AITA for back seat driving when it came to passing lanes?

A Redditor recently shared a story about a road trip with their sister that took a frustrating turn. During the drive, the Redditor criticized their sister’s use of passing lanes, leading to tension and an argument that lasted for an hour. Frustrated by her driving, the Redditor decided to fly back home instead of riding with her, which made the situation even worse.

‘ AITA for back seat driving when it came to passing lanes?’

I went on a road trip with my sister to visit our grandmother. We haven’t made this drive together in years and she offered to drive. Once we got out of the city the roads become one lane each way with passing lanes every few miles. IMO, my sister used the passing lanes inappropriately.

She camps out in the left lane and doesn’t attempt to pass anyone. She also makes it difficult for others to pass. This pissed me off and I called out her driving. I told her that she needed to stay right. I told her if I was behind her that i’d be honking my ass off at her.

She told me, well you are an a**hole driver. I said maybe, but i follow the rules of the road, you literally are not. She called me an a**hole and told me to stop criticizing her driving. Every few miles I made comments to her to stay right.

We ended up arguing about this for like an hour. We were pissed at each other. I paid 250 bucks for the 45 minute flight home instead of driving home with my sister and that made her big mad because she didn’t want to drive by herself.  AITA?

Here’s the comments of Reddit users:

pennywhistlesmoonpie −  NTA. Everyone voting otherwise thinks it’s okay to camp out in the left lane and is an inconsiderate driver.

FuckUAandRealCats −  NTA, as a person who road trips a lot people not passing need to stay the f**k to the right.  Leave the left lane to people like me that want to pass. There is a reason passing lanes say slow traffic stay right.  

JeepersCreepers74 −  NTA. I don’t understand all the YTA votes. This is not your typical urban freeway–in this situation, the passing lane is for passing and, otherwise, cars are supposed to keep to the right.

It’s not even that your sister was camped out in the left lane, but she was making passing difficult for everyone, completely rendering the purpose of the passing lane meaningless because she was either too lazy or too proud to get in the right lane? You were right to point out the issue and, since this only led to fighting and not any solution, you were also right to take another way home.

GirlDad2023_ −  The $250 was a good investment! NTA.

Major_Barnacle_2212 −  She’s actually the AH driver. The left lane is there specifically to pass.. NTA.
If you can’t convince her that you’re the normal one, please tell her I’d give her such a disappointed head shake when I passed her in the right lane.

National_Pension_110 −  Lol I have a feeling we’re going to get different judgements based on whether people are left lane huggers. I’m gonna say NTA for a couple of reasons—first because what she was doing was inconsiderate and she needed to know it.

More importantly, you point out that this kind of rude (illegal) driving can lead to road rage. Let’s face it: her driving was putting you at risk. She refused to adjust her method even when you called it out. Don’t ride with her again.

tosserBlank −  NTA and everyone saying otherwise is a bad driver and/or very e**itled.
if she was speeding the whole time and you asked her to stop would they say the same thing?

GrumpyLump91 −  NTA. Your sister can’t drive.

ROSEISALUV −  Wow. A lot of people here assuming that driving in the left lane when not passing is a personal choice and that it’s “not dangerous” ?? Who determines what is dangerous and what is not? The laws do! The laws tell you to stay in the right (edited from left 🥴) lane except when passing. Not hard to comprehend.
You (OP) apparently pissed off the driver, and could possibly have been less confrontational but NTA.

Beneficial-Focus3702 −  NTA going too slowly in the left lane is a ticketable offense in many states because it makes you a road hazard.
The DOT has even released information on how going slowly in the left lane is actually *more dangerous* for traffic as a whole, than speeding.

Do you think the Redditor was justified in calling out their sister’s driving, or should they have let it go to keep the peace? How would you handle a situation where someone’s driving habits frustrate you during a road trip? Share your opinions in the comments below!


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