AITA for bringing my degree into work to prove I graduated?

A 32-year-old man works in an office where colleagues display their degrees prominently. After a coworker named John accuses him of lying about his college education, he decides to bring his diploma to work to prove he graduated.

The diploma reveals that he graduated with “first class honors,” which draws attention from coworkers and results in teasing directed at John. While the man intended to clear his name, John feels humiliated and claims he should have found a different way to prove his education. Read the original story below…

‘ AITA for bringing my degree into work to prove I graduated? ‘

I’ll try not to make this too long. I (32M) work in an office where everyone has at least a bachelor’s degree (this is relevant). Most of my coworkers have their degrees framed on the walls of their offices, and some also have pictures of them at their graduations; in fact, I think I’m the only one that doesn’t.

I’d rather decorate my walls with pictures of my wife and me on trips we’ve taken. I also didn’t even attend my college graduation (not much for ceremonies), so I don’t have any cap and gown pictures, which has never bothered me. Recently a coworker- we’ll call him John- started suggesting I didn’t actually go to college, and lied to get this job.

The accusation was so ridiculous that I basically ignored it, but that just seemed to convince him more. He started saying dumb stuff like “must be nice to have gotten this job without doing any real work”, “I wish I could’ve gotten this job without student loans”, and “if you’d gone to college like the rest of us, you’d understand”.

I tried ignoring him, thinking he probably just wanted to start drama, but eventually I could sense our other coworkers beginning to think John might be right since I wasn’t really disputing it. I figured I’d just bring in my damn degree and put an end to it.

Now, here’s the thing: I did really well in school, enough that I graduated with a “first class honors”, which my diploma says. I’ve never mentioned this to anyone at work because it didn’t feel that important- the degree itself is what matters. However, when I brought my diploma in, my coworkers really focused on the “first class honors” thing.

I kinda became the hotshot of the office that day, which was weird. My boss insisted I add it to my wall, saying it “looked good for the company”. My coworkers then began teasing John about the whole thing, pointing out that HIS degree doesn’t say anything about honors, and saying it was a dumb accusation.

Now John is pissed off and calling me an AH, saying I made him look bad with the whole “honors” thing, and saying I could’ve found some other way to prove I graduated without bringing in the degree. So, AITA for bringing my diploma into work to prove I graduated and making John look bad?

Heres the input from the Reddit crowd:

LouisV25 −  NTA. John stuck his foot in his mouth. Leave it there.. BE PROUD OF YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Don’t downplay your accomplishments for people that want you to seem small. HANG IT ON THE WALL.

SoMuchMoreEagle −  NTA But it really seems like this guy has it out for you. Ask him politely, but firmly to let the subject drop. If this continues, consider talking to HR.

automatic_mismatch −  NTA. The only person who made John look bad is John.

Stranger0nReddit −  NTA. For John, this was a classic case of play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

PurpleMarsAlien −  Info: what sort of industry do you work in where people hang their diplomas on the wall? I’ve spent my career working with many people who have many advanced degrees and I’ve never seen anyone hang their diplomas at the office. To be honest, I have several and they are probably in a box in the garage somewhere.

Major_Barnacle_2212 −  NTA but it’s a shame his b**lying made you feel a response was necessary. I think next time you should put him in his place without needing to bring in “proof!” And there probably will be a next time, because apparently he’s insecure and childish.

I think laughing at him and saying “it’s pretty sad that you’re so bad at your job you need to frame your diploma and put it on the wall to prove you’re educated instead of just being smart.

Or, “it must be embarrassing that you don’t have anything else you’re proud of to hang on your walls, but you do whatever you need to feel good about yourself.”
That’s just what came to mind for me.

thewhizzle −  This has to be f**e. The behavior is absurd and this reads like what ab middle school kids thinks working in an office is like

ApartTask0_0 −  … nobody cares about it. no boss would care about this. i am calling f**e.

puredaintyo −  honestly sounds like john just needed to chill. like bringing your degree was a solid move if he was spreading rumors. i mean if someone questions your hard work just show what you got. but i guess john learned a lesson about messing with the wrong person. keep doin you and enjoy those travel pics on your wall

gueldz −  F**e. AI.

Was the man justified in bringing his diploma to work, or did he go too far in proving his worth and inadvertently embarrassing John? What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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