AITAH for breaking off my wedding because of my fiancés bachelor party?

A bride-to-be called off her wedding after discovering videos of her fiancé behaving inappropriately during his bachelor party. He was seen kissing multiple women, licking alcohol off one’s breast, and was later photographed in bed with two women.

When confronted, he downplayed the behavior, claiming it’s “what guys do” before marriage and deflected by focusing on the couple’s phone privacy rule. The bride now questions whether she made the right choice, as his family blames her for ruining the wedding, but her friends support her decision. read the original story below…

‘ AITAH for breaking off my wedding because of my fiancés bachelor party?’

Me and my fiancé have been together for 2 years. It was our wedding eve and I was having my bachelorette party and he was having his bachelor party. So my bachelorette party was just a little thing with some of my girlfriends and family at my home with drinks that the family put together for me ,

on the other hand my fiancés bachelorette party was at a bar with a huge party( which is perfectly fine with me) but half way into my party my friend runs up to me with a video of my fiancé getting a lap dance from one of the girls there then she showed the next video(these were on Snapchat stories) the video was my fiancé licking a mix drink off of a girls b**ast and another video of him making out with a girl and then another girl right after her.

I was upset and confronted my fiancé about it when he had gotten home the day of our wedding he got all defensive and said “it’s what guys do on their bachelor party nights it’s the last night we have being single babe” he was hungover and I was Ferius because I understand but you don’t just go making out with girls and licking drinks off their b**ast.

I just decided to try to forget it and go on with the wedding until he was in the shower and his phone kept going off.( we do have a rule where we don’t go through each others phones unless there’s a reason and we have to let the other person know if we are going through them) I wasn’t going to touch it but it kept going off with people sending him photos on his phone from the night before so I decided to look at the videos to see if I missed anything.

It was photos of my fiancé in bed with TWO girls with NO clothes I turned his phone off went in the bathroom and told him the wedding it off and I need time to process what has happened he asked why and I said look at your phone and see he then changed the whole subject and went insane over the searching phones rule I told him boyfriends don’t f**k other

girls just cause it’s there last night as not a husband he cussed me and then begged for me to keep the wedding on I walked out and said no it’s been 2 days now and his family is upset with me because I called off the wedding to soon and ruined their sons day everyone who was at my bachelorette party is on my side saying it’s his fault and he needs to relise he’s in the wrong.

Should I talk to him about it and reschedule the wedding? I do love him but I’m not sure if this was a red flag that can lead into the future with him.. Aitah?

Here’s what the community had to contribute:

MaryAnne0601 −  **Get tested for STD’s**

Pen-Weary −  NTA, he CHEATED on you under the excuse that “it’s just what guys do” at their bachelors party (which it’s not if they have any respect for you) and is lovebombing you/g**lighting you into staying.

If you marry this man he will 100% cheat on you again, and again it won’t be his fault but the situations fault (ex. You didn’t pay attention to him when he needed it, he had a stressful day at work, he was drunk, etc.) he will continue to do this until you eventually leave him or make yourself settle for him.

This will not be a happy and healthy relationship for you and will only benefit him in the end, get out while you can.

MuffinMama_ −  NTA you definitely did the right thing

ResurrectionScary −  LOL.. should you go through with the wedding? You … want to sign up for a lifetime of being disrespected and cheated on? Sure go ahead with the wedding. A guy who would cheat on you before the wedding isn’t going to stop because you have a party. It wasn’t his “last night” to be with someone else.

His last night to be with someone else was when he committed to you, the wedding is irrelevant.

LtColShinySides −  NTA “…it’s the last night we have being single…” so, according to him, you guys haven’t been in a relationship this entire time? Hopefully, you can get some refunds on short notice. Really sucks this happened, but it’s best you find out now. Edit- looking at some of OPs other comments I think this post is 100%, USDA certified, b**lshit lol

anotherworthlessman −  NTA:. YWBTA If you marry this man.. That is all.

GamblingChad −  NTA – He cheated on you and is using the party as an excuse, if he doesn’t want to dedicate himself to one woman then he doesn’t deserve you. Cut him out of your life.

FloMoJoeBlow −  Petty little me would have compiled all the pictures and videos into one long video. Have your dad walk you down the aisle, then before the minister starts the service, turn around to the congregation and say that you’d like to play a short video from the bachelor party.

At the end of the video, after everyone has seen him having his threeway and his reputation is in tatters, then announce the wedding is off. Go through with the reception to celebrate having dodged a bullet.

Iwaa03 −  It’s a million red flags. Know your worth. Remember your worth. Don’t let his “love” cloud your truth. Close that door. Now you open a new door to find someone who values you.

Eladiun −  NTA. Having attended around 30 bachelor parties I can say with certainty that this isn’t normal behavior. Lap dances yes, body shots, iffy, everything else is way outside normal. The craziest part though was that someone felt the need to document it and share it

Should she forgive him, or was this a sign of future trouble? Share your thoughts below!


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