AITA for not letting my sisters borrow my car anymore?

A Redditor (20M) shares his frustration with his two sisters, Lily (22F) and Hannah (25F), who have been borrowing his car without returning it on time or taking proper care of it. After multiple incidents, including a messy car and one sister driving to another city without informing him, he decided to stop letting them borrow it unless it’s an emergency. However, his sisters are upset, calling him unfair, and now the situation is causing tension with their parents. Read the full story below to dive into the details!
‘ AITA for not letting my sisters borrow my car anymore?’
I (20M) recently bought my first car, it’s a used but reliable sedan that I worked really hard to save up for. I’m a college student and I can only work part time so it took me longer than I’d like to admit if I’m being honest. I’m proud of it and take good care of it because it’s my only means of getting to work, school, and running errands, ect.
My sisters, Lily (22F) and Hannah (25F), don’t have cars. Lily takes public transportation, and Hannah mostly relies on her boyfriend to drive her places. Ever since I got my car, they’ve been asking to borrow it just for a bit here and there. At first, I didn’t mind letting them use it occasionally like when they had something urgent or needed a ride somewhere.
But over time, it started feeling like they were taking advantage. Lily would borrow it for a quick errand and not return it for hours. Hannah once used it to drive to a friend’s house but came back with an empty tank of gas and didn’t refill it. Another time, she left it a mess with fast food wrappers and crumbs everywhere.
The final straw was last week when Lily asked to borrow the car to go to the grocery store. She ended up driving to another city to hang out with friends, which I only found out because she posted about it on social media. She didn’t tell me and came back way later than she said she would. When I confronted her, she said, What’s the big deal? It’s just a car.
I told both of them that I’m no longer letting anyone borrow my car unless it’s an emergency. They got super defensive, saying I was being unfair and selfish. Hannah said it’s not like you’re using it 24/7. Lily called me a “bad brother” for not helping out. Now they’re both annoyed with me and complaining to our parents, who think I should be more flexible. AITA for refusing to let my sisters borrow my car anymore?
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
Current-Name1334 − NTA. They need to get their own vehicles, an Uber, or find another way. You saved for that car. You said it took you longer than you’d like to admit. Does your insurance even cover drivers that aren’t you? What happens if they wreck it? Will your insurance cover them as drivers? Can you afford your deductible rn? These are the questions I’d be asking myself. You’re not being an AH.
Also they don’t respect you loaning them the car even. They lie about where they are going with it, don’t fill up the tank, and leave it messy? Helllll no. I’d tell them to get their own. A good sibling wouldn’t do that to you. You’re not a bad brother. They’re just being shifty sisters.
Proper_Rush_9367 − NTA. If they’re in an accident, will the insurance cover it? Tell your sisters to f**k off and tell your parents to get them a car they can share if they feel so strongly about it.
Individual_Ad_9213 − NTA. Tell them to buy their own cars. Then ask them: “What’s the big deal? It’s just a car.”
Seniora-Tonight7955 − NTA. If you still want to let them borrow your car set some boundaries of how much time they can take it for and to be responsible enough to refill the tank whenever they empty it.
MonarchOfDonuts − NTA: They’re abusing a privilege. If they understood that and apologized, you could maybe give them another chance–but instead they’re oblivious to how entitled their actions are. Definitely keep your car to yourself, because these are exactly the kind of people who would get in a fender bender and then insist they don’t have to help pay for the damages.
nomad_l17 − NTA, suggest to your parents they should be flexible and lend them their car(s) to your sisters. I’d just tell sisters that I’d call the police if they use my car again (I can be petty at times as I bought my first car at 25yo when I was in the right place to).
MaeSilver909 − NTA. They’ve lied about their whereabouts when they have borrowed the care before. They have disrespected you by bringing the car back with an empty gas tank and trash everywhere. They’re old enough to work & save for their own car. Your parents can also let them borrow their cars.
fiestafan73 − “If it is just a car, then you should buy one for yourself to trash and abuse instead of being a b** and begging for mine.” NTA.
Opposite_Jeweler_953 − NTA. So many reasons, insurance coverage, deductibles, wear and tear of the car, gas and regular maintenance, irresponsibility on their part. Don’t lend the car to anyone. If you can, take them where they want to go, one way only, and at your convenience. Don’t let the keys around, they may decide that’s an invitation to take it.
Future-Flamingo8400 − NTA. The first rule of borrowing is responsibility the second rule is remembering the first.