AITA for laughing when my friend said my boyfriend and i are doing a role-play?

A Redditor shares a peculiar moment during a seafood dinner with friends, where their boyfriend helped them try lobster for the first time. A friend interpreted the sweet interaction as something more and accused them of “role-playing” at the dinner table. Read the full story below!
‘ AITA for laughing when my friend said my boyfriend and i are doing a role-play?’
last night my boyfriend and i were invited with a couple of friend to a sea food boil restaurant. i’m a bit picky when it comes to food and one of the things i hate is sea food, but my boyfriend is the total opposite of me he doesn’t have a problem with any food. im 21 and he’s 24.
so we went, he ate the boil with a couple of his friends since it was a larger portion and i got a separate meal. he knows about my eating habits and he always trys to get me to eat new food, it’s just something that he does.
halfway through the offered me a small piece of the lobster, which i’ve never had before, with his hand. it took a bit of convincing but i did eat it, and he was watching me for my reaction then he kissed my temple. throughout he was the one cracking the legs for me he kept giving me pieces.
near the end before we left i went to wash my hands and my friend came with me. when we reached she told me that i should really try to keep the roleplaying with him more private. i laughed out loud because i thought she was joking but i see she wasn’t so i was like what? and she told me that it’s fine if we have a dynamic it’s just not appropriate at the dinner table.
i told her to not be ridiculous and it’s genuinely nothing like that. she got a bit mad and said how she saw what he did and how he looked at me, and that it’s quite obvious. i told her that that’s actually insane and it was totally innocent, and that she’s wrong. things were a bit weird between us after that and my boyfriend and i left shortly after.
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
Kasparian − Did he just hand you the pieces and you ate them, or was he feeding you by hand? Because if it’s the former, NTA, but if he was feeding you by hand in a restaurant, yeah, that’s poor etiquette.
notrightmeowthx − Sounds like it came across as ddlg type stuff. You might not intend for it to come across that way, but I’d say NAH because at the basic level, this is your friend trying to tell you that your behavior was inappropriate. We weren’t there, so it’s hard to judge, but at minimum you should consider what she said.
You’re not an a**hole for laughing but you should still give it thought about whether your behavior was really appropriate for a public setting. The whole “it took a bit of convincing but I did eat it” part suggests very strongly to me that you behave a lot more like a child than you probably realize.
quats555 − NTA. I could see it if she complained about too much PDA or your rudely shutting out the rest of the table to focus on your romance — I don’t get that impression from your description, but her view of the situation could be another story — but “roleplay”?
Sounds more like she’s jealous, either of your relationship or because she has some interest in one of you. If she were the only other friend there I’d think she might have felt like a third wheel but sounds like there was at least one other person to interact with.
Real-Lack3807 − Ask her why she’s sexualizing you. Tell her you’re not comfortable being around her if she keeps putting you in this kink box of hers. Problem solved.
wingeddogs − Heavily depends on how long he had to spend playing the “convincing my picky girlfriend to eat food” game for
Its_Sound − NTA I’m very confused. Roleplaying what? Being in love? Sharing bites off your plate with a loved one? Those are completely normal things…
Shadow_danxer − NTA. She mad someone ain’t feeding her lil pieces of lobster. That’s a love language fym 😂 she’s acting like you were sucking his fingers while he called you a good girl.
Future-Nebula74656 − he ate the boil with a couple of his friends. This is normally a meal that is hands on… I can see why he would hand feed you so your hands didn’t get all covered as his probably was.. Nta
huldagd − If he was handfeeding you small pieces of the boil throughout the evening YTA…cringe AF and I would lose my appetite looking at s**t like that, not cute. If he put a few pieces on your plate discreetly NTA.
Junior_Fruit903 − She’s probably saying that because you act like a child. \ i have an extremely selective palette. lmao just say you’re a picky eater
Was the friend out of line for making assumptions about the couple’s dynamic? Or could there have been a way to address the misunderstanding without creating tension? How would you have reacted in this situation? Share your thoughts below!