UPDATE: I(24M) adopted my little sister(8F) after our parents passed away, GF(23F) isn’t so excited about it

A Redditor shared an emotional update about his journey raising his younger sister after their parents’ tragic passing. Despite the challenges, including the end of a nine-year relationship with his girlfriend.
He remains committed to providing a loving and supportive environment for his sister. Though life hasn’t been easy, progress and healing are on the horizon. Read the original story and update below.
For those who want to read the previous part: https://aita.pics/bdqDn
‘ UPDATE: I(24M) adopted my little sister(8F) after our parents passed away, GF(23F) isn’t so excited about it’
Hey people, it’s been a while since my original post and I have some free time today and not much to do with it so I’m gonna write this, why not. A lot happened since my first post, in the end, my GF, now ex I guess, couldn’t deal with the fact that I had a new priority.
I admit that I wasn’t the best at managing time between them two and I would spend a lot more with my sister than my GF but I think that’s understandable, maybe. In general, my GF was on and off with my sister, one day she would be the nicest person to her and the other would completely blow her off and be borderline mean.
I had a few talks with her that it needs to stop, but it would only end up working for maybe the rest of the week and the next it would be back to square one. About three weeks ago it erupted into a big argument, she accused me of not loving her anymore, and that I play favorites.
I told her they’re not my children to be playing favorites and that obviously for some time my sister is gonna need a lot more attention, since you know she lost her parents. In the end, she went back to her ultimatum, sister or her.
I was angry at this point, because she has been mean to my sister that day, and I told her she can pack her s**t and find a place to sleep tonight. I haven’t seen her since and quite frankly I don’t really want to. We texted for a bit, basically both sides confirming its over and arranging when she can come for the rest of her stuff.
As for my sister, she’s a lot better. She doesn’t stay in her room all day anymore and she’s slowly going back to her talkative old self. She still doesn’t like being alone but it was the same before the accident, so since my gf moved out, we’ve been sharing a bed for comfort.
She still wakes up at night crying sometimes so it’s better when I’m there and frankly it’s a lot more comfortable. One thing I really regret is my sister heard that whole fight and she started apologizing to me for breaking me and my GF up, I ensured her it’s not her fault at all and if anything she helped me see for who my GF really was.
She still goes to her therapist and it’s really helped a ton, she doesn’t need me to be there while she falls asleep and doesn’t panic when I go to the shop for 15 minutes.
All in all, these past 3 months have been the hardest time in my life but eye opening to my ex’s disregard for my family and kind of me too. Sorry for no happy ending, I guess this is how real life is.
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
klewlass − One of the most mature and sensible posts I have read in a long time. How very lucky your sister is to have you in her life. Keep guiding and supporting her in this exact manner and she’ll be just fine!
Stlrivergirl − I am very sorry for your loss. Thank you for stepping up for your sister. That sounds like the best thing for her. Good luck with your healing. ❤️
UpstairsInitiative − Wow man. This really resonated with me.. When my stepmother passed a few years back, I moved back home to help care for my 10 year old sister. I would have been right around the age that you are now. I left a job behind, and a relationship. But it was simply what had to be done at the time.
My stepmother and I had a rough relationship, but she would always look at my sister and I and say “wow, you guys look just alike. You know when your dad and I are gone, you better take care of your little sister” (12 year age difference). It never made sense to me until her passing.
Now she is in high school and got a 4.5 GPA last semester, she is excelling in sports, and she is just an all around great kid who has been through so much.
Moving back was hard, and I had to let a lot go but in the end it all worked out and I never would have met what is now my wife had I not made the move. Not that my opinion really matters, but I have a tremendous amount of respect for what you have done.
LSATpenguin − You’re a good brother. Your sister is lucky to have you taking care of her.
QueenMoogle − I hope you know just how incredible of a person and a brother you are. You are so, so young. But you’ve stepped up for this heartbroken and traumatized young girl in a way she will carry with her for the rest of her days.
What happened to you both is nothing short of tragic. But when you took your sister in, you made the decision to stop that tragedy from continuing any longer than it needed to.
[Reddit User] − Thank you so much for being the kind of man this world needs, especially in such a tough position. Have you thought about joining a group for newly single parents? Or a grieving support group? I think it would be good for you to be around people who appreciate what you’re doing and empathetic of the struggle
NDaveT − You know, if your ex had said “I’m not ready to be in a relationship with someone who’s responsible for a child. I’m out,” that would have been sad, but understandable. Instead, she tried to compete with a little girl who lost her parents and had no one else.
That’s fucked up. You had a giant responsibility dumped into your lap and you’re handling it like a champ. Someday you’ll meet a woman who appreciates you.
aussiemumma89 − Good on you for sticking up for your baby sister, you’ve done the right thing and frankly i do not respect any woman who is awful to a young girl who’s parents have just died. You will find someone who will love that little girl and help you heal your family.
jam8754 − There is a free camp called Comfort Zone Camp. All over the USA – I don’t know where you are. It’s free for kids 8-18 who have lost a parent – sibling- grandparent. It happens on a 3 day weekend once a year. It’s completely free they have a big buddy volunteer – same s**.
And they have lots of fun and therapy – bonfire. And Sunday when you pick them up you get to watch a talent show of every kid and meet the big buddy – therapist. It’s really great. My older daughter I had to take kicking and screaming. My younger one couldn’t wait. The older one loves it now. Should really look into it!!
cheddarben − Just an anecdote for you. My mother was orphaned at a very young age. Her brother took her in when he was barely old enough and just getting married. He and his wife raised her. She then went on to have me and when my folks split up, my aunt and uncle continued to be a family.
I consider my cousins (there are 9 of em) brothers and sisters. Of course, I know my mom whish things would have been different and I know it was hard for them, but I have to tell you that I grew up in one of the strongest extended families I have known.
My uncle and aunt have since passed, but honest to god they have been some of the most important people in my life and I am super grateful for my family AND that we are the kind of family that takes care of each other.
I am now a middle-aged guy and we have family s**t like anybody else, but I can tell you that how my family was *and is* makes me incredibly proud.
This update reminds us of the sacrifices and strength it takes to prioritize family during difficult times. Do you think the Redditor made the right choice by ending his relationship, or could there have been a way to balance both commitments? How would you handle such a life-altering situation? Share your thoughts below!
You are the man. I am so proud of you. You & your sister deserve all the happiness in this world. Remember this is just a phase of life. You got to know that your gf is selfish who didn’t understand such terrible situation. She was competing with an 8year old.