AITA for for demanding to be bought a new drink after dropping one due to being scared by a dog?

A person dropped a drink at a bar patio after being startled by a barking dog. They demanded the dog owner buy them a new drink, believing the incident wasn’t their fault. The dog owner refused, saying the person should be more aware of their surroundings.
They argued, and when the bar didn’t intervene, the person was frustrated by the lack of accountability. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for for demanding to be bought a new drink after dropping one due to being scared by a dog?’
3 Friends and I went to a bar in a popular part of town. We got a patio table and I went to the bar and ordered the first round of drinks. As I was walking back to our table, a dog jumped up and started barking. I jumped about a mile high. I dropped a drink.
The owner quickly controls his dog, apologizes, and turns away from me. I tell the guy that i’m expecting a new drink from him. I drop the other 3 drinks off at our table and go back and demand the guy to buy me a new drink. In my mind this was not my fault and the dog owner was at a fault.
He says he won’t do that and I should be more aware of my surroundings. I’m livid. I call him a piece of s**t. I tell him if his dog can’t ignore me as I walk by, then his dog shouldn’t be here. He tells me I should find somewhere that doesn’t allow dogs.
Calls me an a**hole and tells me to leave them alone. I drop it, complained to the bar, but they did nothing. I’m just baffled by the lack of accountability here. I don’t mind dogs, but I didn’t like being scared like that. AITA?
See what others had to share with OP:
[Reddit User] − NAH. Sorry but you dropped your drink. No one knocked it out of your hand, pushed you or jostled your tray. You were startled, yes. But a child screaming or a sudden burst of laughter can be startling.
Would you ask those people for a new drink? Now would it have been nice for him to offer you a drink? Sure. But I don’t think he owed you a drink.
Acceptable-Ratio-219 − YTA In these type of situations the bar would normally just make you another drink, but I’m guessing you were so confrontational that they decided not to.
ripfigaro − I mean NTA for dropping the drinks but you didn’t really handle the situation after well. I would’ve gone up to the bartender and explained the situation and nicely ask for new drinks. I could see myself flinching if a big dog jumped and barked at me if I didn’t expect it and was carrying 2-3 drinks
Princess-She-ra − YTA It sounds like you had a bit of attitude. Demand a drink? Livid? Call him a piece of sh!t? The dog didn’t attack you. It barked. Dogs do that. Would it have been nice if he replaced your drink? Yes. But he didn’t. Get another one and enjoy your evening.
omeomi24 − YTA – it’s a wonder they didn’t kick you out. Clearly you were in a place where dogs were allowed…the dog was visible. The RESTAURANT might have offered to replace the drink – or not – but he was not obligated to do so. Find somewhere that doesn’t allow dogs.
Dangerous_End9472 − ESH. I have a dog I bring in public. If it was aggressive towards someone, barking, etc, and that scared them, and they dropped their drink, I feel like I would replace it. Just because a dog is allowed in an establishment doesn’t mean it should be brought in if it can’t behave properly.
ExpressingThoughts − YTA – I get startled by everything. I’d be rich by now with free items. I think you could have a chance if the dog ran into you. Unfortunately noise doesn’t count. Lastly, lack of accountability? What about your accountability? You were the one whose hand let go and dropped the drink.
gogglesforsafety − In the post it says the dog jumped up. Did the dog just get up and bark or did the dog jump up on you? If the dog just got up next to you and barked and you were startled, well that is really unfortunate and the dog’s owner should be handling and preventing the situation better,
but it’s just a bummer on all sides situation and you took it too far. If the dog jumped up and got on you, then the dog’s owner messed up here and needed to pay for the drink that was lost because their dog was jumping on you and it’s fair you brought that to their attention.
Jimmy_LoMein − YTA for “demanding”.
awesomeness1234 − NTA. Permitting dogs in an establishment is not the same as permitting unruly dogs. I wonder if the votes would change if it were an MMA bar and some jock pretended to hit you, making you flinch and drop a drink, and then said, “HAHA l**er, made your flinch!” It’s the same.
This guy didn’t handle his dog and should be responsible for the consequences. Also, the bar should have kicked the dog out. That is a huge liability.
Should the dog owner have replaced the drink, or was the person overreacting? What’s your opinion? Share your thoughts below!