AITA for only paying my child’s bf $30 to puppy-sit for 6 hours?

A Redditor shared their story of paying their teenager’s boyfriend $30 to puppy-sit for six hours. The boyfriend, who enjoys spending time with the 15-week-old puppy, accepted the job but later expressed dissatisfaction with the payment.

After receiving a text from their child saying that $30 wasn’t enough, the Redditor offered an additional $30, which was accepted. Now, they’re left wondering if they overpaid for what they considered a simple task. Read the full story below to see if they were being too generous.

‘ AITA for only paying my child’s bf $30 to puppy-sit for 6 hours?’

My family of 4 (2 parents 2 older teenagers) had an event to attend and we were struggling to find someone to watch our 15 week old puppy. My oldest child suggested their boyfriend (19 yo) who has met the puppy numerous times and likes her a lot.

We went to our event at 8am and returned at 2:30pm. We hadn’t agreed upon an amount to pay and gave the bf $30. Later that day I got a text from my oldest saying that $30 wasn’t enough for puppy-sitting.

I immediately apologized and offered another $30 which they were happy with, but I’m feeling like I probably paid too much for a VERY easy job. AITA for feeling a little sore about this?.

Here’s the comments of Reddit users:

calypso85 −  May get downvoted but honestly NTA. Yes, you should have talked payment first, but seriously, $30 to hang out with a puppy, for someone who does plenty for you? That should be plenty. We dogsit for friends when they go on vacation every year, and we would do it for free if they’d let us.

They insist on gas money now since we live over 30 minutes away. I just spent a week house sitting and dog sitting for our best friend while they were on vacation. I would have shoved any money she gave me back at her. We are “family”.

Next time, honestly, crate the puppy. 6 hours is fine for that age. I used to be against crate training dogs but found my dogs to be much happier and better behaved when they have their safe place to rest and get “forced” to rest.

NumbersGuy22 −  Raised 4 puppies into adult dogs, and NEVER EVER had any of them sleep for 14 hours as puppies. If you were that insistent on the $60 being a wash for the tickets also, then why are you complaining? This is also just plain passive-aggressive attitude.

Instead of picking apart each of your other “points” you just need to avoid mixing your “child’s” bf in any financial transactions in the future because obviously you can’t separate helping a young man out without likely bringing this to Reddit as well as discussing it with everyone else in your inner group because you’re looking for redemption on this whole fiasco.

PeachBanana8 −  NTA, you do a lot to help your daughter and her boyfriend out. If it was overnight, it’s a much bigger favour. But six hours of daytime? He easily could have done it for free as a favour to you, especially considering how much you’ve helped him out with his car recently.

I pet sit all the time and I charge like $150 for a full three days and nights, which includes me staying overnight at the client’s home. $30 for six hours of hanging out with your girlfriend’s family puppy is a great deal.

borisslovechild −  NAH. I think it always gets a little complicated when you do business with friends and family. Redditors who act like you enslaved this guy need to get over themselves, OP does lots of stuff for the child’s bf. It evens out in the end, as it should.

recently checked the battery on his car and bought everything necessary to clean off the corrosion and get the car running. I have never asked for them to pay anything, and never will. Not sure about where OP lives but in London, this would run you at least £100 or more.

Beautiful-Cup4161 −  I pay my local dog daycare $40 a day and they come with a shuttle to pick him up in the morning and drop him off in the afternoon. And I get a gallery of pictures from the day. AND I’m in a high cost of living area. 60 does seem high for 6 hours if you go off of standard pet sitting rates.

The only thing I caution you is to not have any thoughts that staying at your house is some fun treat in itself. I once pet sat for a man who thought I should have been grateful and charge less because he had a pool and big TV and stuff.

I liked my own home with my little TV and my shared apartment pool and my own bed where I felt completely comfortable. I privately thought he was an ass for thinking it was such a treat and privilege to stay at his house.

nrgins −  Honestly, this is something I would expect him to do for free. “Hey, we’re going away for the day. Would you mind watching our puppy?” I wouldn’t have even thought to pay him. Just seems like something someone should do if he’s involved with your daughter, especially if you buy them stuff all the time.

A stranger I could see paying. But I wouldn’t even think to pay my daughter’s bf for that. I’d say, “Hey, thanks for watching the puppy for us. I’ll have to take you and Denise out to a nice dinner sometime as a way of saying thank you!” (Here you daughter is named Denise.). NTA.

Oscar4611 −  NTA you do favors for him, he does favors for you. I would have been ashamed to ask someone who fed me and took me to events to pay me for basically doing nothing.

floral_hippie_couch −  There’s a local lady who pet sits. She charges $30 per DAY, that’s a 24 hr period. There’s also a kennel, and they don’t charge much more. 

I think also maybe why you’re feeling weird about it is because with someone who’s been involved in your family like that, you’d sort of expect it to be basically a favour, with you giving a gratuity to show your appreciation for the favour. . NTA. I think they made it weird. 

DaxxyDreams −  $30 for sitting around, watching tv and eating your food, sounds fair. NTA.

mm1palmer −  YTA. “and we were struggling to find someone to watch our 15 week old puppy”
“but we still had many options left to explore, family and friends, who would have either happily accepted $30, or would have refused it.”

So which is it? Where you struggling to find someone or where there lots of other options? Or did those ‘possible’ options just appear in your mind when you wanted to justify your only giving $30 initially?

He was off work, so he could have used the day to rest at his home with his stuff rather than at your home. So you buy them things and now you want payback even though I bet there was never any agreement to pay you back. And what is your daughter doing to pay back her share of the money you spend on them?

Do you think $30 for six hours of puppy-sitting was too little, or was the additional $30 a fair resolution? How would you handle compensation for casual jobs like this? Share your thoughts and opinions below!


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