AITA for refusing to give up my stuffed toy?

A Reddit user shared a dilemma about his stuffed shark, which he still sleeps with at 18 years old. His girlfriend recently discovered this and was upset, calling it “unmasculine” and “embarrassing.” Despite his discomfort, she took the stuffed toy while he was asleep, leading to an argument where he accused her of being controlling. Now, he’s wondering if he overreacted or if she’s being unfair. Read the full story below.
‘ AITA for refusing to give up my stuffed toy?’
I(18m) still sleep with my stuffed shark every night. My girlfriend(18) didn’t find out until I fell sick and had to skill classes. She came to check up on me and saw me went to bed with a stuffed animal.
She freaked out, saying it’s not masculine and I shouldn’t sleep with stuffed toy anymore. My gf said it’s embarrassing. She waited until I was asleep and took the thing from me. When I woke up, I told her she was being controlling and she got really upset. Am I the a**hole?
See what others had to share with OP:
ThotsforTaterTots − NTA. How is wrapping your arms around a pillow to sleep any different than a stuffed animal? Stuffed animals are just fun shaped pillows. ETA: I’m really enjoying reading about everyone’s stuffed animals. Brings a little bit of love to my morning. My bear was made for me by my parents at Build A Bear when I was a teenager and going through a rough time.
After a couple of years, the threads on one of his eyes started to come loose, so I used cotton medical tape to hold it in place. As a result, I started calling him Nelly, because he now had an under eye bandage like the rapper had lol. Nelly sits on my couch now, and he makes me smile when I see him.
When you go to Build A Bear, before they put the bear’s heart in, they have you make a wish. I’ve never asked my parents what wish they made, but I’m assuming it had to do with me being in a better place than I was at the time. I’m happy to say I’m much better, happier, and healthier than I was back then. So I suppose their wish came true. 🧸
[Reddit User] − Fuckit dude. Do you and people with either respect and cherish you, or not. I think it’s hella cute you still sleep with a stuffed animal. I had a stuffed panda for the longest time and Idk where it ended up, but I have two matching pillow cases with cute little pandas on it and I’m a 30 y/o 7 ft tall man. Most masculine thing a dude can do is throw aside gender norms and do whatever the f**k you want.
proud_didi − NTA. You were right, she was being controlling. I hope you got it back, I think it’s sweet you sleep with him still :D. I don’t get why it’s embarrassing for HER, she’s not the one sleeping with it. She’s saying YOU are an embarrassment to her. If I had a bf that slept with one, I’d get in bed behind him and be the ‘big’ spoon while he hugged it 😀
fly1away − “When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” – CS Lewis. You do you. Lots of adults sleep with plushies (me included). Your girlfriend has an unfortunate liking for t**ic masculinity and control issues as well. She’s the one who needs to grow up.. NTA.
[Reddit User] − Nta and red flags on her
Artichoke-8951 − Yeah, I slept with my doll until I had my oldest at 24. When I was packing to meet my then future inlaws, my partner asked me why I took a doll. I just said Rosie had been with me when no one else was, and I wasn’t prepared to stop sleeping with her. He just shrugged and said ok. And ever since then, every time we’ve moved, he’s made she she’s all packed up and safe.
And even though I no longer sleep with her, our daughter does. And even though he isn’t very sentimental, he cares enough about us that he takes care that those items don’t get lost. Your girlfriend doesn’t have to get it, but she needs to respect it. If she can’t, she’s really not long-term girlfriend material. Nta.
laffy4444 − Dude, I have a stuffed shark and I’m 46! NTA.
PlateNo7021 − NTA, but be careful about it or your stuffed shark might go missing permanently. We’ve seen stories like this before where the gf decides to throw away or give away the stuffed animal. Unless that already happened here with the taking it from you, or was that for the night?, regardles NTA, she should be embarrassed of herself.
ConclusionFrosty8255 − NTA. Sounds like you need to reevaluate this relationship.
I-cant-hug-every-cat − NTA. Yes she is controlling and irrational, run , she’s a walking red flag. I hope you got your shark back.
Is the user wrong for wanting to keep his stuffed shark, or is his girlfriend being controlling and dismissive of his comfort? Should personal items like stuffed toys be off-limits in relationships? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!