AITA for getting my daughter a hotel room entirely for herself after her stepsisters made her sleep on the floor?

A Redditor shares a tense situation that arose during a family trip to attend his father’s funeral. After booking two hotel rooms—one for himself and his wife and the other for his daughter and her two stepsisters—his daughter, Shiloh, called him in tears because her stepsisters insisted she sleep on the floor. The Redditor booked a separate hotel room for his daughter, but his wife and stepdaughters are now upset, accusing him of playing favorites. Read the full story below.

‘ AITA for getting my daughter a hotel room entirely for herself after her stepsisters made her sleep on the floor?’

My dad passed away 2 weeks ago. Me, my wife ‘Candace’ and my daughter (16) ‘Shiloh’ and her stepsisters (19) & (17) flew to my hometown to attend the funeral. After that we got 2 hotel rooms (one for me and Candace, one for the girls).

While I was in the room, I got a call from Shiloh at 11pm crying and sounded like she was arguing with her stepsisters. I asked what the matter was and she told me that her stepsisters insisted that she sleep on the floor (there were one large bed in the room and there was enough space for all 3 girls to sleep on).

I asked why and she said she didn’t know. I went to see what the issue was and talked with my stepdaughters about it. They kept talking but didn’t really explain why they told her to sleep on the floor. They just shrugged and said “It’s better this way…we’re more comfortable this way..”. I told Shiloh to grab her things and when one of my stepdaughters asked where we were going, I told her I was booking her a hotel room.

Both looked upset but didn’t say anything but they must’ve called their mom because she was awake when I got back and started arguing with me about giving Shiloh an entire hotel room for herself. I explained why I did it but she said I wasted money and that Shiloh could’ve sucked it up for one night on the floor.

I called her unreasonable for saying this but she told me I showed the girls that I’m “playing favorites” and made my stepdaughters share a room while I gave my daughter and entire room for herself.We went home and Candace is still bringing it up saying I mishandled this. She even pointed out how my stepdaughters are upset since they’re not speaking to me.

ETA It was Candace who got a room for the 3 girls as to not stir any drama and save money. She was in charge of hotel reservation since I was emotionaly distressed. Also. Candace did NOT expect Shiloh to sleep on the floor. She wanted all 3 girls to share the bed.

ETA#2 For those that are calling me an ah for giving my daughter her name. Her mom did that and she’s deceased so please let’s not focus on that. And also, I’ve known my stepdaughters since they were little. We’re pretty much family and Candace is a sahm but I give her full access to my money since this stuff was already discussed before handed. Pretty much everything was.

Lets dive into the reactions from Reddit:

_neontangles −  What I’m getting from this is that your stepdaughters were trying to live up to the Disney depiction of step-sisters and were shocked when they couldn’t just b**ly her into getting what they want. What’s extra gross is that they did it when coming back from Shilo’s grandparent’s funeral. Talk about cruel.

You’re definitely NTA. But also wtf is wrong with Candace if she sees this as playing favorites? Her daughters tried to make yours sleep on the floor for fun. Sounds like the apples don’t fall far from the tree. Have you pointed out your daughter is also upset because of the situation and ***she*** is playing favorites? Edit: Thanks for the awards, people of the internet!

SlothLordMcMarekat −  NTA. Candace is the one playing favourites. Expecting your daughter to sleep on the floor is some Cinderella type stuff. Maybe pull your daughter aside and find out if this is the only thing they’ve done to treat her badly

dart1126 −  NTA. If playing favorites means your grieving daughter is not to be unnecessarily subjected to her evil stepsisters’ b**lying…then, yeah, own it with pride. How long have you been married?

Your wife is an a**hole, and doesn’t care if you and your daughter are grieving, she’s making more problems with her brats, and accusing YOU and your daughter of being the problem. She’s STILL bringing up weeks later how YOU mishandled this, and saying as PROOF of that the older brats are upset?!? Time for some serious thinking

bitternerdette −  NTA. Why did the step sisters think that this was acceptable? This ain’t cinderella.. I’m glad you did what you did.

Stup2plending −  “Reward my daughters’ bad behavior to your daughter because they are my daughters”. NTA and both your stepdaughters and wife are

Senzairu −  How well do you actually know your wife and her kids? How long have they known you and your daughter? Why did you enter into a marriage with this sort of a dynamic?

EnsignNogIsMyCat −  Your step-daughters forced your daughter, who just lost her grandfather, to sleep on the floor. If they actually had a problem sharing the bed with her, they should have asked for a roll-away bed, instead they chose to cruelly b**ly your child.

You reacted appropriately, by removing your daughter from the presence of the bullies and getting her a safe, comfortable space to sleep. Your step-daughters were awful, but the worst person is your wife. She saw no problem in what her children did to your daughter and objected to you standing up for your daughter.

I suggest asking Shiloh if her step-sisters have bullied her or been cruel before this incident, and ask her how her step-mother treats her. NTA, keep protecting your daughter, and reconsider your marriage.

k-lovegood −  NTA. It isn’t fair to exclude Shiloh from a comfortable sleep so it’s only fair that if they’re “more comfortable this way”, that Shiloh gets her own room. Don’t let your wife and step-daughters be the stereotypical evil step mother/sisters to Shiloh.

Mighty_joosh −  NTA here, Drizella and anastasia causing problems again eh?

Due_Fix_3900 −  NTA. I actually bring flip flops to hotels specifically because I assume hotel floors are so n**ty that I don’t want my bare feet to make contact. I’d never sleep on the floor of one. Favoritism would have been getting her her own room after Shiloh mistreated her stepsisters; however it was the reverse.

You just took action because she was being bullied. Sorry for your loss, OP. If this comes up again, I’d suggest making sure there’s two sleeping options (two beds, or one bed and a pullout couch that converts) next time and specifically let everyone know that no one is sleeping on the damn floor.

Do you think the father handled the situation fairly by getting his daughter a separate room, or should he have insisted they share the space equally? Was it playing favorites, or just standing up for his daughter? Share your opinions below!


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