AITA for being angry that the person who rescued the dog I traveled halfway around the world to adopt now wants the dog back?

A Reddit user shares their frustration after traveling halfway around the world to adopt a dog rescued by a friend. After bringing the dog back to Europe, their friend suddenly changed her mind and now wants to keep the dog, claiming a deep bond.

The Redditor had initially asked if the friend wanted to keep the dog but was told no due to financial and personal reasons. Now, feeling used and betrayed, the Redditor is angry about their friend’s sudden change of heart and the strain it’s causing. Read the full story below to see the complicated situation and how the Redditor plans to handle it.

‘ย AITA for being angry that the person who rescued the dog I traveled halfway around the world to adopt now wants the dog back?’

A few months ago, a friend of mine asked for help rehoming a dog she rescued while volunteering in Asia. I agreed to take the dog as Iโ€™d just lost one of my own and wanted to provide a home for another in need. I flew to Asia and brought the dog back to Europe because regulations state that pet dogs can only enter the country if accompanied by their owner.

ETA: my friend did pay for my return flight. Once here, my friend (who lives elsewhere in Europe) asked to come and stay for a week to help the dog adjust. I agreed, thinking it would be helpful. But after a few days, she suddenly told me sheโ€™s realized how attached she is, has had a change of heart, and wants to keep the dog herself.

Sheโ€™s asking me to transfer ownership so she can fly the dog back to her own country, even though the dog is legally mine, and Iโ€™ve already spent a ton of time, effort, and money getting her here.

This is especially frustrating because, before I flew to get the dog, I asked my friend is she was 100% sure she didn’t just want to keep the dog herself, but she explicitly said she couldnโ€™t take her due to financial instability, traveling often, and having other pets.

Now sheโ€™s changed her mind and claims sheโ€™s the dogโ€™s “soulmate,” even though Iโ€™ve already made plans to integrate the dog into my home with my other pets. Iโ€™m furious and feel used, like this whole process was a way for her to get the dog from Asia to Europe just so she could swoop in and try to cajole me into letting her claim the dog back.

I told her she needs to prove she can provide a stable home, but Iโ€™m beyond frustrated at her behavior. If I were in her situation, I’d admit defeat and bow out gracefully rather than mess someone around like this. AITA for being angry about her sudden change of heart and lack of foresight?

Here’s the comments of Reddit users:

FakinFunkย โˆ’ย  โ€” โ€œHey, Iโ€™d like the dog back.โ€. โ€” โ€œNo.โ€. โ€ฆaaaaaand *scene.* Donโ€™t overthink this. Someone who couldnโ€™t care for the dog before almost certainly canโ€™t care for it now. The dog will be neglected and live a far worse life if you send it back to its wishy-washy original owner.. NTA.

MerlinBiggsย โˆ’ย  NTA. Especially after all the trouble you’ve gone too. Also, if she’s changed her mind once she can do so again. It’s yours now. Keep it.

EveningOven3695ย โˆ’ย  Legally the dog is no longer hers. Chip the dog and block the friend.

Massive_Letterhead90ย โˆ’ย  I suspect she very much wanted the dog all along but couldn’t afford all the expenses. That’s where you came in.
If I were you I wouldn’t stand for it.

DonWilliam77ย โˆ’ย  NTA. Your friend asked you for a favor and you did a lot for that, it is just unfair of her to demand the dog back, even if she realized it was a mistake of her to give it away. If she would offer to fully compensate you for all expenses and owe you a huge favor on top, then maybe i would recommend to think about it, but not without anything like that.

Timely_Egg_6827ย โˆ’ย  NTA – I’d be raging too. She’s basically used you as a pet courier. But all the paperwork is in your name so you can tell her to go away. You will be blowing up the friendship but the dog will be in a better place.

She could afford your flight – I’d consider repaying that – but there is some reason she wanted you to be the patsy. Was she deemed not suitable by the rescue agency – I’d contact them and ask them. All the reasons this dog is not a good fit for her still stand.

EveningOven3695ย โˆ’ย  Nope kick the friend out, block her, and keep the dog. She tried using you . That’s your dog. Don’t let her take it.

FasterThanNewtsย โˆ’ย  Keep this simple. Tell her the dog has bonded so strongly with you and your pets, it would be cruel to uproot him AGAIN. If she whines about it, donโ€™t respond. NTA.

Due-Health-5969ย โˆ’ย  NTA. You went through great lengths to rescue the dog and bring her to Europe all the way from Asia, it’s just unfair to you if you go with her “change of heart”

Less-Quality6326ย โˆ’ย  NTA. Type up a bill of all expenses. Including the vacation time you took from work that you cannot get back. You earned that vacation time- that is a lot of money so add that in. Also charge her for the time you spent. Time is money.

Whatever your boss pays you per hour. Present her with a bill. She canโ€™t afford the dog. Even tho she wants it. She probably canโ€™t afford to pay you for the cost incurred but you shouldnโ€™t be at a financial loss either for a situation that SHE CREATED.

This was NOT a vacation for you. You had ZERO intentions of going there and doing all that. So you have LOST A LOT OF TIME & MONEY. Someone needs to account for that.

Do you think the Redditorโ€™s anger is justified, or was their friendโ€™s change of heart understandable? How would you handle the situation if you were in their shoes? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


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