, i would feel this was pretty sus. As others have pointed out, Kiley is basically naming the baby after you, and the fact that she didn’t even mention this before the reveal is…sus, very sus. And also, I don’t think your ‘mind your own business’ is helping. If I were your wife I’d be having a lot of questions about the nature of your relationship with Kiley.

If i were her, i’d also cut out talking to Kiley about it and go straight to the husband. His reaction would tell me everything i’d need to know about it. So yeah, if you want to save the trust in your marriage, I’d do better on this, otherwise you could find that you’re left with…Kiley.

Flamsterina −  Why did you spell the name two different ways?


IJRoleplayer85 −  Men who allow their “female besties” to do this weird ish and try and invalidate their actual wives feelings are insane.

rabbitfluff345 −  idk dude, it’s pretty weird that your old friend is naming her baby after your “almost name”. Your wife feeling like that’s off is definitely valid.


Lilac-Roses-Sunsets −  NTA. That’s assuming that you never had anything going on with Kiley EVER. No kissing or any “exploring” when you were young or s** later on. Regardless Kiley has now given your wife a reason to NEVER trust her again. In fact she probably won’t believe that there is nothing going on between you.

That most likely at one point there was something. While it’s Kikey’s choice to name her kid whatever she wants you better make sure that you are not texting/talking/any alone time with Kiley. NO emotional affair crap. Your wife shouldn’t talk to her. That die is cast. Don’t expect your wife to want you anywhere near Kiley.


tb0904 −  It is a pretty odd thing for Kiley to do. And so is a name reveal party. Ick.

bacongrilledcheese18 −  NAH. Your wife’s perspective is totally valid. And if I was your friends husband, that’s definitely something I would’ve liked to know, so I can’t fault your wife for side-eyeing this.


Do you think the user was right to tell his wife that Kiley’s baby name choice was none of her business, or should he have supported his wife’s feelings? Was the wife being too overbearing, or was she justified in her reaction? Share your thoughts below!

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