AITA for not letting my sister announce her pregnancy at my wedding?

A Redditor shares the story of how her sister, Anna, hijacked her wedding day by announcing her pregnancy at the reception, despite being told no. The Redditor had explicitly asked Anna not to make the announcement during her wedding, but Anna went ahead and made it anyway, causing drama and leaving the bride feeling like a guest at her own celebration. Now, the Redditor is conflicted about whether she’s overreacting or if her sister was in the wrong. Read the full story below to learn more.
‘ AITA for not letting my sister announce her pregnancy at my wedding?’
I (28F) got married two weeks ago, and while it was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, my sister Anna (31F) made sure it was anything but smooth. For some background, Anna and I have always had a bit of a rivalry. Growing up, she was the golden child who could do no wrong, and I was always trying to keep up. I thought we’d moved past all that as adults, but I guess not.
A month before my wedding, Anna called me to share her big news—she’s pregnant with her first child. I was genuinely thrilled for her, and we celebrated with lunch a few days later. During that lunch, Anna dropped a bombshell: she wanted to announce her pregnancy at my wedding. She said it would be “perfect timing” because all of our extended family and friends would be there.
I immediately said no. I told her I didn’t want my wedding day to be overshadowed by anything else, no matter how happy the news was. She rolled her eyes and said I was being “self-centered” and that “a baby is way more important than a wedding.” I stood my ground and said she could announce it literally any other day, just not at my wedding. She agreed, but I could tell she wasn’t happy.
Fast forward to the wedding day. Everything was going perfectly until the reception. I was in the middle of mingling with guests when I noticed a growing crowd around Anna. Curious, I made my way over, only to hear her loudly sharing her pregnancy news. She even had an ultrasound photo *ready* to show people.
I pulled her aside and asked her what the hell she was doing. She acted all innocent and said, “Oh, I wasn’t making an announcement. People just asked why I wasn’t drinking, and it came up naturally.” This was obviously a lie because, moments later, she grabbed a glass of water and *clinked it with a fork* to get everyone’s attention. She proceeded to give a mini speech, thanking me and my husband for bringing everyone together and then said, “While we’re all here, I want to share some exciting news—I’m pregnant!”
The room erupted in applause, and my mom immediately burst into tears of joy. Meanwhile, I just stood there, stunned and furious. My husband could see how upset I was and tried to comfort me, but the damage was done. The rest of the night, everyone kept coming up to Anna to congratulate her, and I felt like a guest at my own wedding.
To make matters worse, Anna and her husband left early, claiming she was “too tired,” leaving me to deal with all the lingering questions and drama. My dad later told me that I should “be happy for Anna” and “not let it ruin my day,” but how could I not feel hurt?
Now, two weeks later, Anna is acting like nothing happened. She even posted a photo on Instagram with the caption, “Best weekend ever—celebrated my sister’s wedding AND our big news!” People have been commenting things like, “So happy for you!” and “What a beautiful way to announce!” I feel like my wedding has been reduced to a backdrop for her moment.
The family is divided. My mom says I need to “get over it” because a baby is a blessing. My husband is livid on my behalf but doesn’t want to escalate things further. Anna hasn’t apologized and keeps insisting I’m being dramatic.
AITA for feeling like my sister completely hijacked my wedding day? Should I have handled it differently, or am I justified in being upset?
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
badassbiotch − Your sister sounds like a selfish b**ch who only cares about her wants and needs. And frankly your parents sound like complete enablers in her behaviours. At her baby shower bring a power point of your honeymoon. Then make an over the top announcement of your own.
TJToaster − Don’t do anything stupid. Don’t stoop to her level. If you make some fake announcement, she isn’t going to say, “you got me back, I see how what i did was wrong and I’m sorry.” Nope, she is going to continue that you are pretty and jealous of her, especially if the announcement is fake.
I would move on, go low contact. Be unbothered. Whenever she reaches out, sigh that sigh you give someone out of pity and tell her that she is a reddit cliche. Let her have every little moment from now one unbothered by you. Someone will always wonder if you are going to cause a scene to get back at her, and remind them that your ego is not that fragile and that you are not that classless. After all, who makes an announcement on someone else’s big day?
Don’t invite her to future big moments. When she complains about not being included say, “there you go being overly dramatic again, I just don’t want a repeat of my wedding. You are proving why I don’t want you there.” Don’t talk to her like an adult, use a normal speaking voice, but speak as if you were speaking to a child. It has to be a subtle difference.
On the outside, it will look like you are over it, mature, and taking the high road. But really, it will be a slow burn that will eat at her for years. What can she do? Be mad at you for NOT causing a scene? Attention is like oxygen to people like her. Deprive her of it and it will drive her mad. If you don’t engage, just let her “win” all the time, will make her nuts.
In 5-10 years, when she goes off the deep end and everyone is talking about how she hijacked your wedding like she is a drama crazed monster, THEN you will have you revenge. But bringing a sonogram to her baby shower will only give her another victory. Be smarter than that.
Sorry. I know this is the internet and I am supposed to leave petty comments, but I was in psychological operations for the Army for a while, so I like the long game. tl;dr: tell her she is a reddit cliche. Ignore her need for attention. Treat her more like a child having a tantrum and less like an adult.
Mother_Search3350 − Your sister is an AH. I would be announcing my own pregnancy at her baby shower or gender reveal.
Sensitive-Ad-5406 − “Had a wonderful wedding, despite my sister trying to steal the attention”. Do not be the bigger person.
New-Number-7810 − NTA. Honestly, if I was in your place, I’d go no-contact with Anna. Id send an email like this: “I told you how important my wedding was to me, and you stole it. You made it all about you. Everyone was asking about you, and congratulating you, and they all forgot that I just got married. Well I hope you enjoyed your moment because it cost you a sister and your child an aunt. This is the last you will hear from me.”
TheCraftyVulture − Babies aren’t blessings, just biology. We know how they are made now. Your sister was being selfish and disrespectful and you have every right to feel upset about it. But the question looms, now that she’s already done it, what are you going to do in response?
Lyzab77 − NTA. It was NOT only your family and friends, but also your fiancé’s family and friends. It was TOO disrespectful towards them to announce it in front of them ! She stole your fiancé’s big day. It’s totally inappropriate.
MomoGloww − Your sister’s behavior was incredibly selfish and disrespectful. It’s understandable that you’re hurt and angry.
Altruistic_Box_8971 − Here we go again, the crusade against AI generated fantasy crap (can’t they come up with original stories???) continues. This subreddit is getting overflown with so much obvious AI crap so here are some pointer to look for in these stories:. * em dashes and over us of quotes.
* OP is being called self centered for wanting to be the center of their event (in this case a wedding).
* OP’s important event is overshadowed by antagonist sibling. * OP being called dramatic.
* Family and friends are split or divided and OP should just let it go or get over it.
* story is unoriginal and passes by frequently in AITA, AITAH, etc.
* AITA question is so obvious that nobody thinks YTA.
Soooo YTA for being part of the ruination of these subreddits.
D3athC0mesT0A11 − This is a repeat so either you stole this post or you’re reposting months after the fact without saying that which is Sus af.