AITA my(19F) bf (20M) walked in on a video assessment and made noise?

A Redditor shares an experience where her boyfriend disrupted a crucial video assessment, despite her clear instructions to avoid making noise. The assessment required absolute silence, but her boyfriend entered the room, made noise, and even spoke, risking her academic outcome. After calmly expressing her frustration, he dismissed her concerns, which left her feeling disrespected.

‘ย AITA my(19F) bf (20M) walked in on a video assessment and made noise?’

So Iโ€™m having to do a video assessment for a course that Iโ€™m doing at the moment. Itโ€™s in multiple parts, so I donโ€™t record one big video but multiple small ones. In the instructions it specifically says no background noise, or other peoples voices, otherwise I will be failed.

I ask him if he can be quiet and tell him what the instructions say. He just leaves the room, which is fine it means that thereโ€™ll be no noise at all. I tell him to not enter the room as the door is really noisy, and my phone mic picks up everything, and specifically, do not enter if Iโ€™m talking.

Iโ€™m in the middle of speaking and he opens the door, walks around the room and grabs his phone. I look at him, he whispers โ€œdonโ€™t worry, Iโ€™ll be quick.โ€
I understand that he might need to grab something, but he was so loud.

His footsteps were loud, he walked over some clothes which was loud, the door was so loud, and he spoke – to me!!! If the assessor thinks that heโ€™s speaking to me, regardless of what heโ€™s saying thereโ€™s a possibility that I might fail.

I finished up, and got frustrated. No yelling or anything, just sighed and told him that I donโ€™t feel respected. I reminded him of what I told him before, and he dismissed it, by saying I wonโ€™t fail. Itโ€™s not about failing. Itโ€™s about the principal – about coming into the space and making noise then acting ignorant.
AITA for getting frustrated at him?

Lets dive into the reactions from Reddit:

Tangerine_Bouquetย โˆ’ย  NTA. You were clear about what was needed, and it sounds like he’s just an AH who doesn’t care about something important to you.
If it’s about the assessments, see if you can do them elsewhere, or while this guy is not near you. If he regularly does things you’ve asked him clearly not to do, fix the “ex-bf” part of this story.

SammySammySamSamSamย โˆ’ย  NTA – There are tests where the rules are strict because you could be accused of cheating. This could be something important for a job, or school and something you paid for that you lose your money on when you fail.

The rules are set in pace for specific reasons. He was being an AH by either not listening to what you said, or just not taking you seriously. I hope that if you do fail, you are able to give it another shot. And that your boyfriend pays for it if another payment is required. He also owes you an apology.

East_Parking8340ย โˆ’ย  I wonder whether he actually wants you to pass the course. Itโ€™s fairly clear he doesnโ€™t care if you do.
Can you imagine his reaction if the roles were reversed?. NTA but BF is.

Celanna192ย โˆ’ย  NTA. I’d be worried that this is intentional sabotage since he could have waited to get his phone. You were pretty clear what you needed from him and he pretty much did everything opposite. It also sounds like you weren’t in a common space, and he had other places he could be/other things he could do that didn’t include his phone.

JenniferGonzalez12ย โˆ’ย  NTA. Your boyfriend knew the rules, and it was disrespectful for him to ignore your request after you specifically asked him not to enter the room while you were recording.

rjlezotte22ย โˆ’ย  NTA. my wife had to do the same thing while working on her degree as well, and we live in a very tiny house. At the time that she was doing that, we had only 1 kid, and I was able to make sure they were quiet too. He knew what could happen and said to himself it was worth it for his phone.

FindingFit6035ย โˆ’ย  NTA. Tests like that you have to be extremely careful that you follow whatever rules are set out because the risk of failure if it’s not followed is there. I remember I had a test like this and I told my family that they had to leave for at least two hours, didn’t care where they went so long as they were gone.

Thankfully they understood and made themselves gone for the day; your boyfriend should have done the same and made sure he wasn’t even near the room while it was going on.

Affectionate-Low427ย โˆ’ย  NTA. My ex used to do this to me alllll the time. Started out with small stuff like what you’re describing and escalated to the point where he was playing loud music, walking around the room, and taking phone calls.

It got to the point where one time i broke down and sobbed during an exam lol. you’re right to feel disrespected and you’re right to bring it up. Nip this one in the bud early.

MarcyCollierย โˆ’ย  Youโ€™re not the AH . You made your needs clear, and he disrespected that, which is really frustrating. Itโ€™s about being considerate, and he shouldโ€™ve listened!

SpicyPorkWontonnnnย โˆ’ย  NTA. He’s rude. Plain and simple. And doesn’t respect you honestly. Ask yourself if you want to be treated like this for the rest of your life. It’s such a little thing you asked. And he couldn’t even do it BECAUSE HE DIDN’T THINK YOU WERE WORTH THE EFFORT.


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