Update: My neighbor kept parking in my driveway, so I had her car towed?
OP (30F) updated the situation with her neighbor, Linda (late 50s), who has repeatedly parked in OP’s driveway despite being asked multiple times to stop. After Linda blocked OP in again and ignored her attempts to contact her, OP had Linda’s car towed.
Linda was furious and had to pay the towing fee, and now she’s telling other neighbors that OP is a “vindictive control freak.” OP’s husband and MIL think she could have handled it better, but OP still feels justified in her actions. read the original story below…
For those who want to read the original article : https://aita.pics/ODbvt
‘ Update: My neighbor kept parking in my driveway, so I had her car towed?’
Hey everyone, I wanted to update you on about my neighbor Linda (late 50s) constantly parking in my driveway without asking. For those who didn’t see the original post, I (30F) live with my husband (32M) in a suburban neighborhood with a double driveway.
Over the past few months, Linda has repeatedly ignored my requests to stop parking in our driveway. Well, today things finally came to a head. I woke up early for an appointment only to find Linda’s car parked in my driveway again, blocking me in.
My husband had already left for work, so I knocked on her door and waited for about 15 minutes, but there was no answer. I even tried calling her, but her phone went straight to voicemail. I was running late and completely fed up, so I called a towing company.
They arrived quickly, and as they were hooking up her car, Linda stormed out of her house, furious. She yelled at me and the tow truck driver, calling me “petty” and claiming I could have just “waited a bit longer” or “left a note.”
I calmly reminded her that I’d asked her multiple times to stop parking in my driveway, but she wasn’t having it. She ended up paying the towing fee, and now she’s absolutely livid. She’s been telling other neighbors that I’m a “vindictive control freak,”
and a couple of them have hinted that I might’ve gone too far. Even my husband thinks I could have handled it differently and avoided escalating things. And, of course, my MIL, who was visiting today, had to chime in with one of her usual subtle digs.
As we were sitting down for lunch, she casually remarked, “Some people just can’t manage conflict like adults.” I’m pretty sure she wasn’t talking about Linda. So now, Linda glares at me every time she sees me,
my husband is annoyed about the neighborhood drama, and my MIL is treating this like it’s my personal failure. I still think I was justified, but I’ll admit the fallout is a lot to deal with. Just wanted to keep you all updated—thanks for all the advice on the last post!
Check out how the community responded:
RaymondBeaumont − Just tell the neighbours that you will inform Linda that she is allowed to park in their driveway.
CatFlavoredDogs − Seems like you DID try to resolve the conflict before escalating. Justified.
APett − Now tell your husband and MIL to shut the f**k up.
No-Rise4602 − I would have slashed all tires and broken all the windows. The tow was the correct answer. When she glares at you smile and and give her one of these🖕
Fresh_Caramel8148 − Why is your MIL, who you say you don’t really get along with, over at your house SO MUCH? Especially if your husband wasn’t even there? You’re here giving us an update, but this particular part of the story just doesn’t add up.
If this really is all for real – ask your husband what he suggests you do when you need to LEAVE and your car is blocked in? I’m really having a hard time with this. I’ve had someone park in front of my driveway once – completely blocking it.
EVERY person I tell this story too – EVERY SINGLE ONE – agrees that blocking, much less parking in, someone else’s driveway is a no-go.
But you’re husband, MIL and multiple neighbors are all saying YOU’RE wrong?? hmmmm…..
RebeccaMCullen − “Some people just can’t manage conflict like adults.” First step in managing conflicts as an adult is asking someone to stop doing something. Second step is escalating when the other party doesn’t listen.
You asked, Linda didn’t listen, so now Linda can deal with the consequences of parking on private property that isn’t hers. Like I said in the other post, make parking in your driveway expensive for Linda.
Next time, don’t be nice and attempt to ask her to move her car, just call the towing company. Also, put signs up saying unauthorized vehicles will be towed.
arneeche − Have her towed every time. Use different companies so she has to hunt for her car.
RevolutionaryDiet686 − Go ahead and have MIL car towed too.
Ok_Consideration_242 − Your Husband is a c**ard for not having your back on this.
Big_lt − Wtf you were running late you couldn’t wait any longer nor should you. Going forward add a camera outside as she may try to vandalise s**t and every time her car parks in on your property call the tow truck. Don’t even knock on her door
Was OP right to escalate by having the car towed, or did she go too far in handling the situation? How would you have approached this? Share your thoughts below!