My parents falsely accused my brother of being a c**ep and it’s really affecting him.
A Redditor’s 15-year-old brother was falsely accused by their parents of inappropriate behavior when their sister’s clothes were found in his room, with some of them being wet. The parents immediately jumped to the worst conclusion, calling him a “predator.”
The brother, devastated by the accusations, spent several days in silence at the Redditor’s house, visibly upset. Eventually, the parents apologized when it was discovered that their dog had taken the clothes. The Redditor is now seeking advice on how to support their brother and help him feel better. Read the original story below.
‘ My parents falsely accused my brother of being a c**ep and it’s really affecting him.’
My brother is 15, my sister is 17, and I’m 23f. This is really stupid and it shouldn’t have happened but it did. Now I just want advice on how to make it better. Also this is the story my brother told me as I wasn’t there. He was in his room playing on his phone minding his own business. He got up to take out the trash.
He came back to lay down im his bed. As he was laying down he noticed there dog walking out of his room. He ignored it. Later on his sister 17 noticed clothes were missing. She went looking for it and found it in my brothers room. The problem was that is was wet and slimy.
She immediately told our parents and they thought the worse. My dad, mom, and brother argued about it. Rude things were said. Apparently mom said I knew you were weird but not this weird. My dad said I raised a predator. In the end my parents asked me to pick him up and let him stay with me for a couple of days.
When I picked him up he didn’t say anything and just sat in silence. He spent the entire time in the room he was staying in. He only came out for dinner. He skipped breakfast and lunch. His eye’s were always red when he came out so I assume he was crying. I’ve never seen him cry.
Most of the time when he’s upset he just has a stone face so what they said must have got to him. Finally at the end of the week he’s parents called me and said they wanted to talk to him so they came over. Before they came over I tried to talk to him but he ignored me. When parents came they apologised to him.
Over the week they noticed more of sister clothes in his room until one day my dad caught the dog with my sister clothes. My brother just said okay and went home.
I tried to ask my parents if he could stay longer but they said that wouldn’t be necessary. Later on I got a call asking me what did he do over my house because he’s just been in his room all day at there house. Is there anything I can do to help him feel better?
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
taylorluvsjizz − Your parents need to apologize to your brother PROFUSELY. Beyond that, I sadly have no other advice to offer. I can understand why he’s upset.
FrogLegs12 − Poor fellow! You’re parents seriously attacked this kid and to think they can just say “I’m sorry” and everything be fine is mind boggling. They destroyed any trust he had in them and this will not be an easy fix.
It appears they had their mind set before even accusing him, thanks to your other sister. Yeah, he probably doesn’t have much use for her either right now. Your brother needs space and time to heal. Being at home and being made to interact with this right now is punishment, even though they are his parents and sister.
If I were you, I’d tell my parents what they did was inexcusable. I’d talk to him one on one and see if he wanted to stay with you for a few weeks. He’s 15, being accused of creeping on his sister really put a dent in his self-esteem and self-worth.
He needs time to heal. I would also tell him you were there for him no matter what. He will eventually seek affirmation that’s he’s not the weirdo he was labeled. Be there for him. As for your parents, good grief, they need counseling and your sister probably does too.
They made their beds by striking him down so harshly, now they’ll have to deal with it awhile. It’s tough being a 15 year old kid without these accusations; he really got put behind the eight ball with this situation!. I hope the beat for him!
angrytoadstool − Your parents are the worst kind of assholes your brother deserves more then a load of s**t apology
m0nday1 − Does “I knew you were weird but not this weird” stick out to anyone else? I think the sister can be forgiven for her rection (tho she absolutely owes the brother an apology), but the parents need to be closely examined here for more than just in-the-moment s**tty behavior.
JRFisher85 − Your parents broke your brother, and accused him of things they can’t walk back. I would get him a therapist asap
Horror-mrs − Look I hope I’m wrong but your brother sounds like he needs to be on suicide watch
IAmNotAWoodenDuck − God, your parents are something else. So they’re convinced that he’s a p**vert (and are clearly wrong about that in the first place), but then they make him stay with you? Another one of his sisters? I don’t know your family, but it would seem to me like they have more problems with him than just that.
And that’s just awful. He’s 15. He doesn’t deserve any of this a**sive crap. I really hope he starts responding to your texts soon. Maybe you could take him out to do some fun things? To show him you know he’s not like that? I don’t know. It’s a really horrible situation.
Past_Perspective_625 − Wow! Just wow! What kind of parents immediately say this about their child? Honestly, if you are able, I would see if he wants to come stay with you for a while. Until your parents fix the relationship. Yes, YOUR PARENTS NEED TO FIX THIS.
OP, they not only accused him, without apparent reason, of being essentially a monster, but they told him to his face that they always felt like he was weird. They have told him who he is is wrong.
You need to be super supportive of him and tell him there isn’t anything wrong with who he is and also get him a counselor. I’m feel so sorry for him. Smh. Your parents are horrible.
brooklyn_bae − The more I think about this it really concerns me. This is something that could drive someone to self harm or suicide. This age / puberty is so difficult. You really need to make sure he’s ok.
bigrottentuna − What they did was a**sive. They jumped to a false conclusion, called him a p**vert, and threw him out of the house. Family therapy is needed ASAP.
How do you think the brother can regain his confidence after such a damaging accusation, and what are the best ways for family members to support someone going through such a tough experience? Share your thoughts below!
I went through similar. Get him to counseling ASAP. If not it will effect his life. I went 23 years before I got counseling. It really messed with my head, still today and that was almost 50 Years ago. Because it is a real trauma it will stick there, leaving a hurt little boy inside forever. It effects the mental health of not addressed fast. And they are the AH