AITAH for Choosing My Dog Over My Girlfriend?

A man’s girlfriend, who recently moved in, suggested he rehome his seven-year-old dog, Max, due to space and mess concerns. The man, deeply attached to Max, refused, explaining that the dog was like family. After a tearful argument, the girlfriend stormed out, leaving the man conflicted.

While he feels bad for upsetting her, he doesn’t want to abandon his dog and is questioning if he made the right choice. Read the original story below…

‘ AITAH for Choosing My Dog Over My Girlfriend?’

So, my girlfriend (28F) and I (30M) recently had a pretty intense argument. I’ve had my dog, Max, for over seven years. He’s been my constant companion through thick and thin. My girlfriend moved in with me a few months ago, and while she’s great, she’s not a fan of Max, claiming he takes up too much space and makes a mess.

One day, she suggested I should “rehome” him. I was shocked and hurt. I told her that Max was my family, and I couldn’t imagine life without him. After a tearful discussion, she ended up storming out. Now, I feel terrible. I don’t want to be the bad guy here, but I can’t just abandon my dog.

Am I the a**hole for standing my ground? Or should I have considered her feelings more? I really just want to do what’s right.

Heres the input from the Reddit crowd:

Gonebabythoughts −  You and Max are a package deal, and she should not have thought she could mess with that. You should let her know that this isn’t working out and she needs to find somewhere else to be.

Ozzytheaussy −  If you dropped the dog for a girl I’d think very little of you. I have a dog, he’s a pain but I love the little fella. If a girl said the dog or her….. my dog will always be picked because he’s the only one willing to stand by you no matter what

Brighton_Spores −  It can be really difficult to rehome a dog. But for $200 you can fix this situation easily! Take your girlfriend to a bar give her $100 to buy some drinks and tell her that instead of rehoming Max, you are going to rehome her. She is free to find another home and boyfriend and this bar is an excellent place to do that goodbye.

Now you will feel a little bit sad at this, but to cheer yourself up lets take Max out for a late night walk, look at him bouncing around out there, silly little bugger isn’t he. Bet you will feel just a little bit brighter, now on the way home grab a six pack of beer and two pizzas.

At home rent a movie, crack open a beer and grab a slice of that delicious pizza, one slice for you, one slice for Max. Give max a scratch and a cuddle “Best buds for ever, eh Max.” You see Max accepted your girlfriend, when she came into your house. Your girlfriend did not accept Max, she wants to get rid of him and put him in a shelter. I know which one I would like to be around.

WatchingTellyNow −  I know this is reddit, and I’m kind of ashamed for saying this, but… Be careful she doesn’t try to re-home him (read: d**p him off somewhere) while you’re not around and claim he “ran away”, or otherwise harm him. Better, she can move out again.

Max is so much better for you than she is. If she wants to force you to choose, she’s gotta know she’ll lose.. NTA. Aww, shucks, thanks for the awards!

Lumpy-Lifeguard4114 −  Rethink your relationship with anyone that does not like dogs. She should never have agreed to move in with you if she knew she wasn’t into Max. Keep Max, rehome woman.

mamabear131 −  NTA. My now husband would have dumped me in a heartbeat if I hadn’t loved his dog. She was the goodest girl ever and I still miss her 15 years later. I’d bet money that your (hopefully former) GF pretty much planned on making you give up your best friend and family member. She just chose her moment.

You would be the a**hole if you gave up Max – you are his entire world. She’s not worthy of being part of his.

throwthetrollaway12 −  NTA – bye bye girlfriend

Snowing2024 −  I’m a female with cats. If you love your dog as I love my cats, rehome the human, keep the dog. If you intend to have a relationship with a human after this one, make sure human knows the dog is family and will never, under any circumstance, be kicked out.

terrificblythe −  NTA. Max was with you before your girlfriend and will continue to be with you after (if she keeps making unreasonable demands like this). Stick with your f**ry best friend, they’ll never betray you like a human can.

SparkleTraveler −  ***You and Max are a package deal.***She knew that getting into into your relationship. If she is saying he should be “rehomed” she will always a be a miserable b**ch. She can go, the dog can stay, send her on her way.**

Do you think he should have compromised, or was keeping Max the right decision? Share your thoughts below!


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