AITAH for being upset that my MIL told my husband to sleep on the floor in a closet while his niece, brother and SIL all got comfortable rooms and beds?

A woman is upset after her MIL told her husband he would need to sleep on the floor of a closet during a family visit, while his brother, SIL, and niece were given the comfortable guest rooms.

The MIL admitted she withheld the information, fearing her son wouldnโ€™t come otherwise, even though he had planned the trip months in advance. Fortunately, the husband stayed with friends instead. The couple feels hurt, especially since theyโ€™ve sacrificed their own bedroom for the MIL in the past. Read the original story below…

‘ย AITAH for being upset that my MIL told my husband to sleep on the floor in a closet while his niece, brother and SIL all got comfortable rooms and beds?’

My husband had a trip back home planned for months, and was going to stay with his parents as they have two extra bedrooms. Last minute his brother decided to also visit with his wife and child which my husband was actually excited about.

While he was mid flight around 11pm, my MIL (his mother) texts him saying he will be on the floor in her closet because the child needs her own room and his brother and sister in law will be taking the other guest room.

She said she did not text him sooner because she โ€œselfishly wanted both her boys under the same roofโ€ and knew my husband wouldnโ€™t be comfortable in a closet, but still wanted him to come.

Luckily we have wonderfully loving friends who opened their home to my husband and he got a good nights rest in a warm bed after a very long week, and a long flight across the country.

Mind you this is coming from a very demanding and m**ipulative person (my MIL), who we have repeatedly given up OUR OWN bedroom/upper floor of our home so she could have a good nights rest (at her demand).

This family gaslights, flips the script, and plays the victim, and I just feel crazy being upset and frustrated that they would treat him this way.. Signed,. Harry Potterโ€™s Wife

Here’s what Redditors had to say:

Informal_Ask6646ย โˆ’ย  I think moving forward I would plan on always getting a hotel when going to visit. I have a MIL who is t**ic like this, and itโ€™s best to protect myself and my wife from ever being in a situation she can pull something like this over. Iโ€™m sorry for your husband, but I hope he atleast enjoys his time with his brother.

EldritchKittenTerrorย โˆ’ย  NTA. Next time she comes over, lock all the rooms and give her a sleeping bag in the closet. Also, d**p a pudding on the floor during a dinner with your husband’s boss then blame her for it and get her arrested by the Ministry of Magic for using magic in front of Muggles.. Signed,. Dobby’s Evil Twin Sister.ย 

Anxious_Ad2683ย โˆ’ย  NTA. Glad he got somewhere else to stay. And welcome to the closet for her future visits. Even if a room is open, make it clear she gets a closet.

BabygirlxxAvaย โˆ’ย  Her last-minute text and excuse about wanting both her sons under the same roof seem m**ipulative and insincere, especially given her history of demanding behavior and taking advantage of your hospitality.

swright363ย โˆ’ย  NTA I would be beyond hearing any excuses as to why.

Electrichead64ย โˆ’ย  NTA but let this be a learning experience. Never be at the mercy of someone else. When you are in someone elses house, they are in control. When you are at a Holiday Inn, you are a customer.

zanne54ย โˆ’ย  Looks like a**hole runs in the family. Brother should have had his child in their room and ensured your husband had a bed. NTA and treat these jerks by matching their energy.

Realistic_Head4279ย โˆ’ย  NTA. I’d say that Mom is playing favorites here. To disregard your husband’s comfort and literally trick him into this situation is pretty sad. I’m glad your husband found a decent place to stay while visiting.

Clearly he cannot trust his mother to care about his comfort. Sounds like he advocated for himself though and was well treated elsewhere. Don’t waste too much time fuming over it, just never forget what you MIL is capable of.

Any-Split3724ย โˆ’ย  NTA. Why does a child “need” her own room over an adult? Let the little b**t sleep on an air mattress in her parents’ room or sleep on a couch. Very rude of your MIL, I’d be finding other sleeping arrangements.

Mean_Muffin161ย โˆ’ย  Did he not visit them? What are they mad about?

Was her frustration justified, or did the MIL just act practically? What do you think? Share your thoughts below!


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