AITA for jumping out of a bathroom window to avoid my mom’s attempt at forcing a reunion between me and my ex fiancé?

A Reddit user shares a painful experience from Christmas Eve when he jumped out of a bathroom window to avoid a forced reunion with his ex-fiancé, Sarah, who had cheated on him. Despite his attempts to maintain no contact and explain his reasons for the breakup, family pressure from his mother led to a confrontation that he felt would humiliate him in front of relatives. After his escape, he faced backlash from his mother and sister, leaving him questioning whether his actions were justified.

‘ AITA for jumping out of a bathroom window to avoid my mom’s attempt at forcing a reunion between me and my ex fiancé?’

Some backstory: I had been dating my ex fiancé Sarah for four years. We had been planning to get married in November 2020 but I found out at the start of this month that she cheated on me. She begged me to give her another chance but I broke it off. The problem was that being cheated on is, in my mind, completely emasculating and humiliating.

So I never told anyone that was the reason we broke up. For obvious reasons, Sarah also didn’t tell people we broke up because she cheated. So people have “blamed” me for the breakup, including my mom. They just see that I dumped her out of the blue. I’ve gone very strict no contact with Sarah after I discovered she was cheating on me.

Sarah has been talking with my mom and has convinced her that if we could talk one more time, we would be able to reconcile. My mom has been applying hard core pressure on me to talk with Sarah but I’ve explained that there’s no chance we will ever get back together.

So tonight I go over to my mom’s place because she’s hosting family for Christmas Eve. I’m there for a bit talking with my aunts and uncles and cousins when the doorbell rings and I can see it’s Sarah. I ask wtf is going on and my mom says she invited Sarah so we can work this out in the spirit of the holidays.

I’m pissed now because the only way to explain my side of the story is to tell everyone I was cheated on. Complete humiliation in front of my whole family. So as my mom goes to the front door, I go into the bathroom. My mom starts knocking on the door saying that I need to come out and talk to my ex like an adult.

I say f**k it, kick out the window screen and get in my car and go home. My mom called a short while ago saying she’s cutting ties with me over my behavior (she’s really fixated on me jumping out of a window) and that Sarah will always be like a child to her. My sister called me after to ream me out for ruining Christmas.

I broke down and told her that Sarah cheated on me which is why I dumped her and didn’t want to see her under any circumstances. She called me a big a**hole who was lying to cover for myself. Am I really in the wrong?

Lets dive into the reactions from Reddit:

IChooseYouSnorlax −  F**k that. Your mom, Sarah, and your sister are all assholes. The NERVE of her, to show up at your mom’s house! I’m pissed off just reading this!
I don’t understand why your mother is so invested in Sarah. Why would you want to tell her Sarah cheated on you, after how your sister acted? What a f**king mess!

Not gonna lie, you kicking out the screen and taking off through the window is straight s**age. Reflexes up on legendary.. NTA. Thank you very much for the awards, kind strangers! My first platinum! And 3 silvers! I’m very grateful! Wow! Thank you!

puck1996 −  NTA, but dude… you gotta tell them why you’re acting like this. People will certainly feel a bit sorry for you, but theyll realize why you dont want to be in the same room with this girl.

YourBroski301 −  ESH – Well buddy I can understand why you did what you did, but when your mom started applying pressure to you to talk with your ex, you should’ve swallowed your pride and told her what happened. Yeah it’s humiliating and all, but sometimes you really just gotta man up and own it. As for not wanting to get back with your ex, I totally agree with you and don’t think you two should get back together because the trust will never be the same.

havereddit −  NTA. But stop covering up for her behavior. It’s time to start explaining the “cheating” part. Cheating is not emasculating or humiliating, it’s just gross, sick behavior that leads to relationships breaking up. EVERY person you mention this to will suddenly “get it”…

Karmagirl1 −  NTA. But dude seriously…it would have been so sweet had you just stood in the middle of the livingroom and just announced to everyone why you left her. Why in the world would the cheating reflect badly on you when you didn’t do anything wrong? There’s got to be some culture differences at play here bc it’s the first time I heard this mentality where you’re afraid of doing the one thing that would get people off your back

dca_user −  ESH. Your mom shouldn’t have done this, Sarah shouldn’t have lied to your mom, and you also need therapy for why you feel humilated by being cheated on.

[Reddit User] −  NTA. Your family has some serious issues with boundaries and Sarah needs to get the hint and go away.

coldandwet −  ESH. Climbing out of the window because you don’t want to explain what happened. What are you, 16. Just talk to your family. The ‘humiliation’ of being cheated on is less then the shame of acting like this to people who love you.

Yes they should have respected your no contact rule. But seriously they also need to know what actually happened to warrant this. Maybe some true would have got them on your side and you wouldn’t be in this situation. A problem that could be solved by a decent conversation.

[Reddit User] −  Are you living in a RomCom where no one talks to each other?

callmesamcake −  NTA. Your mother cornering you at the holidays of all times is so unbelievably rude. She could have attempted this at a coffee shop or somewhere else. Regardless, I feel like if I were on your shoes I would’ve done the same thing to. Because really, the alternative probably would have been a giant blow up in front of the family.

And jumping out a window sounds much more fun. As for your mother cutting ties with you? That definitely makes HER the a**hole. You’d think she’d support her kid, but apparently not.. Sorry you’re going through this.

Did the user handle the situation appropriately, or was there a better way to address his mother’s actions? How do we navigate family dynamics when personal boundaries are challenged? Share your thoughts below!

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