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18 Times Pets Realized Their Owners Were Weird And Silly

Although our pet friends have lived with us for a long time, there’s still a lot we don’t know about them — including what they think of us. The reason is, animals do not have a true language like humans, so we can’t understand or communicate with them.

We really wanted to imagine what our pets would say if they could speak to us. For this reason, we collected some pics of animals and imagined what they would think of their owners. These animals seemed to realize their humans were silly and crazy people. Scroll down to see!

1. When your silly human got into the bathtub full of water again:

2. “My name is Mowgli. My owner creates art made of my fur while I’m asleep.”

3. “Other owners take good pictures of their cats. This is what my owner does.”

4. “My owner sent everyone a photo where I play the lamp from Pixar.”

5. “My owner posted this video and said that playing the piano is my passion.”

weird and silly pet owners

6. “And my owner made me Buck from Ice Age.”

7. “For some crazy reason, people love making purritos.”

8. “We don’t know anything about baseball, but they still made us look like Chiefs fans.”

9. “My owner created this hairstyle for me and then said I looked like a vegan.”

10. “My owner put some small eyes on me and said, ’An extremely rare Doggopotamus in his natural habitat’”

weird and silly pet owners

11. “I’m small and I can get through the cracks in the fence. So, they dressed me like a hot dog.”

12. Translation: “Officer, please, don’t give my owner a fine! He’s in the restroom and he’ll be back any minute!

13. “I was told I was a table.”

14. “These apps are really insane.”

15. “Why would you scare me like that?”

16. “What is this? Ant food? Is this a joke?

17. “And where am I supposed to sleep now?”

18. “So, I can’t run at night, I can’t scratch the couch, I can’t bite you. What can I do?”

What if your pet dog or cat could talk instead of barking or meowing? Feel free to share your answers with us in the comments below!

RELATED:  30+ Hilarious Pics Of Pet Caught Red-Pawed When Stealing Food

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