AITA if I (18f) reject my uncle’s “gift”?

An 18-year-old girl recently received prize money for her academic achievements and wanted to buy a specific device that isnโ€™t available in her country. She asked a relative abroad to purchase it, but they pressured her into accepting a cheaper, lower-quality alternative.

Despite initially agreeing due to the pressure, she now feels uncomfortable and is considering asking her uncle to return the item so she can buy what she originally wanted. Read the original story below…

‘ย AITA if I (18f) reject my uncle’s “gift”?’

I’m an 18f and recently got some prize money for getting high grades in school, it was a good amount and I wanted to spend it on a new device that’s better than the current one I have, but since the brand I want is unavailable in my country, I asked my relative abroad to buy it for me and I will transfer them the money for the item and shipping.

But when I asked my relative to buy it they suggested a different, less expensive brand saying that spending so much money is a waste, but the brand they suggested is of a lower quality as well and has less features.

I tried to refuse but they only pushed more and even said they would pay for everything since it’s cheaper, and soon my already anxious self cracked and just said yes under the pressure since they were now paying for it. They already ordered the item and will be shipping it to me soon.

Will I be the AH if I simply ask him to return it and I will buy the item myself?

Hereโ€™s what the community had to contribute:

Angelblade92ย โˆ’ย  YTA – You shouldnโ€™t have agreed to it.

sventfulย โˆ’ย  You just learned a valuable lesson. Don’t let other people pressure you into things. State your opinion, stick up for yourself, and keep logic/facts on your side. Remember, No is a full and complete sentence.

Chilling_Stormย โˆ’ย  Yes, I am afraid you will. You agreed, and he ordered it.

10S_NE1ย โˆ’ย  Thereโ€™s nothing saying you canโ€™t own two devices. Itโ€™s nice sometimes to take a cheaper device along when youโ€™re travelling or doing something that might result in losing or damaging your device.

Accept your uncleโ€™s gift with gratitude and grace, and enlist someone elseโ€™s help to get the device you actually want. Are you certain you canโ€™t get the one you want by mail, via Amazon or other type of reseller?

Lumpy-Notice8945ย โˆ’ย  YTA, now they already spend money because you confirmed you want it. Dont promise people something you wont keep.

Euphoric_Travel2541ย โˆ’ย  NAH. But you are 18 now. You need to learn how to say no firmly enough that others will really get the message. You can be polite and firm at the same time.

Itโ€™s not what you really want. If you quickly can reach him and explain that you made a mistake in agreeing, do so and apologize for wasting his time. If it is too late, graciously thank him. And accept the lesson that this experience has taught you.

Tazzy110ย โˆ’ย  “Hi Uncle. I’ve had some time to think about it, and although I truly appreciate what you are doing for me, XYZ is not a fit for me in the way that ABC is. I realize that I should have told you this earlier, but I was o**rwhelmed by your generosity. If there are any penalties associated with returning XYZ, please let me know so that I can reimburse you. I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused.”. NTA.

itstheloneliestlifeย โˆ’ย  A lot of people saying you’re the a**hole and to stick up for yourself… but you’re trying to stick up for yourself after an actual adult bullied their own preferences on to you. You’re barely 18. Tell your uncle to return whatever he bought and thanks for the help, but what he is offering is not what you need.

You’re NTA for being bullied and put in an uncomfortable situation by a grown adult who should have known better, but overstepped anyway.

Affectionate-Mix8447ย โˆ’ย  NTA. You wanted to buy yourself something with your money. You don’t need to feel pressured even if you’re asking for help.

Tazzy110ย โˆ’ย  I can’t believe you all are calling this person an AH for caving and then telling them to accept a gift they don’t want. You’re talking our of both sides of your mouth.

Is it unreasonable for her to want to cancel the order for the device she didnโ€™t choose? What do you think? Share your thoughts below!


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