AITA for not giving someone’s cat back?


A Reddit user shares the story of a cat they found abandoned on their back porch during a cold winter night. After bringing the cat inside, providing food, a warm bed, and taking him to the vet, the user made efforts to care for the cat while trying to locate its owner. A week later, they received a message from someone claiming the cat was theirs.

While the owner insists on getting the cat back, the Reddit user is hesitant to return him, especially after bonding with the cat and investing in his care. The user also feels the cat deserves to be treated with more care and protection than the owner provides. Read the full story below to see what happened next!


‘ AITA for not giving someone’s cat back?’

Three weeks ago, I found a cat meowing on my back porch. It was very cold outside, so I approached him, and he allowed me to pick him up and take him inside. He had no collar and was not neutered, so I assumed he was a stray. Regardless, he was clearly begging for my help.


That night, I fed him, gave him a warm bed, and purchased a cheap litter box. I posted about him on Nextdoor, Ring, and Facebook groups for lost pets, but I had no luck finding his owner. The next day, I took him to a vet to get scanned for a microchip, but he didn’t have one.

After trying everything for a week with no success, I decided to invest in a better litter box, food, and a collar. I also put down a nonrefundable deposit at a vet to have him neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped.


However, last night, the night before his appointment, I received a message on one of the apps from someone claiming that he is their cat. I asked for photos, and I could tell it was definitely him. After digging a little deeper into his story, I learned that he is a strictly outdoor cat, but they allow him to sleep in their garage.

We’re in the midwest where it is currently 8 degrees, and I live in a heavily wooded area where there are coyotes all over.. that made me uneasy. He is such a loving cat, and I could tell when I brought him in that it was his first time being in a home. I’ve continued to let him be an outdoor cat, and he shows up in my yard each night.


The owner is demanding that I return him and hasn’t offered to reimburse me for anything, not that I would accept it if she did; it’s the principle of the matter. Plus, I believe it should ultimately be the cat’s choice. I admit I’m biased because I want to keep him, but I genuinely want to do what’s best for him.

The owner mentioned that her kids have been crying and that their other cat has gone missing because they think he is out looking for his brother. I told her I would return him tonight,


but there’s a good chance she will never let him outside again, or he might come back to me, which would make things awkward. I really wish I could keep him. What would you do?

Here’s the comments of Reddit users:

SomeoneYouDontKnow70 −  NTA. If they really consider it “strictly an outdoor cat,” there’s a good chance that they just leave it out to freeze to d**th in 8 degree weather again. Without a microchip, there is no proof that this is even the same cat.


No_Praline_2605 −  If you own a cat it should not be out roaming on its own. Too many dangers and honestly irresponsible. Dog owners are required to contain & leash as should cat owners.

It’s estimated that cats kill 1.3–4 billion birds each year in the U.S. alone. But you did put out a notice & the rightful owner did respond. If the cat comes back – keep him


NeeliSilverleaf −  An unsheltered, unneutered, unchipped cat is not being cared for. NTA for giving a neglected animal a home. Don’t let him roam and ask if she has vet records to support her claim or ownership.

PurpleMuskogee −  NTA. I completely understand where the owner is coming from and her kids being upset, but it sounds like this cat is attached to you – he keeps coming back every evening even though he could just go back to them.


I’d tell her you have let him out and he hasn’t returned, and you assume he is at hers?! I have had cats who were outdoor/indoor like yours, they’d go out during the day and wander around and sleep at home at night, and if they had not returned one night – my mum would wait for them all evening to return and look for them.

I’d have been on these neighbours group 1st thing in the morning to look for him instead of responding to someone’s message a few weeks late. In a different situation,


I would absolutely tell you to return it, but look – he’s had plenty of chances to return, and she responded to your messages weeks late instead of proactively post pictures herself asking if someone had seen him.

Whispering_Wolf −  Info: what would ‘giving it back’ be in this case? If they keep the cat outside all day, and so do you? Do they just want you to ignore the cat if it wants to come in? If the cat isn’t interested in visiting them anymore, what do they expect you to do about it?


hypotheticalkazoos −  NTA. tell them you let the cat outside and havent seen him (lie. keep him indoors forever). source: lured in outdoor cat. indoor outdoor for months. landlord complained. indoor only for years. shes not interested in being outside anymore. just likes chilling on our balcony. 

emwestfall23 −  Tell the “owners” that he escaped and you haven’t seen him since. Then keep him only indoors. Cats shouldn’t be outside anyway – it’s terrible for the local wildlife (cats are invasive species).


pbcbmf −  Indoor cats typically live longer than outdoor cats:  * **Indoor cats**The average lifespan of an indoor cat is 12–18 years, and many can live into their early 20s. Indoor cats are less likely to face the health and safety risks that outdoor cats face, so they can live longer, healthier lives.

* **Outdoor cats**The average lifespan of an outdoor cat is 2–5 years. Outdoor cats face many risks, including being hit by cars, attacked by dogs, and hunted by coyotes and wolves. They also age more quickly than indoor cats, perhaps even twice as fast.


According_Sock_3947 −  If both of you are leaving him to be an outdoor cat then what’s the difference

dramatic-pancake −  Why are you still letting him out?


Do you think the Reddit user did the right thing by keeping the cat, or should they return him to his original owner? Was it wrong of the owner not to reimburse the user for the expenses? Should the cat’s well-being come before the owner’s demands? Share your thoughts below!

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