AITA for not wanting to split an inheritance with my stepsiblings?

A Reddit user (likely in their 20s or 30s) is facing pressure from their stepfamily to share their inheritance after their father’s passing. The will clearly states that the inheritance is solely for the user, as they are the only biological child of their father.
However, their stepmom and stepsiblings, who were raised by the user’s dad but were already adults when the user was 12, are asking the user to split the money. They argue that the dad treated them like his own kids.
But the user is standing by their father’s decision and wishes. The stepfamily is calling the user selfish for not sharing the inheritance. Read the full story below to understand the family dynamics and the decision at hand.
‘ AITA for not wanting to split an inheritance with my stepsiblings?’
My dad passed away recently and left me a significant inheritance in his will. It’s specifically stated that the money is for me alone, as I’m his only biological child. My dad married my stepmom when I was 12, and she has two kids from her previous marriage.
While we’ve always been friendly, we were never particularly close, and they were already adults when our parents married. Now my stepmom and stepsiblings are asking me to “do the right thing” and split the inheritance with them because “family is family.”
They argue that my dad helped raise them in their teen years and treated them like his own kids, so it’s only fair they get something.
I’ve explained that this was my dad’s decision, not mine, and that I want to respect his wishes.
They’ve called me selfish and accused me of prioritizing money over family. I’m feeling torn because I don’t want to create bad blood, but I also feel like I shouldn’t be pressured to give up what was left to me. AITA?
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
[Reddit User] − Be selfish..NTA. use it for ur future. They are not your siblings nor you share close bond. I am sure step mom got his insurance etc..He wanted to secure you. And I didn’t get you?
You said they were adults when dad married their mom but then raised them as teens? I guess they were 17-18. So no parental bond at all and frankly his first responsibility is his bio child. And you shouldn’t share your inheritance. Will they share their parent’s inheritance with u?. Nope
hummus_sapiens − Ask them if they will share any inheritance they might get when their father or grandparents die. What are the odds they agree?
Otherwise_Degree_729 − NTA. Your father made a will. End of story. They are being greedy.
JagZilla_s − NTA your dad probably left it strictly to you for a reason. Now obviously it’s yours to do with what you want now but just think about what he would want done with it. If he wanted it split to the step siblings then wouldn’t he have done that? Just my thoughts.
Plane_Practice8184 − NTA. Ask them how much your stepmother and their dad is leaving you in their will.
AuroraWiilson − NTA. Your dad made it clear in his will, and you’re respecting his wishes. They can’t expect you to change that.
strawhatpirate91 − NTA. It was your father’s money and this is what he chose to do with it. He may have known something you didn’t, or just wanted to secure your future.
Maybe your stepsibling’s father is still in the picture and able to provide for them, maybe he didn’t trust your stepmom. Plus, he probably had a life insurance policy that your stepmom benefited from. If they can’t respect that go LC/NC with them
FunctionAggressive75 − The entitlement and audacity of some people…. A) You are not even close. B) They were adults when your father and stepmom got married, he wasn’t even involved in their upbringing.
C) even if all the above had happened, it was HIS money, he could do anything he wanted with it and in my opinion, he made the right choice. You don’t even have to put up with their bs. If they had something to share, they should have shared it with your father, not bothering you with their nonsense. NTA
AlliterativeAss − It’s not selfish. Your dad would have left some for his stepkids if he had wanted them to have it. He didn’t. That is the only explanation necessary. Block them and grieve your father in peace. NTA
FlimsyPhysics3281 − NTA your dad left it only to you for a reason! it’s your money don’t let them steal it.
Do you think the user should feel obligated to share their inheritance with their stepsiblings, or is it right to respect their father’s wishes and keep what was left to them? How would you handle this family situation? Share your thoughts below!