AITA for answering the door in a spicy costume?

A 24-year-old woman had been working extra hours while her boyfriend was away visiting family and was eagerly anticipating a wild night with him upon his return. She had told his sister that they would be too tired for a visit, but after the boyfriend got home, the woman changed into a playboy bunny costume,
only for his sister to show up unexpectedly. Frustrated, the woman answered the door in the costume and was cold with her, leading to passive-aggressive comments before the sister left. The woman’s boyfriend’s sister later criticized her for being petty, and she feels justified in her actions. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for answering the door in a spicy costume?’
So, I’m 24, female, and my boyfriend has been gone for a few weeks visiting family on the other side of the world. Coincidentally, the d**th of one of my coworkers meant I had to work a lot more during those weeks, and I was honestly pretty miserable and pent up the whole time.
The one thing keeping me going was the thought of having a wild night when he got home. My boyfriend’s sister texted me and asked if she could come over when he got home. I said we would both be really tired and eager to be alone, and said it’d be best to wait.
Then I put my phone on silent, which meant I didn’t see her next text that said she “knew her brother, he’ll find energy to say hi” When he got home, the moment he was sufficiently unpacked, I changed into a playboy bunny suit. Then his sister knocked on the door and yelled hello.
I was pretty pissed off, so I didn’t put in any effort to hide my angry expression and answered the door in the outfit. I was pretty cold with her, and she got passive aggressive before reluctantly leaving. She said it was petty and dramatic over the phone, and I just hung up, prompting some angry texts. AITA?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
Correct-Let7031 − NTA. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You don’t go over anyone’s house when you clearly were not invited. Even vampires abide by this rule! If she continues to b**ch about you coming to the door in your “spicy costume”,
just tell her if she had only barged over just few minutes later, then you would have been happy to answer the door WITHOUT the costume. She clearly does NOT know her brother that well. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
RoyallyOakie − NTA…”eager to be alone” should have been sufficiently direct. She knew you said NO as politely as possible and decided to come anyway. Hopefully your boyfriend is on your side here.
KaoJin-Wo − NTA. It’s your house, and you can wear anything (or not) that you want. You can answer phones and door and emails in whatever you want. She wasn’t invited. She was clearly told no. If she is embarrassed, she’s only herself to blame.
StAlvis − NTA “So did you come here to watch us f**k, or…?”
animaniactoo − NTA. She tried to override your “no”. In your home. You were surprised and upset that you ended up in an awkward position. You returned that awkward to the sender who couldn’t be bothered to respect your “no” (and by extension, your relationship with your boyfriend).
If she thinks that was dramatic and unnecessary, maybe she should accept that “no means no” next time.
Direct_Surprise1312 − Who just comes over unannounced? Also the sister is pretty dense to not understand you and your boyfriend might want some alone time after being apart.
Resource-Even − NTA. The way the sister doubled down over the phone after doesn’t bode well. Pretty sure she is VERY aware inviting herself over to someone’s house after they have been travelling for two weeks is a huge AH move and she doesn’t care and does want to b**ly her way anyway.
ExistenceRaisin − NTA. You told her you wanted to be alone with him, what did she think you meant? It’s your house and you can wear whatever you want when you answer the door to unwanted guests
Emergency-Aardvark-6 − ‘Eager to be alone’. Read the room ‘sister ‘!. NTA
Aggravating-Item9162 − NTA at all. You told her not to come! She’s lucky you even answered the door.
While it’s understandable you were frustrated by your plans being disrupted, answering the door in a revealing costume and being cold toward your boyfriend’s sister might have come across as unnecessarily dramatic. A more measured approach, like explaining your frustration calmly, would have been more effective. What do you think? share your thoughts below!