AITA for kicking my sister and niece out after they ate all my wife’s fruit?

A man kicked his sister and her 12-year-old daughter out of his home after they repeatedly ate the fruit he had stocked for his pregnant wife, despite being warned not to. His wife, 34 weeks pregnant, craved strawberries and mangoes, and their disappearance left her visibly upset.

After catching his sister eating the last of the strawberries, he asked her to leave within an hour. Now, family members accuse him of overreacting and claim he prioritized food over supporting his sister in a difficult time. read the original story below…

‘ AITA for kicking my sister and niece out after they ate all my wife’s fruit?’

My wife is 34 weeks pregnant and throughout this whole pregnancy, her two consistent cravings are fresh mango and strawberries. I make sure to keep them stocked in the fridge at all times because I know she will 100% get up in the middle of the night and go straight to the fridge looking for these items.

The amount of joy she gets from these two pleasures are insane. She generally is good natured anyhow but seeing that I stock the fridge with these two snacks and “showing how much I care” makes her love me even more (her words). My sister (46) asked to stay with us for a few weeks because her and her husband are on the rocks and she had no where else to go.

I asked my wife about it and she said that was fine as long as they were gone by the time she had the baby, which I agree with. I tell my sister and she said she would make sure to be gone before then. We weren’t even charging her rent or anything.

The only stipulation I had was that they buy all their own food because my wife and I tend to eat rather healthy and it gets expensive quick so we can’t be cooking meals together. She agreed to the terms. It didn’t even take 3 days for my sister and my niece (12) to eat every single bit of fruit that I had stocked in the fridge for my wife.

The first time around I told them to simply not touch the fruit. My sister apologized and that was the end of it. However, a few more days go by and I notice, again, that the fruit is gone. I asked my sister about it and she said it must have been my niece and that she would speak to her.

But yesterday I came home after an appointment with my wife (ultrasound) and there’s my sister, dipping the strawberries in to a case of sugar and eating them while scrolling her phone. My wife immediately looks defeated and says “I’m just going to go lay down”. She looked extremely hurt.

My sister says “I only had two” and tries defending her actions and I tell her at this point that she needs to leave. She starts scolding me; “you’re really kicking me and your niece out over fruit? Are you serious?” So I said yes, and told her she had an hour to get her stuff and leave.

I’m being told by several people that I overreacted. That my sister needed me during her hard time and I just proved that family means nothing over food. AITA? For context: she gets food stamps so she has EBT to get her own fruit, if she so chose. She just never did.

Here’s how people reacted to the post:

Far-Juggernaut8880 −  To be clear, you are asking her to leave because she was not respecting your and your wife’s boundaries.. NTA

Careless_League_9494 −  NTA . You’re not kicking her out over fruit. You’re kicking her out over the fact that she has no respect for you, your wife, or your very reasonable, and clearly stated boundaries. There are few things I hate more than when people try to trivialize your reasonable boundaries with comments like that.

You’re really kicking me and your niece out over fruit? Are you serious? It’s not about the fruit. It’s about the fact that you set one single boundary, and they wilfully, and repeatedly disrespected, disregarded, and violated said boundary.

LearnsFromExperience −  “You really risked losing the place you’re living in over fruit? Are you serious!?”

Alaina_TheGoddess −  NTA. You had one simple rule she could not abide by. It’s extremely disrespectful of her considering the huge amount of help you offered. Your house, your rules. She can leave.

globroc −  I can see why your sister is having problems with her husband. NTA.

Cryptographer_Alone −  NTA. Seriously, don’t get between pregnant women and their go-to foods. Pregnancy is hard enough, and sometimes you lose foods that you love for months. Moreover, if it’s expressly laid out that food is not being shared between roommates, and the roommate eats the other’s food anyway, that’s stealing.

Sister and niece have been caught twice before stealing food. This was the third time. In no instance did they reimburse OP for what they stole, nor did they replace what they stole. So time for some consequences.

No one is required to house thieves. Unless you’re a jail, but OP is clearly not running a correctional facility. And now this pregnant lady is going to go eat one of her own stash of mangos.

aj0457 −  Those people that are saying you’re over reacting? Thank them for offering to take your sister in. Let it get awkward.. NTA.

BronxyMayBLM −  NTA, it’s not about the fruit. It’s about respect and boundaries, which she clearly refuses to accept. She is showing entitlement. You don’t HAVE to give her a place to stay, regardless if she is family or not. You chose to be kind and give her a place to stay and not even charge her anything.

You gave her ONE rule and instead of respecting it, she chose to ignore the rule multiple times even after being reminded about it. Nah, kick her out. If anyone has any problems with it then tell them they can open up their home to her.

Sea-Ad9057 −  also she dipped the fruit in the sugar … sooo unnecessary she could have just bought some… makes me wonder who was causing the problems between sister and husband

PlethoraOfDogs −  I absolutely love the way you handled that!! And how you make sure your wife always has her fruit. You’re a keeper.

Did the man go too far, or was he justified? Share your thoughts below!



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