AITAH for “ruining” a date?

A Redditor shares how a promising first date took a turn when the conversation shifted to marriage and children. After expressing his desire for a prenup and his lack of interest in having more children, the woman he was seeing got upset and accused him of being selfish. He decided to end the date early, which only escalated the situation further. Read the full story below.

‘ AITAH for “ruining” a date?’

I (34M) had a date last night with a pretty nice woman. We seemed to be hitting it off pretty well, for the most part. The conversation led to our beliefs on marriage and kids. I told her I wouldn’t get married without a pre-nup and I have zero interest in having another kid.

This seemed to *really* p**s her off. She told me that I am s**fish if I would want a pre-nup and that I am essentially giving up on a marriage before it even has a chance. In my defense I make *really* good money and have absolutely no interest in supporting an ex. She then went off about how it’s s**fish to not want another kid. Because she hasn’t had one.

I told her I respect her feelings but I could tell we’re on two different wave lengths. I told her I was calling it a night. I paid the bill and left. When I got home she was blowing my phone up. She was calling me an a**hole and told me that I am going to die alone. I told her that’s okay. I like being alone.. So AITAH?

Edit: You dudes acting like I should have not been straight forward on the 1st date to get laid are pathetic. I don’t coerce people into s**. GTFO here with that s**t. SMH. I got a daughter and would bash a dude’s teeth in for coercing my kid into s**. Wtf is wrong with yall?! Ffs.

Check out how the community responded:

towercranee −  NTA – you clearly dodged a bullet.

Available_Doctor_974 −  Was this a first date? If so, congrats on dodging a bullet.

Mundane-Telephone498 −  NTA. You’re upfront with a couple deal-breakers; which shrinks your pool of candidates, but nothing wrong with that. Pre-nup does make it easier to break a marriage commitment; unless the pre-nup is generous after a long-term marriage.

In that sense, you’ve got the security of some safety if divorcing, but it forces you to think long and hard about ditching the union. Weird on the kid thing. Some people want kids, some don’t. It’s a match or it’s not. Nothing to get angry over.

Proud-Geek1019 −  NTA. Yikes. I’m 49 and dating my bf for 2 years. I am also very successful and have planned for a stable financial future and retirement. HE brought up wanting a pre-nup (to protect me) should we ever get married. It is a responsible and level headed thing to do. Good for you for knowing things like this about you now.

Unfair-Pomegranate25 −  In the end, her telling you that you’ll die alone because you want what you want is all you need to know about her. NTA.

WolfDilf −  NTA. The simple answer is that you may not be the first one to tell her this. If it happened once you can chalk it up to a weird date, twice maybe bad luck, but more than that and they start to realize that finding a partner that will fund their lifestyle without asking for anything in return is becoming more difficult. LOL You behaved perfectly cordial, she just didn’t like the r**ection.. Cheers

WiseBat −  People seem to forget that prenups protect both parties if they’re done properly. NTA.

Schafer_Isaac −  NTA. You’re incompatible. That simple. It’s sad that marriage has become so broken that prenups are necessary. I get why people want to do it now, and I get why some view it as betting the marriage will fail.

Scrooge_McFuch −  The only kind of person who protests that much about a pre-nup is exactly the kind of person you need a pre-nup for

DaniCapsFan −  At least you didn’t waste too much time on this person. When you learned you had fundamental incompatibilities, you politely said so and called it a night.. NTA

Do you think he was justified in standing firm on his views and ending the date, or could he have handled the situation more delicately? Was the woman’s reaction over-the-top, or did she have a point? Share your thoughts in the comments!


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