AITA for not moving my mom’s car?

A homeowner (you) has been asked by a neighbor to move your disabled mom’s car further down a public street so the neighbor’s able-bodied boyfriend can park closer to their duplex. Your mom, who recently moved in with you, has health issues making long walks difficult, while the neighbor’s boyfriend is in great shape and moved in after your mom. You’ve refused to move her car, prioritizing your mom’s needs over convenience for the neighbor’s boyfriend. Now, you’re wondering if you’re in the wrong.
‘ AITA for not moving my mom’s car?’
I own half a duplex. The person who lives in the other half rents hers. Most of our parking is on street. She has a garage in the back that her landlord doesn’t allow use of. I have a parking pad in the back that currently can only have 1 car parked back there because the other spot I have sinks and we’ve had to tow 2 cars from there already. My husband parks in the 1 good spot out back my neighbor parks on the street. I park my car on street.
My mother recently moved in and is currently parked in the last spot out front. She has recently messaged me asking for my mom to move her car further up the road so her bf who recently moved in with her can park his car there. My mom is legally disabled and has health issues that prevent her from walking and standing for long periods of time. Her bf is like 25 and is in very good shape.
Her reasonings for my mom moving her car is that as of currently she doesn’t drive around since she’s new to the area and her phone isn’t currently working for GPS so when my mom leaves she leaves with me. My mom moved in to my house before her bf moved into hers. Am I the a**hole for not moving my mom’s car and so her bf can park his car closer on the public street?
See what others had to share with OP:
k23_k23 − NTA. But if you don’t move mom’s car at all over a longer period, it might get towed if they report that. Read up on laws ansd regulations where you live.
duke_of_ted − NTA… but if you are not planning to use your mom’s car for a while, it would really be more polite to move out to a different location where there is less use just to be neighborly. Never hurts to have some easy goodwill.
Petefriend86 − NTA. Street parking is street parking. Aside from making sure you have the car moved however often your area requires, it’s fair game for your mom’s spot. Uncontrollable guy tangent: If your other spot sinks, I’d look into fixing up that spot. My area will deliver a sizable amount of gravel for a few hundred dollars.
WVPrepper − Apply to have one space designated as ADA parking for your mom.
Wodan11 − I’d gather this is unreserved, public street parking. As such, it is first come, first serve.
1568314 − ESH Why does your mom need easy access to her car if she isn’t driving it?
lmchatterbox − NTA. Your mom should not have to move her car.
ameelvi − NTA. This makes no sense to me. They want you to move the car of a person with limited mobility, to a much further and more inconvenient spot, so they can park there, and then just expect nobody else in the world to park there the next time they use their car? Unless they also plan on parking their car there for a while which kind of nullifies their entire argument. Otherwise they are asking you to do all of this so they can park their car there once lol.
pixyfire − Depending on where you live, if your mom has a handicap plate or placard, you can get a designated handicap parking spot put in front of your house.
rosegarden207 − NTA. First come, first serve. But if your mom can’t drive anymore why keep the car? And no, mom can’t walk to her car if it’s blocks away. Too bad boyfriend! Walk it!