AITA for accidentally getting my friend high?’

A 20-year-old woman had her friend Alice over after a night out at the bar. While the woman went to the bathroom, Alice found a THC vape on the shelf and took some puffs, which led her to become extremely disoriented. The woman was unaware of Alice’s anti-drug stance and was shocked to learn what had happened.

Alice, feeling drugged and upset, blamed the woman for the incident, causing a rift in their friendship, and she has since blocked the woman and cut ties with mutual friends. The woman feels guilty and is questioning if she is at fault.

‘ย AITA for accidentally getting my friend high?’

Hi reddit. I (20f) had my friend (21f), let’s call her Alice, over at my place the other day, we had just come home from a bar for a lilโ€™ nightcap since everything had closed by that point. When we got to my apartment I quickly went to the bathroom and told Alice to make herself at home.

Suddenly, maybe 10 min later, she started acting really weird. Like, she was slurring her words in an excessive way and seemed to be completely spaced out. I was incredibly confused because she had barely drank when we were out, and now she was out of it. My first thought was that she could have been drugged at the bar we just were at.

Whilst trying to figure out WTF I’m supposed to do – she asked me what flavor my vape was, which confused me because I do not vape, nor do I smoke. I asked her what she meant, and she pointed at a vape on my bookshelf. That’s when everything clicked. For my 20th birthday a friend (20m) had bought me a THC vape.

My gift would be tickets to watch the new Spider-Man movie high. I am not a stoner, but I maybe once or twice a year smoke with friends just for fun. Anyway, I hadnโ€™t smoked it since then, so it was just lying on the top of my bookshelf. I am short, so I never see it – hence me suppressing its existence.

Alice, however, is very tall. She must have been looking around whilst I was in the bathroom, seen the vape (which looks very unassuming, like any vape) and taken some puffs.

Mind you, I do not know what the f**k type of vape this is because I remember taking max two puffs and I had a complete out-of-body experience, and I don’t even know how many puffs she took – she is an avid vaper. I asked her if she had smoked that vape, and she said yes. Now, Alice is extremely anti drugs.

Her father was a heroin addict, so she never did anything except drink alcohol. I always had a total understanding and full respect to her disposition to drugs – so i NEVER, EVER did drugs in front of her (I have only ever smoked weed & did the occasional molly festivals, as you do lol)She completely (understandably) freaked out and started crying.

I tried calming her as much as I could, I tried giving her food and water or ANYTHING to sober her up, but she screamed at me that I had drugged her. She said she couldn’t believe I had done this to her etc. I had to call her boyfriend and explain the situation, and he picked her up.

I feel f**king awful. My stomach drops even thinking about it. If I had remembered the vape of course I would have stashed it away more safely! But, I hadnโ€™t planned on her coming over until we went to my place and by the point we were home I was tipsy, and the thought didn’t even cross my mind, just as it hadnโ€™t since I had put it on the shelf!

As soon as she left I sent a huge apology text to her, but she left me to read. I get it. She has since blocked me everywhere and shunned me to all our mutual friends, who are all torn on the issue. I have barely slept since, I can’t eat, I feel so bad.. โ€‹. AITA?

Check out how the community responded:

hannahryder215ย โˆ’ย  NTA. Who the f**k takes someoneโ€™s vape and smokes it without permission?? When I first read the title, I thought she may have gotten into some unmarked edible cookies or something. Alice is the only one to blame here and maybe it will teach her a lesson to not take someoneโ€™s stuff without permission.

According_Ad6364ย โˆ’ย  NTA, if sheโ€™s so anti d**g she shouldnโ€™t be using random vapes without asking whatโ€™s in them first. Sheโ€™s not a toddler, she can resist the urge to stick unknown things in her mouth.

fckinsleeplessย โˆ’ย  NTA. You didnโ€™t d**g her. Alice used your vape without your knowledge. She should have asked first. Donโ€™t feel bad, itโ€™s not your fault.

[Reddit User]ย โˆ’ย  NTA. She accidentally drugged herself. Plus, itโ€™s just cannabis. Alcohol is definitely a harder d**g.

treelobiteย โˆ’ย  You canโ€™t be anti-d**g and put everything you see into your mouth without a second thought. Hope sheโ€™ll get the lesson, youโ€™re NTA

Future_Direction5174ย โˆ’ย  NTA. She saw a vape and used it without asking. She is to blame, just as much as if she saw a pill box and took one of the pills thinking it was an aspirin.

PocketBanannaย โˆ’ย  NTA. The idea that someone is anti-d**g but will hit any vape at eye level is kind of hilarious to me. It feels like a bit or something.

[Reddit User]ย โˆ’ย  NTA- she is being totally unreasonable, which I kind of get given her family history. However, she needs to take ownership of the fact that this is totally on her. Who just picks up someone else’s vape and has a go without even asking? She put that in her mouth and wasn’t even going to tell you?

Rude, and I hope this teaches her a lesson about asking before you help yourself to someone’s stuff.

WesleyDonaldsonย โˆ’ย  Your friend is an i**ot and your NTA. Dont smoke random s**t.

NZafeย โˆ’ย  NTA, she took the vape without your consent and not knowing what was in it. You didnโ€™t force it on her nor did you trick her into smoking it.. Your friend drugged herself.

Is it fair for Alice to blame her friend for the accidental use of the THC vape, or is the woman not responsible for Alice’s choice to use the vape without knowing its contents? How should friendships navigate boundaries regarding substances? Share your thoughts in the comments!


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